Donald Trump's Water Break - Images
.@FIJIWater Don’t wanna alarm you guys, but President Trump just created the worst possible commercial with one of your water bottles.
Donald Trump's Water Break
In 2013, Trump tweeted at least 5 times about Rubio's water incident including that he should "drink his water from a glass as opposed to a bottle". (Today, Trump sipped from a bottle.)
Donald Trump's Water Break
“Oh yeah? If the water’s not poisoned, why don’t you take a sip first?"
Donald Trump's Water Break
Rubio, right now
Donald Trump's Water Break
not presidential. AT ALL.
Donald Trump's Water Break
MSM blue checks rushing to Twitter to bash Trump for drinking water
Donald Trump's Water Break
Of course. OF COURSE he has a tweet for this, too.
Donald Trump's Water Break
He mocked Rubio for this!! Like, it was a thing on the campaign for a while! Trump once threw water on the audience and yelled "IT'S RUBIO!!!" Said Rubio would be weak with Putin, etc. as a result.
Donald Trump's Water Break
Trump made fun of Marco Rubio for needing water! BAHAHA
Donald Trump's Water Break
Similar,but needs work on his form.Has to be done in one single motion & eyes should never leave the camera. But not bad for his 1st time
Donald Trump's Water Break
Donald Trump's Water Break
Donald Trump's Water Break
Trump pulls a Rubio. Stops for water break
Donald Trump's Water Break