2020 Iranian-American Conflict - Images
Blast from the recent past

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
The secret weapon of the conflict no one talks about

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
28% of registered voters could point out Iran on a zoomed-in map of the region

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
Unfriendly Fire

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
Boots on the Ground

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
"PTSD is that thing soldiers get after a war"

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
The Big Dumb War Cycle

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
She went off

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
Seems about right

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
We're literally gonna get into a war for the memes

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
Donald Trump's "All Is Well" Tweet

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
If Iran Killed One of Our Generals Instead

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
One Joke 2.0

2020 Iranian-American Conflict

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
Hundreds rallied on the commons today against Trump's dangerous attack on Iran.

2020 Iranian-American Conflict
inb4 soyboy, NPC, cuckhold, etc. etc.

2020 Iranian-American Conflict