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Part of a series on Elliot Tebele / Fuck Jerry. [View Related Entries]


#FuckFuckJerry is a hashtag used in a viral campaign against the meme account-turned-marketing firm FuckJerry, which has been accused of stealing others work without credit or compensation. Those using the hashtag took offense to Comedy Central's hiring of FuckJerry to advertise their programming, finding hypocrisy in Comedy Central paying the company after FuckJerry had been accused of stealing material.


On January 15th, 2019, Vulture editor Megh Writer tweeted [1] a screenshot of a sponsored tweet from the @FuckJerry Instagram account, adding "when your stolen tweets bring you so much success that they turn into a sponsored post template." Over the next few weeks, she continued to post more @FuckJerry posts sponsored by the comedy television network Comedy Central (shown below).

Megh Wright @megh_wright when your stolen tweets bring you so much success that they turn into a sponsored post template My boss: those who really care about this job stay late without being asked Me leaving at 5pm on the dot: fuckjerry . Follow fuckjerry Peace out f------. @Corporate is back Jan 15, new episodes Tuesdays at 10:30/9:30c on @comedycentral #ad Load more comments pizza on_pineappless World record debate on whether pineapples should be put on pizza! #votelnComments mssamg @kaylando Imao jenn hernandez @sastrmuk lol BAIII gahickey @emilyxhindle @jessicaselinaq xanaxwhale Use me as a "stay off of 362,724 likes 22 HOURS AGO COMEDY CENTRAL Log in to like or comment.
Megh Wright @megh_wright omg why are they doing this fuckjerry .Follow Me: I'm gonna stop getting high fuckjerry Just my nightly routine. Thern Me stoned trying to decide what flavore herceu Pop Tarts to get at the bodega for 30 minutes: @BroadCity Thursday at 10/9c on @ComedyCentral. #AD Load more comments illy annnn @molly_mckinney15 salihahmoore @ameliaheron can we FaceTime watch it together!?!? areksandl @alexandrataylorlindh so sad that it's over trending humour CHECK IT OUT!!!For more stuf follow: @trending_humour ashleyp40 @cherryjean353 strawberry itsrobitaille_duh @hotmessbarkley u ready for this? cathy.hillis @finniancoughlan turco_bangz @cristalrubi_xo me 128,318 likes 4 HOURS AGO COMEDY CCENTRAL Log in to like or comment

The following week, Vulture[2] published the article "Comedy Central Is Advertising With Every Comedian’s Worst Enemy." The article states:

Tebele’s long-running joke theft has been called out and covered extensively by comedians and writers over the years, so more recently, the accounts have included attribution, presumably to ward off further criticism […] It feels particularly egregious to see the latest series of ads FuckJerry has been posting this month … promoting Comedy Central shows. Broad City, Corporate, and The Other Two have all gotten their own FuckJerry Instagram ads over the past two weeks, and to twist the knife for comedians everywhere, they’re all formatted like the stolen jokes Tebele used to post regularly.

There’s just something about advertising on an Instagram account that got successful for posting stolen jokes -- and spending ad money to run sponsored posts stylized like stolen jokes, no less -- that feels antithetical to everything Comedy Central stands for, especially considering that the network likely employs comedians and writers who have had their jokes stolen by FuckJerry at some point.


Comedian Response

Over the next week, as news of FuckJerry's relationship to the infamous Fyre Festival grew in the public eye, people began using the #FuckFuckJerry hashtag to mock the company. Comedians, however, appeared to be using it as a means of criticizing the company's past behavior and current acceptance by Comedy Central (examples below).

Megh Wright @megh_wright we got a hashtag folks, let's get this show on the road #FuckFuckJerry Judah Friedlander @JudahWorldChamp Replying to @megh_wright @JimCarrey #fuckfuckery could be the hashtag.
Elliot Tebele Ф @FucKJerry-Jan 20 They paid us $30k total (so I paid $10k in the beginning of the gofundme and just added another $20k a few minutes ago). They owed us $185k for all the work we did, but only paid for month one. Fustine @juiceee Replying to @FuckJerry Did Fyre also only pay you 20k in fees??? If yes, insane. 134 36 233 Mike Drucker @MikeDrucker Replying to @FuckJerry I'm sorry it's been so rough. You know what? I normally wouldn't say this, because you guys are awful, but feel free to steal some of my free content and make money off it and then posit yourselves as some sort of hip advertising agency that appears to only associate with failure
Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt $150k? That's AWFUL. You guys should have lost your entire company and the ability to ever work again in any creative medium. Oh well, #FuckFuckJerry Elliot TebeleFuckJerry Replying to @BobbyVindaL00 We lost over $150k working on Fyre Festival.

On January 30th, video editor Vic Berger tweeted[3] an Instagram direct message conversation with FuckJerry Chief Content Officer James Ryan Ohliger in which Berger asks that his material be removed from the account. Ohliger responds, "Shut up." Berger captioned the tweet, "In 2016, #FuckJerry and their chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger aka “Krispyshorts” stole a bunch of my videos and posted as their own with ads attached. Here was Ohliger’s response after I called them out on @instagram. #FuckFuckJerry." The tweet received more than 3,000 retweets and 18,000 likes in one week (shown below).

Vic Berger IV @VicBergerlV In 2016, #FuckJerry and their chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger aka "Krispyshorts" stole a bunch of my videos and posted as their own with ads attached Here was Ohliger's response after l called them out on @instagram. #FuckFuckJerry April 1, 2016 at 4:43 PM vicbergeriv vicbergeriv @krispyshorts seems like a great guy Hey either delete my Ted Cruz video or give me credit. What the f--- man? View all 29 comments nomiparpar Haha blocked me randytutelage Half his posts are stolen, the other half are original unfunny product placements. o Today at 9:06 AM edgybecool @krispyshorts has always been annoying prick. Sorry this keeps happening to you. krispyshorts Shut up. Liked by m.walbert and 135 others APRIL 3, 2016 Add a comment...

That day, Wright tweeted,[4] "🚨 Whoa! Interesting #FuckFuckJerry update, per a helpful source who sent me this tip. Today, the FJ Instagram account deleted 260 posts! Last column is new media uploads/removals." The tweet received more than 280 retweets and 1,400 likes in one week (shown below, left).

The following day, comedian Eliza Skinner tweeted,[5] "Fuck Jerry steals content from struggling comics (who put it out for free) and then uses it to make money from ad sales. If you don’t want to help rich dudes make money by stealing from people who didn’t grow up rich enough to work the system then UNFOLLOW THEM. #fuckfuckjerry." Within one week, the tweet received more than 3,300 retweets and 20,000 likes (shown below, right).

Megh Wright @megh_wright Whoa! Interesting #FuckFuckJerry update, per a helpful source who sent me this tip. Today, the FJ Instagram account deleted 260 posts! Last column is new media uploads/removals, cc @timheidecker @VicBergerlV @pattonoswalt 2019-01-20 Sun 823 14,305,432 14,319,406 14,330,319 14,342,126 14,360,439 14,368,739 14,370,516 5,362 5,363 5,367 5,372 5,375 5,377 5,117 +5657 823 824 826 826 2019-01-21 Mon +13974 2019-01-23 Wed +10913 +4 2019-01-25 Fri +11807 +2 2019-01-27 Sun +18313 2019-01-28 Mon +8300 827 2019-01-30 Wed 828 -260
Eliza Skinner @elizaskinner F--- Jerry steals content from struggling comics (who put it out for free) and then uses it to make money from ad sales. If you don't want to help rich dudes make money by stealing from people who didn't grow up rich enough to work the system then UNFOLLOW THEM. #fuckfuckierry

Additionally, on February 1st, comedian Tim Heidecker posted a song entitled "Fuck Fuck Jerry." Within one week, the post received more than 145 retweets and 890 likes (shown below).[7]

Vic Berger Video

On February 1st, Vic Berger tweeted[6] a video entitled "FuckJerry: Easier To Steal." The video edits and mocks the 2016 Nightline profile on FuckJerry. The video received more than 7,200 retweets and 28,000 likes in three days (shown below).

On February 4th, Berger reported that his video had been taken off YouTube because of a copystrike received by Fuck Jerry chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger, aka “Krispyshorts" (shown below).

Vic Berger IV @VicBergerlV Following FuckJerry doesn't like it when other people use their content. Please download my #FuckJerry video and ru upload anywhere and everywhere you can. Thank you. #FuckFuckJerry #FuckKrispyshorts it erger ner Verified rry: Easier To Steal : Copyright takedown req ed by krispyshorts on Felb s on May 5, 2019 Community Guidelines Status details You have 0 Community Guidelines strikes. FYRE ry Easier To Stea Copyright takedown reques d by krispyshorts on Feb 4 2019 on May 5, 2019 ount if you have 3 or more strikes UCKJERRY 9:41 PM- 4 Feb 2019

Berger then re-uploaded the video to Vimeo, where is has been viewed over 216,000 times (shown below). The video gained over 47,000 points on Reddit[9] that day. The drama was covered by AV Club.[10] Berger also published an op-ed in Rolling Stone[11] about FuckJerry.

Comedy Central Response

On February 1st, Comedy Central announced that all of their advertisements had been removed from FuckJerry's social channels. In a comment to Vulture,[2] they wrote, “Comedy Central requested to have any existing ads pulled from the FuckJerry account. We have no plans to advertise with Jerry Media in the future".

FuckJerry's Response

The following day, FuckJerry founder Eliot Tebele posted a statement on Medium.[8] In the statement, he said the company would no longer "post content when we cannot identify the creator, and will require the original creator’s advanced consent before publishing their content to our followers. It is clear that attribution is no longer sufficient, so permission will become the new policy."

h3h3 Video

On April 3rd, 2019, h3h3Production released a video entitled "It's Time To Stop This Content Thief." In the video, host Ethan Klein goes through a number of plagiarism and allegations of stolen content by FuckJerry and their various companies. The post received more than 2 million views (shown below). That day, Redditor[12] TacoShower posted the video in the /r/video subreddit. The post received more than 1,700 points (87% upvoted) and 350 comments.

The following day, The Daily Dot[13] published an article about the video.

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Part of a series on Elliot Tebele / Fuck Jerry. [View Related Entries]

Updated Jan 29, 2025 at 09:03PM EST by LiterallyAustin.

Added Feb 04, 2019 at 10:51AM EST by Matt.

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#FuckFuckJerry is a hashtag used in a viral campaign against the meme account-turned-marketing firm FuckJerry, which has been accused of stealing others work without credit or compensation. Those using the hashtag took offense to Comedy Central's hiring of FuckJerry to advertise their programming, finding hypocrisy in Comedy Central paying the company after FuckJerry had been accused of stealing material.


On January 15th, 2019, Vulture editor Megh Writer tweeted [1] a screenshot of a sponsored tweet from the @FuckJerry Instagram account, adding "when your stolen tweets bring you so much success that they turn into a sponsored post template." Over the next few weeks, she continued to post more @FuckJerry posts sponsored by the comedy television network Comedy Central (shown below).

Megh Wright @megh_wright when your stolen tweets bring you so much success that they turn into a sponsored post template My boss: those who really care about this job stay late without being asked Me leaving at 5pm on the dot: fuckjerry . Follow fuckjerry Peace out f------. @Corporate is back Jan 15, new episodes Tuesdays at 10:30/9:30c on @comedycentral #ad Load more comments pizza on_pineappless World record debate on whether pineapples should be put on pizza! #votelnComments mssamg @kaylando Imao jenn hernandez @sastrmuk lol BAIII gahickey @emilyxhindle @jessicaselinaq xanaxwhale Use me as a "stay off of 362,724 likes 22 HOURS AGO COMEDY CENTRAL Log in to like or comment. Megh Wright @megh_wright omg why are they doing this fuckjerry .Follow Me: I'm gonna stop getting high fuckjerry Just my nightly routine. Thern Me stoned trying to decide what flavore herceu Pop Tarts to get at the bodega for 30 minutes: @BroadCity Thursday at 10/9c on @ComedyCentral. #AD Load more comments illy annnn @molly_mckinney15 salihahmoore @ameliaheron can we FaceTime watch it together!?!? areksandl @alexandrataylorlindh so sad that it's over trending humour CHECK IT OUT!!!For more stuf follow: @trending_humour ashleyp40 @cherryjean353 strawberry itsrobitaille_duh @hotmessbarkley u ready for this? cathy.hillis @finniancoughlan turco_bangz @cristalrubi_xo me 128,318 likes 4 HOURS AGO COMEDY CCENTRAL Log in to like or comment

The following week, Vulture[2] published the article "Comedy Central Is Advertising With Every Comedian’s Worst Enemy." The article states:

Tebele’s long-running joke theft has been called out and covered extensively by comedians and writers over the years, so more recently, the accounts have included attribution, presumably to ward off further criticism […] It feels particularly egregious to see the latest series of ads FuckJerry has been posting this month … promoting Comedy Central shows. Broad City, Corporate, and The Other Two have all gotten their own FuckJerry Instagram ads over the past two weeks, and to twist the knife for comedians everywhere, they’re all formatted like the stolen jokes Tebele used to post regularly.

There’s just something about advertising on an Instagram account that got successful for posting stolen jokes -- and spending ad money to run sponsored posts stylized like stolen jokes, no less -- that feels antithetical to everything Comedy Central stands for, especially considering that the network likely employs comedians and writers who have had their jokes stolen by FuckJerry at some point.


Comedian Response

Over the next week, as news of FuckJerry's relationship to the infamous Fyre Festival grew in the public eye, people began using the #FuckFuckJerry hashtag to mock the company. Comedians, however, appeared to be using it as a means of criticizing the company's past behavior and current acceptance by Comedy Central (examples below).

Megh Wright @megh_wright we got a hashtag folks, let's get this show on the road #FuckFuckJerry Judah Friedlander @JudahWorldChamp Replying to @megh_wright @JimCarrey #fuckfuckery could be the hashtag. Elliot Tebele Ф @FucKJerry-Jan 20 They paid us $30k total (so I paid $10k in the beginning of the gofundme and just added another $20k a few minutes ago). They owed us $185k for all the work we did, but only paid for month one. Fustine @juiceee Replying to @FuckJerry Did Fyre also only pay you 20k in fees??? If yes, insane. 134 36 233 Mike Drucker @MikeDrucker Replying to @FuckJerry I'm sorry it's been so rough. You know what? I normally wouldn't say this, because you guys are awful, but feel free to steal some of my free content and make money off it and then posit yourselves as some sort of hip advertising agency that appears to only associate with failure Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt $150k? That's AWFUL. You guys should have lost your entire company and the ability to ever work again in any creative medium. Oh well, #FuckFuckJerry Elliot TebeleFuckJerry Replying to @BobbyVindaL00 We lost over $150k working on Fyre Festival.

On January 30th, video editor Vic Berger tweeted[3] an Instagram direct message conversation with FuckJerry Chief Content Officer James Ryan Ohliger in which Berger asks that his material be removed from the account. Ohliger responds, "Shut up." Berger captioned the tweet, "In 2016, #FuckJerry and their chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger aka “Krispyshorts” stole a bunch of my videos and posted as their own with ads attached. Here was Ohliger’s response after I called them out on @instagram. #FuckFuckJerry." The tweet received more than 3,000 retweets and 18,000 likes in one week (shown below).

Vic Berger IV @VicBergerlV In 2016, #FuckJerry and their chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger aka "Krispyshorts" stole a bunch of my videos and posted as their own with ads attached Here was Ohliger's response after l called them out on @instagram. #FuckFuckJerry April 1, 2016 at 4:43 PM vicbergeriv vicbergeriv @krispyshorts seems like a great guy Hey either delete my Ted Cruz video or give me credit. What the f--- man? View all 29 comments nomiparpar Haha blocked me randytutelage Half his posts are stolen, the other half are original unfunny product placements. o Today at 9:06 AM edgybecool @krispyshorts has always been annoying prick. Sorry this keeps happening to you. krispyshorts Shut up. Liked by m.walbert and 135 others APRIL 3, 2016 Add a comment...

That day, Wright tweeted,[4] "🚨 Whoa! Interesting #FuckFuckJerry update, per a helpful source who sent me this tip. Today, the FJ Instagram account deleted 260 posts! Last column is new media uploads/removals." The tweet received more than 280 retweets and 1,400 likes in one week (shown below, left).

The following day, comedian Eliza Skinner tweeted,[5] "Fuck Jerry steals content from struggling comics (who put it out for free) and then uses it to make money from ad sales. If you don’t want to help rich dudes make money by stealing from people who didn’t grow up rich enough to work the system then UNFOLLOW THEM. #fuckfuckjerry." Within one week, the tweet received more than 3,300 retweets and 20,000 likes (shown below, right).

Megh Wright @megh_wright Whoa! Interesting #FuckFuckJerry update, per a helpful source who sent me this tip. Today, the FJ Instagram account deleted 260 posts! Last column is new media uploads/removals, cc @timheidecker @VicBergerlV @pattonoswalt 2019-01-20 Sun 823 14,305,432 14,319,406 14,330,319 14,342,126 14,360,439 14,368,739 14,370,516 5,362 5,363 5,367 5,372 5,375 5,377 5,117 +5657 823 824 826 826 2019-01-21 Mon +13974 2019-01-23 Wed +10913 +4 2019-01-25 Fri +11807 +2 2019-01-27 Sun +18313 2019-01-28 Mon +8300 827 2019-01-30 Wed 828 -260 Eliza Skinner @elizaskinner F--- Jerry steals content from struggling comics (who put it out for free) and then uses it to make money from ad sales. If you don't want to help rich dudes make money by stealing from people who didn't grow up rich enough to work the system then UNFOLLOW THEM. #fuckfuckierry

Additionally, on February 1st, comedian Tim Heidecker posted a song entitled "Fuck Fuck Jerry." Within one week, the post received more than 145 retweets and 890 likes (shown below).[7]

Vic Berger Video

On February 1st, Vic Berger tweeted[6] a video entitled "FuckJerry: Easier To Steal." The video edits and mocks the 2016 Nightline profile on FuckJerry. The video received more than 7,200 retweets and 28,000 likes in three days (shown below).

On February 4th, Berger reported that his video had been taken off YouTube because of a copystrike received by Fuck Jerry chief content officer James Ryan Ohliger, aka “Krispyshorts" (shown below).

Vic Berger IV @VicBergerlV Following FuckJerry doesn't like it when other people use their content. Please download my #FuckJerry video and ru upload anywhere and everywhere you can. Thank you. #FuckFuckJerry #FuckKrispyshorts it erger ner Verified rry: Easier To Steal : Copyright takedown req ed by krispyshorts on Felb s on May 5, 2019 Community Guidelines Status details You have 0 Community Guidelines strikes. FYRE ry Easier To Stea Copyright takedown reques d by krispyshorts on Feb 4 2019 on May 5, 2019 ount if you have 3 or more strikes UCKJERRY 9:41 PM- 4 Feb 2019

Berger then re-uploaded the video to Vimeo, where is has been viewed over 216,000 times (shown below). The video gained over 47,000 points on Reddit[9] that day. The drama was covered by AV Club.[10] Berger also published an op-ed in Rolling Stone[11] about FuckJerry.

Comedy Central Response

On February 1st, Comedy Central announced that all of their advertisements had been removed from FuckJerry's social channels. In a comment to Vulture,[2] they wrote, “Comedy Central requested to have any existing ads pulled from the FuckJerry account. We have no plans to advertise with Jerry Media in the future".

FuckJerry's Response

The following day, FuckJerry founder Eliot Tebele posted a statement on Medium.[8] In the statement, he said the company would no longer "post content when we cannot identify the creator, and will require the original creator’s advanced consent before publishing their content to our followers. It is clear that attribution is no longer sufficient, so permission will become the new policy."

h3h3 Video

On April 3rd, 2019, h3h3Production released a video entitled "It's Time To Stop This Content Thief." In the video, host Ethan Klein goes through a number of plagiarism and allegations of stolen content by FuckJerry and their various companies. The post received more than 2 million views (shown below). That day, Redditor[12] TacoShower posted the video in the /r/video subreddit. The post received more than 1,700 points (87% upvoted) and 350 comments.

The following day, The Daily Dot[13] published an article about the video.

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This guy always kinda skeeved me out… the quality of the content was one thing, but I always wondered how he got away with stealing material. I know it's pretty common nowadays, but there's something about people getting famous without creating/contributing any original content that makes me so disappointed… here's hoping this convinces him to turn over a new leaf


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