my 🅱asta
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
The Btles
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Barry My B Benson
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Merry B-mas
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
to b or not to b
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Respect your has beens
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Leffen calls out Teams Liquid and Curse
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Chillin My b
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
M2K vs Leffen @ PAX
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Prepare to get 5-0'd
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Okay, 1 More Chillin Post (Because SpongeBob)
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Sweating Chillin
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Not a John, This Seriously Happens
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
He's like a Gary Oak. He even has the hair for it.
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Rest Up Leffer
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude
Apex 2015 Salty Suite: Leffen vs Chillindude