End Wokeness "Netflix made a new documentary about Alexander The Great. Within the first 8 minutes, they turned him gay." tweet

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
But Alexander the Great did in fact have male lovers.

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
Famed heterosexual Alexander the Great from the famously heterosexual times of Ancient Greece

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
He was gay, Alexander the Great?
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
buddy I’ve got some bad news about the ancient Greeks

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet Community Note

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Reaction / Meme

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
Netflix also made Elton John and Freddie Mercury gay in their biopics. This madness must stop.

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet
famed heterosexual Alexander the Great from the famously heterosexual times of Antiquity

End Wokeness' Alexander the Great Tweet