Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme - Images
I can't imagine a happy future

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I'm a selfish asshole trying to be an attention grabber special snowflake

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Wanting to come out as trans to...

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
See? No dysphoria at all. I am a totally normal 100% straight cis dude.

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Guess I was just faking it

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Questioning if I'm questioning my gender

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
being a girl isn't as good as I think and I only think I want to be a girls but would regret it.

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Still cis though

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
What does this mirror do professor?

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Me running away from the weight on my chest from Dysphoria

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Being Cisn't

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I don't like posing for photos because

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Gruyori's plan

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
Deep fried egg

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I'm just here for the memes...

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme
I'm probably just a bad partner

Coolyori / Sayori Drake Meme