LGBTQ+ - Images
like where even is 🏳️🌈?
![@workingoncrying why all the hot girls from the same country? like where even is 11:56 PM · Feb 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone](
![@workingoncrying why all the hot girls from the same country? like where even is 11:56 PM · Feb 11, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone](
you know it to be true
![Megan Cowart transphobes born after 1993 can't read statistics. all they know is attack helicopter, 41%, elementary understanding of biology, dismiss science, be p-------- & lie 6. 1h Love Reply](
![Megan Cowart transphobes born after 1993 can't read statistics. all they know is attack helicopter, 41%, elementary understanding of biology, dismiss science, be p-------- & lie 6. 1h Love Reply](
bruh dumb flag
the only LGBT you will ever need
The somewhat famous "Fight Bigotry" poster is a 4chan hoax
![Blue checkmarks that tweeted the post include <a href="">Sara Gonzales</a> (embassador of Turning Point USA), <a href="">Tariq Nasheed</a> and <a href="">Jessica Fletcher</a>.](
![Blue checkmarks that tweeted the post include <a href="">Sara Gonzales</a> (embassador of Turning Point USA), <a href="">Tariq Nasheed</a> and <a href="">Jessica Fletcher</a>.](
Transgender Canadian Gets Immigrant Woman’s Business Shut Down – the 16th Case
![TRANSGENDER CANADIAN GETS IMMIGRANT WOMAN'S BUSINESS SHUT DOWN-THE 16TH CASE @trustednerd /Twitter bu BREITBART TECH 19 Jul 2019 49 LISTEN TO STORY 3:02 An immigrant woman who operated a Brazilian waxing business in Canada was forced to shut down after being taken to court for refusing to wax a transgender's male genitalia. Fifteen other female business owners have been taken to court by the same man, who is alleging discrimination based on gender identity](
![TRANSGENDER CANADIAN GETS IMMIGRANT WOMAN'S BUSINESS SHUT DOWN-THE 16TH CASE @trustednerd /Twitter bu BREITBART TECH 19 Jul 2019 49 LISTEN TO STORY 3:02 An immigrant woman who operated a Brazilian waxing business in Canada was forced to shut down after being taken to court for refusing to wax a transgender's male genitalia. Fifteen other female business owners have been taken to court by the same man, who is alleging discrimination based on gender identity](
Timeless LOVE
![DC N93 RickCardello Photogra PIC COLLAGE e vote](
![DC N93 RickCardello Photogra PIC COLLAGE e vote](
gay men be like
![GAY MEN OF /Igbt/ F------ BISLUT GO AND MARRY A WOMAN ALREADY BREEDER SCUM!!! HOMOSEX IS MASTER RACE!!! Bisexual master race here. What's with all the hate we WE ARE PURE!!! GO CRAWL BACK TO YOUR PRECIOUS FISHFLAPS YOU UNFAITHFUL W----!!! get from you whiny queens? Bitter much? BANE OF GAY MEN'S EXISTENCE HETEROS-IN-WAITING YOU'RE NOT ONE OF US F--- YOU!!! KEEP TO YOUR OWN KIND, BI-FILTH!!! Gay men's hearts I've broken: BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS homosexual men are victims of the patriarchy too! natural allies! F--- OFF BACK TO TUMBLR WITH YOUR MISANDRIST S--- YOU MISERABLE F------ C--- WE WANT NOTHING it is in your best interests to join the feminist cause! !! ITH YOU OR YOUR POISON >IMPLYING GAY MEN DON'T WANT PATRIARCHY assume your rightful place in the men's auxillary! >IMPLYING WE DON'T WANT YOU KEPT BAREFOOT AND PREGNANT IN THE hate your fellow men and masculinity! GODDAMN SCULLERIES FOREVER help us secure our control over the will be rewarded for your loyalty... F------ SRS SHITLORDS! YOU ARE ONLY GOOD FOR S------- OUT BABIES!!! what's wrong, boys? too FABULOUS for you? you seem kind of F------ FLAMERS YOU ARE THE REASON SOCIETY mad, darling... HATES US YOU STUPID LIMP-WRISTED F------ lol macho w----- |HOPE THEY LOAD YOU ALL ONTO THE TRAINS >dat self-hatred WITH THE K---- AGAIN WHEN THE NATIONAL REVOLUTION COMES YOU DESERVE IT!!! didn't see you at Pride this year EFFEMINATE TOOLS OF WOMEN... thtawp it, you guyth WHERE IS YOUR SELF-RESPECT? >IMPLYING THAT LISP ISN'T AFFECTED so i was out with my LADY GAGA DOESN'T EVEN HAVE girlfriends last night... swishy swish ANY REAL LYRICAL TALENT SRSLY Everyone is accepted in the LGBTBBQI RAPLOWWFCIAWORLDFACTBOOKABCWTOFBIUNICEP F------ FREAKS WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASSOCIATED WITH US SEXUAL ORIENTATION# GENDER IDENTITY FO' REAL We share the same struggle! STOP LATCHING ONTO OUR MOVEMENT AND USING US TO LEGITMIZE YOUR MENTAL DISORDER! CHROMOSOMES YOU N------!!! Trans oppression affects you too! >IMPLYING ANY AMOUNT OF HORMONES OR SURGERY WILL CHANGE WHAT GOD AND/OR NATURE INTENDED IF GENDER IS INDEED A SOCIAL pls help us cis scum muh hormones... CONSTRUCT, W-- ARE YOU DOIN Keep on worshipping hetero stop hating you and f--- you any day now... F------ D---- ALWAYS RIDING OUR COATTAILS I'm sure they'll Hey, there, f------! Enjoying your AIDS? How does it feel knowing male homosexuality is inherently self-destructive? Your bathhouse depravity and animalistic butt-f------ is a constant embarrassment to the movement. If you're supposed to be our leaders, how about you stop rutting like hogs and actually try getting s--- done? Do you even have any self-control at all? Anyway, I'll just be over here enjoying my girlfriend's sweet, sweet p----. She doesn't even want GAY MEN F------ WON YOU ALL YOUR RIGHTS HOW DARE YOU MAKE LIGHT OF HIV/AIDS LOL YOU KNOW NOTHING OF OUR TERRIBLE STRUGGLE YOU SHUT YOUR CARPET-SLOBBING MOUTH ABOUT HETERO MEN THEY ARE GOD- TIER!!! THOSE WHO DO NOT WORSHIP HETERO C--- ARE ETERNALLY SUSPECT MALE HOMOSEX IS menhomosex PUREST HOMOSEX!!! need an enema before I f--- her! Ha ha! Peace. = disease and a--- prolapse WE ARE NOT YOUR PETS OR ACCESSORIES, YOU F------ W----!!! so i wanna convince my boyfriend what's up, gays? omg soooooo00 cute!! F------ WOMEN YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL THE to have an mmf threesome... WORLD'S PROBLEMS YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE luvs mah f--- WONDERS THAT ARE HETEROSEXUAL MEN Į CANNOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR WOMBS ARE NO LONGER NECESSARY AND YOU straight allies 4life! unff! guy on guy... CAN FINALLY BE PHASED OUT AND THE hetero grill here, can i join the conversation? GLORIOUS HOMOTOPIA CAN BEGIN AT LAST WITH NOTHING BUT we both like the same things! f-- hag SCIENCE & CULTURE & BUTTSEX N-NO! I AM RIGHT-WING! IAM NATIONALIST! I AM MASCULINE! f------ degenerates corrupting traditional values WE HATE WOMEN AND JEWS TOO! go worship some more n----- cocks WE HELPED HITLER GET INTO POWER! burn in hell f------ MUH ERNST ROHM! MUH STURMABTEILUNG! queers are all leftist GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE! social justice warriors anti-social hedonists P-PLEASE, /pol/, I LOVE Y- >SRS all make the merchants Come to bed, babe. >tumblr pretty damn happy feminism cultural marxism J-just a minute, Jamal... /pol/ UWARGH!!! Panromantic demisexual otherkin here. I am one of you.](
![GAY MEN OF /Igbt/ F------ BISLUT GO AND MARRY A WOMAN ALREADY BREEDER SCUM!!! HOMOSEX IS MASTER RACE!!! Bisexual master race here. What's with all the hate we WE ARE PURE!!! GO CRAWL BACK TO YOUR PRECIOUS FISHFLAPS YOU UNFAITHFUL W----!!! get from you whiny queens? Bitter much? BANE OF GAY MEN'S EXISTENCE HETEROS-IN-WAITING YOU'RE NOT ONE OF US F--- YOU!!! KEEP TO YOUR OWN KIND, BI-FILTH!!! Gay men's hearts I've broken: BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS BREEDERS homosexual men are victims of the patriarchy too! natural allies! F--- OFF BACK TO TUMBLR WITH YOUR MISANDRIST S--- YOU MISERABLE F------ C--- WE WANT NOTHING it is in your best interests to join the feminist cause! !! ITH YOU OR YOUR POISON >IMPLYING GAY MEN DON'T WANT PATRIARCHY assume your rightful place in the men's auxillary! >IMPLYING WE DON'T WANT YOU KEPT BAREFOOT AND PREGNANT IN THE hate your fellow men and masculinity! GODDAMN SCULLERIES FOREVER help us secure our control over the will be rewarded for your loyalty... F------ SRS SHITLORDS! YOU ARE ONLY GOOD FOR S------- OUT BABIES!!! what's wrong, boys? too FABULOUS for you? you seem kind of F------ FLAMERS YOU ARE THE REASON SOCIETY mad, darling... HATES US YOU STUPID LIMP-WRISTED F------ lol macho w----- |HOPE THEY LOAD YOU ALL ONTO THE TRAINS >dat self-hatred WITH THE K---- AGAIN WHEN THE NATIONAL REVOLUTION COMES YOU DESERVE IT!!! didn't see you at Pride this year EFFEMINATE TOOLS OF WOMEN... thtawp it, you guyth WHERE IS YOUR SELF-RESPECT? >IMPLYING THAT LISP ISN'T AFFECTED so i was out with my LADY GAGA DOESN'T EVEN HAVE girlfriends last night... swishy swish ANY REAL LYRICAL TALENT SRSLY Everyone is accepted in the LGBTBBQI RAPLOWWFCIAWORLDFACTBOOKABCWTOFBIUNICEP F------ FREAKS WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASSOCIATED WITH US SEXUAL ORIENTATION# GENDER IDENTITY FO' REAL We share the same struggle! STOP LATCHING ONTO OUR MOVEMENT AND USING US TO LEGITMIZE YOUR MENTAL DISORDER! CHROMOSOMES YOU N------!!! Trans oppression affects you too! >IMPLYING ANY AMOUNT OF HORMONES OR SURGERY WILL CHANGE WHAT GOD AND/OR NATURE INTENDED IF GENDER IS INDEED A SOCIAL pls help us cis scum muh hormones... CONSTRUCT, W-- ARE YOU DOIN Keep on worshipping hetero stop hating you and f--- you any day now... F------ D---- ALWAYS RIDING OUR COATTAILS I'm sure they'll Hey, there, f------! Enjoying your AIDS? How does it feel knowing male homosexuality is inherently self-destructive? Your bathhouse depravity and animalistic butt-f------ is a constant embarrassment to the movement. If you're supposed to be our leaders, how about you stop rutting like hogs and actually try getting s--- done? Do you even have any self-control at all? Anyway, I'll just be over here enjoying my girlfriend's sweet, sweet p----. She doesn't even want GAY MEN F------ WON YOU ALL YOUR RIGHTS HOW DARE YOU MAKE LIGHT OF HIV/AIDS LOL YOU KNOW NOTHING OF OUR TERRIBLE STRUGGLE YOU SHUT YOUR CARPET-SLOBBING MOUTH ABOUT HETERO MEN THEY ARE GOD- TIER!!! THOSE WHO DO NOT WORSHIP HETERO C--- ARE ETERNALLY SUSPECT MALE HOMOSEX IS menhomosex PUREST HOMOSEX!!! need an enema before I f--- her! Ha ha! Peace. = disease and a--- prolapse WE ARE NOT YOUR PETS OR ACCESSORIES, YOU F------ W----!!! so i wanna convince my boyfriend what's up, gays? omg soooooo00 cute!! F------ WOMEN YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL THE to have an mmf threesome... WORLD'S PROBLEMS YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE luvs mah f--- WONDERS THAT ARE HETEROSEXUAL MEN Į CANNOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR WOMBS ARE NO LONGER NECESSARY AND YOU straight allies 4life! unff! guy on guy... CAN FINALLY BE PHASED OUT AND THE hetero grill here, can i join the conversation? GLORIOUS HOMOTOPIA CAN BEGIN AT LAST WITH NOTHING BUT we both like the same things! f-- hag SCIENCE & CULTURE & BUTTSEX N-NO! I AM RIGHT-WING! IAM NATIONALIST! I AM MASCULINE! f------ degenerates corrupting traditional values WE HATE WOMEN AND JEWS TOO! go worship some more n----- cocks WE HELPED HITLER GET INTO POWER! burn in hell f------ MUH ERNST ROHM! MUH STURMABTEILUNG! queers are all leftist GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE! social justice warriors anti-social hedonists P-PLEASE, /pol/, I LOVE Y- >SRS all make the merchants Come to bed, babe. >tumblr pretty damn happy feminism cultural marxism J-just a minute, Jamal... /pol/ UWARGH!!! Panromantic demisexual otherkin here. I am one of you.](
When a guy is bisexual / When a girl is bisexual
![abs WHEN A GUY IS BISEXUAL LIVE ING BREEZE www.aesCnbs.u FACEBOOK: morningbree on nbs Why are you gay2 their highly succ Nasa's Ebb and WHEN A GIRL IS BISEXUAL Aw, that's hot?](
![abs WHEN A GUY IS BISEXUAL LIVE ING BREEZE www.aesCnbs.u FACEBOOK: morningbree on nbs Why are you gay2 their highly succ Nasa's Ebb and WHEN A GIRL IS BISEXUAL Aw, that's hot?](
4chan giving advice on writing LGBT characters
![How do you add LGBT characters without trying to push an agenda? Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:25:53 No. 108041338 Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:26:44 No.108041356 108041974108041987108042049 Shore leave Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:06:45 No.108041974 108041356 fbpb Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:06:52 No.108041977 >>108041338 (OP) If you have people talking about how "progressive" it is, then you did it wrong. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:27:24 No.108041367 108041399108041409108042222>108043619 108049363108049506 108041338 (OP) Simple. You put them in, you say NOTHING, and don't pat yourself on the pack. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:29:11 No.108041399 108041409 >>108041367 Exactly. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:29:25 No.108041402 108041338 (OP) making their sexual preferences remain in the background, that are part of their development as a person but not the main axis of this, you know, like in real life, maybe? Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)03:01:41 No.1080436 19 File: ExoSquad.jpg (30 KB, 512x384) >>108041367 >You put them in, you say NOTHING, and don't pat yourself on the pack. this. the show revolves around relationships then it's obviously going to occur as subject matter and element of character growth. f the show is a vehicle for selling products and the characters are all blank slates with nothing but the thinnest personality to get by for plotlines... sexuality obviously isn't involved and shouldn't be involved: > if your fictional universe doesn't have to deal with clogged toilets, don't talk about how people in your universe deal with their constipation. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:30:47 No.108041427 Sexuality is part of a character, not the character. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:35:11 No.108041508 108041539 You write a good character that happens to be gay instead of writing a gay character and trying to force them down the audience's throat. It's not rocket science Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:43:10 No.108041641 File: images(2).jpg (11 KB, 300x168) You do it so hard it becomes the norm. People only say "muh agenda" when it's obvious you do that for good boy points. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:04:36 No.108041945 108041338 (OP) Make it look like an unremarkable facet of an otherwise regular character. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:50:38 No.108042567 108042850 know the reasons why most shows wait until the "very* last second to confirm a character is gay, but it honestly annoys me at this point. I'd rather have a gay character show same-sex attraction/have a romance within the first season instead of waiting until the last minute for it to be some big 'reveal' for the audience. Nothing annoys me more than a SURPRISE! This character was secretly gay all along!' moment. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)02:07:30 No.108042850 File: anne frank diary 2.png (422 KB, 1187x265) >108041338 (OP) recognize that forced gay romances are just as boring and s--- as forced straight romances 108042567 based people don't like having the rug pulled out from under them. straights or gays alike. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)02:13:28 No.108042936 You have a character who doesn't act like their sexuality is their primary defining feature. Don't call attention to it, and only reveal that aspect (and I can't stress this enough) if it helps the story in a meaningful way. Done with subtlety it can add depth and make for a more nuanced narrative. Broadcasting it in a ham-fisted way so the author can earn Progressive Points TM is the surest way to turn off readers/viewers. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:03:09 No.108041921 108042026 Real talk though: Is it even posur episode was going to have gayness to it. They mostly focused on the gamer episode afterwards in advertising. All the media and news s--- you heard of it was from social media users screeching about it ossible without the media storm? PRS did even promote that Arth in inou](
![How do you add LGBT characters without trying to push an agenda? Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:25:53 No. 108041338 Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:26:44 No.108041356 108041974108041987108042049 Shore leave Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:06:45 No.108041974 108041356 fbpb Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:06:52 No.108041977 >>108041338 (OP) If you have people talking about how "progressive" it is, then you did it wrong. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:27:24 No.108041367 108041399108041409108042222>108043619 108049363108049506 108041338 (OP) Simple. You put them in, you say NOTHING, and don't pat yourself on the pack. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:29:11 No.108041399 108041409 >>108041367 Exactly. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:29:25 No.108041402 108041338 (OP) making their sexual preferences remain in the background, that are part of their development as a person but not the main axis of this, you know, like in real life, maybe? Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)03:01:41 No.1080436 19 File: ExoSquad.jpg (30 KB, 512x384) >>108041367 >You put them in, you say NOTHING, and don't pat yourself on the pack. this. the show revolves around relationships then it's obviously going to occur as subject matter and element of character growth. f the show is a vehicle for selling products and the characters are all blank slates with nothing but the thinnest personality to get by for plotlines... sexuality obviously isn't involved and shouldn't be involved: > if your fictional universe doesn't have to deal with clogged toilets, don't talk about how people in your universe deal with their constipation. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:30:47 No.108041427 Sexuality is part of a character, not the character. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:35:11 No.108041508 108041539 You write a good character that happens to be gay instead of writing a gay character and trying to force them down the audience's throat. It's not rocket science Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)00:43:10 No.108041641 File: images(2).jpg (11 KB, 300x168) You do it so hard it becomes the norm. People only say "muh agenda" when it's obvious you do that for good boy points. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:04:36 No.108041945 108041338 (OP) Make it look like an unremarkable facet of an otherwise regular character. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:50:38 No.108042567 108042850 know the reasons why most shows wait until the "very* last second to confirm a character is gay, but it honestly annoys me at this point. I'd rather have a gay character show same-sex attraction/have a romance within the first season instead of waiting until the last minute for it to be some big 'reveal' for the audience. Nothing annoys me more than a SURPRISE! This character was secretly gay all along!' moment. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)02:07:30 No.108042850 File: anne frank diary 2.png (422 KB, 1187x265) >108041338 (OP) recognize that forced gay romances are just as boring and s--- as forced straight romances 108042567 based people don't like having the rug pulled out from under them. straights or gays alike. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)02:13:28 No.108042936 You have a character who doesn't act like their sexuality is their primary defining feature. Don't call attention to it, and only reveal that aspect (and I can't stress this enough) if it helps the story in a meaningful way. Done with subtlety it can add depth and make for a more nuanced narrative. Broadcasting it in a ham-fisted way so the author can earn Progressive Points TM is the surest way to turn off readers/viewers. Anonymous 06/08/19(Sat)01:03:09 No.108041921 108042026 Real talk though: Is it even posur episode was going to have gayness to it. They mostly focused on the gamer episode afterwards in advertising. All the media and news s--- you heard of it was from social media users screeching about it ossible without the media storm? PRS did even promote that Arth in inou](
coming out as an asexual
![Me Coming out as asexual So you're a plant? Youre to be You just trying to be specia haven't met the right person yet](
![Me Coming out as asexual So you're a plant? Youre to be You just trying to be specia haven't met the right person yet](
I'd rather not
being bisexual and in a releation with the opposite gender be like
![Me: I'm bi, and l'm dating the opposite gender currently. I'm still bi tho so I'm part of LGBTQ+ LGBTQ+ community: Well yes, but actually no](
![Me: I'm bi, and l'm dating the opposite gender currently. I'm still bi tho so I'm part of LGBTQ+ LGBTQ+ community: Well yes, but actually no](
Bisexual? But you're married to a man...
trinity Jesus is plural
![tl Rodifex Retweeted Lilah Sturges @lilah_sturges Mar 13 Jesus: I am the son of God and also I am God and we are the same thing but different people and also there is a ghost who is me and is God but different too. Christians: yes, good Me: I was assigned male at birth but I'm actually a woman Christians: impossible 159 tl 5.5K 22K](
![tl Rodifex Retweeted Lilah Sturges @lilah_sturges Mar 13 Jesus: I am the son of God and also I am God and we are the same thing but different people and also there is a ghost who is me and is God but different too. Christians: yes, good Me: I was assigned male at birth but I'm actually a woman Christians: impossible 159 tl 5.5K 22K](