Ellen Baker (New Horizon) - Images
Ellen Baker

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen Baker

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
English lesson in progress...
![Ellen Baker is here and she is on a sacred mission to teach everyone english...
Seeing these "Dio vs. Ellen" - Images on KYM and playing too much OFF recently, I decided to create something: And with my high non-existent Photoshop skills, GIMP and Gifcam, I put the three together into one little gif.
[Insert the pepper steak here]
"Dio Brando sprite by Shindoh":http://shindoh.deviantart.com/art/Dio-Brando-HD-COLOURED-58083791
"I got the Ellen Baker sprite here":http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56252392
Alpha, Omega, Epsilon and the "Battletime"-background are from OFF by Mortis Ghost.
-I got way too much freetime on my hands.-](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/109/219/9e0.gif)
![Ellen Baker is here and she is on a sacred mission to teach everyone english...
Seeing these "Dio vs. Ellen" - Images on KYM and playing too much OFF recently, I decided to create something: And with my high non-existent Photoshop skills, GIMP and Gifcam, I put the three together into one little gif.
[Insert the pepper steak here]
"Dio Brando sprite by Shindoh":http://shindoh.deviantart.com/art/Dio-Brando-HD-COLOURED-58083791
"I got the Ellen Baker sprite here":http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56252392
Alpha, Omega, Epsilon and the "Battletime"-background are from OFF by Mortis Ghost.
-I got way too much freetime on my hands.-](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/109/219/9e0.gif)
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen swings around a BT-42
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen Baker on a game card

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen Formula 1
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen uses a shovel
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen's battle card
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Something something Ellen Baker
Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen races cars now

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen wielding the Excalibat

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Gundam - Iron blooded Ellen

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen "Woods" Baker

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Ellen Dovahkiin

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Jurassic Ellen

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)
Riot Ellen

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)