Da Powah O' Da Force
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Da Powah O' Da Force is a meme surrounding a comment made on twitter by Samuell L Jackson. Leigh Cristopher of the social media newtork Twitter made this tweet:
This was what he posted:
Samuel Jackson later replied with this explosive and hard-hitting tweet:
As you can tell, this was explosive in the community, recieviung many accolades and even several Webbys. It was also awarded a grammy for best new artist.
WHen people would see someone holding their hand up, they would post htis quote.
Like so:
of course it doesnt have to be hitler but he was convenient for the example just go long ok??!?!?
GIve this page 20 Likes and i'll spare your grandma
serch interest
Who fucking cares
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Precious Roy Moderator
Dec 30, 2014 at 01:05PM EST
Dec 30, 2014 at 02:12PM EST in reply to