Cocaine, Marijuana, Beer
Cocaine Marijuana Beer refers to a series of pictures in which a vertical list of three images, always people's eyes on cocaine, marijuana and beer, are preceded by a fourth set of non-drug or alcohol related eyes as a punchline.
On November 14th, 2014, Vice[1] published the article "Here's What Your Eyes Look Like When You Take Different Drugs." The article features pictures of people's eyes after they've taken various drugs, which are laid out in a list form. This article provided the images for the first three images in the meme.

On April 11th, 2017, Twitter user @cadey_mercury[2] tweeted the list with a fourth set of eyes with the word "DICK" photoshopped over them under the caption, "When you get that good dick 😌👌🏼."

Expanding Pupil is a multi-pane image macro series captioned with the claim that pupils can dilate up to 55% while looking at an object of affection, followed by a series of images in which a pupil expands or contracts in reaction to various humorous photographs.
The earliest iteration appeared on October 11th, 2014, when Twitter user @NathanZed[6] posted a similar factoid juxtaposed with a photograph of a man with rainbow-colored hair and a photoshopped contracted pupil (shown below, right). Over the next three years, the tweet gained over 2,400 likes and 1,000 retweets.

On April 12th, the Facebook account Universal Troll[3] posted a variation (shown below, left) on the "Cocaine, Marijuana, Beer, Dick" meme, adding a fifth image, the face of the passenger removed from the infamous United Airlines controversy. The post received more than 4,600 reactions and 1,600 shares.
Following the United Airlines post, the meme went back to the four panel format. On April 15th, the Instagram account @memesformemers[6] posted a version (shown below, right) by @mc3smemedream that received more than 24,000 likes.

On April 18th, Instagram user @daquan[8] posted version (shown below, left) with an image from the show Drake and Joshthat received more than 560,000 likes.
On April 20th, Redditor OfficialPS[4] posted a variation(shown below, right) to the /r/dankmemes in the thread "🅱️avioli 🅱️avioli, what's in the 🅱️ocketoli?" This image, which featured an image from YouTuber Filthy Frank's[5] ravioli prank video, received more than 1,100 points (96% upvoted). That day, Redditor Xavienth[9] posted "Effects on Eyes memes on the rise!" to the /r/MemeEconomy subreddit. The post received more than 2,800 points (96% upvoted) and 45 comments.
The Daily Dot published an article about the meme on April 21st, cataloguing its evolution.[7]

Notable Examples

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External References
[1] Vice – Here's What Your Eyes Look Like When You Take Different Drugs
[2] Twitter – When you get that good dick 😌👌🏼
[3] Facebook – Universal Troll's Post
[4] Reddit – 🅱️avioli 🅱️avioli, what's in the 🅱️ocketoli?
[5] YouTube – ravioli ravioli
[6] Instagram – memesformemers' post
[7] The Daily Dot – This is what your eyes look like on drugs, and it’s a new meme
[8] Instagram – daquan's Post
[9] Reddit – Effects on Eyes memes on the rise!
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Apr 21, 2017 at 03:48PM EDT
narancia dabbing
Apr 21, 2017 at 03:38PM EDT