Cool Nate
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This meme originated off of a group of friends having a plesant chat on Skype. Two of the friends decided to mess around with a boy named Nate. The new trend soon spread around Facebook a little bit and had different entries from people in California and Texas. The boy specificly says he does not want to be on 4chan, though one of the friends always jokes around about putting him on it. How do I know all this? Because I am that one friend.
Everytime we check there is something new, Cool Nate is all about Sex, Drugs, and Fashion. If you are thinking about any of those things, think of Cool Nate.
There are other variations of the "Nate" series. Less popular ones like "NSYNC NATE" and "RACIST NATE" are two others of the Nate series. Racist Nate was made on a true story. Nate said "HEY NIGGA YOU WANT THIS?" While having a Arizona Watermelon bottle in hand. He soon told the man named "Thomas" he says. "WELL IT'S EMPTY."
NSYNC Nate was a random image of Nate that looked decent… and slightly gay none the less. So it was perfect for "NSYNC Nate"
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