Blizzard's Diversity Chart - Images
Activision-Blizzard-King determining if the new Overwatch 2 character is sufficiently diverse enough for people to stop yelling at them about their CE...

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Activision/Blizzard categorizing minorities

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Blizzard, Why Can't You Just Be Normal
Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Blizzard Is Going Ranked Racism

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Are You Sure This Will Help Us Improve the Gameplay?

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Holy shit all you have to do is fix your shitty games instead of making all this weird data driven diversity racial profiling, it ain't that hard.

Blizzard's Diversity Chart

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
minmaxing my levelling and hitting the Lesbian stat softcap like a Dark Souls build

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
blizzard really saw their dying PR n went "RACE TIER LIST RACE TIER LIST RACE TIER LIST RACE TIER LIST"

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
You've heard of the gender spectrum Now get ready for the gender pie chart

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
“Looks great Scott, can we maybe crank up that ethnicity slider a little?”

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Corpos (grabs calipers): Listen, we got gay figured out to an exact science! See, this one need to like men 15% more!

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
what a deeply psychotic thing to produce

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
"my ethnicity is 7"

Blizzard's Diversity Chart

Blizzard's Diversity Chart
Activision-Blizzard Announces New Tool to Let Players Measure the Craniums of Characters

Blizzard's Diversity Chart