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Black Desert Online Character Creations

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Z. • Updated about a year ago by Z.
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Black Desert Online Character Creations
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2016 Origin: Black Desert Online Region:
Tags: black desert online, character creation, mmo,
Black Desert Online Character Creations

기본 조작 : 마우스 우 클릭(캐릭터 회전),마우스 스크롤 ( 줌 인/아웃 ), 마우스 휠 클릭( 카메라 위치 이동 ) 바라보기 UI 토글 커스터마이징 별자리 별자리 날씨 검은용자리 재물과 명성, 고매한 세심한 예민한 사교적인 캐릭터 행동 캐릭터 이름 생성 완료 직업 선택으로 캐릭터 선택으로 커스터마이징 임시 저장 커스터마이징 파일 저장 커스터마이징 파일 읽기 커스터마이징 초기화


Black Desert Online Character Creations are custom generated player avatars created in the Korean MMO video game Black Desert Online, which has been praised for its advanced customising options.


Black Desert Online is a Korean sandbox MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss, which was released in early 2016 on United States and Europe.[1] One of the most praised features of the game was the character creation tool, which contained several customising options.


On April 6th, 2014, first video showcasing the creator was released, quickly gaining in popularity. As of January 23rd 2016, the video has gained over 1 150 000 views and 10 800 likes.

Several other videos were made, most notably by IGN on 9th of January 2015 (shown below, left) and letsmakefriends on 20th of May 2015 (show below, right). Both of the videos highlight the possibilities of character creator.

Character Creator Tool Release and Contest

On January 19th, Black Desert's official page announced the release of the character creation tool and the creation of a contest for the ugliest character,[3][4] following the success of the creation tool. Recreations of fictional characters and celebrities were also a popular topic[5][6].

Various Examples

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Tags: black desert online, character creation, mmo,

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