Amazing BOOK (a.k.a. Nuttymadam3575)
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Name: Emma Clark a.k.a Nuttymadam3575
Age: 22
Location: Born in Kent, England
September 30th 2007, a Youtube account was setup by the user NuttyMadam3575. The videos all centered around the subject of the Twilight books and movie announcement. Some found her rabid fandom unsettling, others enraging, while others found it hilarious.
May 6th 2008 – twilight teaser trailer reaction and my thoughts
The comments were particularly obnoxious, even for Youtube.
aarilaxox "Why does this chick think people want to see her orgasm to a shitty movie trailer?"
myshup "you fat whale"
MissCupido "U rly need help- serious. o_O"
August 22nd 2008
"im getting really sick of the breaking dawn haters!!!"
This video upon release directed a message at people who disliked the new Stephanie Meyer book.
The video received #1 Most Discussed this Week and #89 Most Discussed this Month awards
Youtube viewers, eBaumsworlders and Anons were delighted by this siren of the deep.
The video depicts one of her more famous videos and quotes the famous line "AMAZIIINNNNGGGGGG BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKK".
This, in turn, resulted in many /b/tards posting "White Whale," "MAN THE HARPOONS" and "A Wild Snorlax Appears!" to her Youtube Profile, video comments, and reportedly to her email.
On 29th August 2008 a thread (one of hundreds by now), of NuttyMadam3575 was made Entitled
"Hahaha, Oh Wow" which later became archived.
[What thread? Archived where?]
The NuttyMadam Challenge! is a typical example of a "You rage, you lose" game that appeared on 4Chan and eBaumsworld.
Here is an instance of the game:
creampuff77 (1 months ago) aaah rage
DarkMuthaFucka (1 months ago) raged 0:39
FuriouslyBombastic (1 months ago) Nightmare mode D:
sataneatscheeze (1 months ago) Nightmare mode. Also, harpoons. Man them.
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