GamerGate - Images
![Sprint 3:07 AM Tweet 9区 lan Miles Cheong @stillgray GamerGaters were totally okay with child p---------- when it was hosted on 8chan, but now that it's been documented, it's a crime, ho ho ho. 12m Smalltown @SmalltownNGames @stillgray @gamergatetxt No one is okay with child p--- you f------ t---. And downloading it to wave around as a weapon IS JUST AS ILLEGAL 12/23/14, 3:06 AM ili VIEW ANALYTICS DETAILS Reply to lan Miles Cheong, gamergate.txt Timelines Notifications Messages Me](
![Sprint 3:07 AM Tweet 9区 lan Miles Cheong @stillgray GamerGaters were totally okay with child p---------- when it was hosted on 8chan, but now that it's been documented, it's a crime, ho ho ho. 12m Smalltown @SmalltownNGames @stillgray @gamergatetxt No one is okay with child p--- you f------ t---. And downloading it to wave around as a weapon IS JUST AS ILLEGAL 12/23/14, 3:06 AM ili VIEW ANALYTICS DETAILS Reply to lan Miles Cheong, gamergate.txt Timelines Notifications Messages Me](
If only we could talk to the 'Gaters
![The PC gaming lows ofth C tlQ58 THE PC GAMER Chris Thursten: If only we could talk to the 'Gaters Remember 2014? Someone will someday say. "Remember when Jayne from Firefly teamed up with some anons, a couple of YouTubers and the odd opportunistic blogger to disrupt any form of reasonable discussion about the games industry for the better part of a year? 2014 PC Gamer GOTY Who to follow Refresh View all Chris Thursten @CThurstern You are blocked from following @CThursten and viewing @CThursten's Tweets. Learn more Omni *Nock @SecuriTeegi × Follow](
![The PC gaming lows ofth C tlQ58 THE PC GAMER Chris Thursten: If only we could talk to the 'Gaters Remember 2014? Someone will someday say. "Remember when Jayne from Firefly teamed up with some anons, a couple of YouTubers and the odd opportunistic blogger to disrupt any form of reasonable discussion about the games industry for the better part of a year? 2014 PC Gamer GOTY Who to follow Refresh View all Chris Thursten @CThurstern You are blocked from following @CThursten and viewing @CThursten's Tweets. Learn more Omni *Nock @SecuriTeegi × Follow](
More lovely receipts from Brianna Wu. Using tragedy to further their agenda again.
![Brianna Wu @Spacekatgal 12h It's utterly unconscionable the way we treat transgender people as gamers. The transphobia of Gamergate particularly shows how s----- we are £747 ★83 View conversation Brianna Wu @Spacekatgal 12h Heartbreaking sulcide note from a transgender woman who wanted a life with dignity. I've read so many just like it. £7140 ★68 View summary](
![Brianna Wu @Spacekatgal 12h It's utterly unconscionable the way we treat transgender people as gamers. The transphobia of Gamergate particularly shows how s----- we are £747 ★83 View conversation Brianna Wu @Spacekatgal 12h Heartbreaking sulcide note from a transgender woman who wanted a life with dignity. I've read so many just like it. £7140 ★68 View summary](
The worst of gaming culture gets a movement
![Polygons NEWS REVIEWS FEATURES VIDEOS FORUMS OPINION PLATFORMS MORE ρ Search Games & Reviews The year of GamerGate: The worst of gaming culture gets a movement SHARE TWEET OPINION IN THIS STORYSTREAM 2014 Year in Review 2:00p 2 comments The year of GamerGate: The worst of gaming culture gets a movement O 1:30p 14 comments Polygon's Games of the Year 2014 #2: Wolfenstein: The New Order 34 Updates TOP STORIES Polygon's Games of the Year 2014 #2: Wolfenstein: The New Order By Arthur Gies on Dec 3O, 2014 STAY CONNECTED, FOLLOW POLYGON Now! l Like Opinion by Ben Kuchera on Dec 30, 2014 at 2:00p Click for more on how Polygon writes opinion pieces. Best of the rest of 2014: how Sunset Overdrive saved games for me](
![Polygons NEWS REVIEWS FEATURES VIDEOS FORUMS OPINION PLATFORMS MORE ρ Search Games & Reviews The year of GamerGate: The worst of gaming culture gets a movement SHARE TWEET OPINION IN THIS STORYSTREAM 2014 Year in Review 2:00p 2 comments The year of GamerGate: The worst of gaming culture gets a movement O 1:30p 14 comments Polygon's Games of the Year 2014 #2: Wolfenstein: The New Order 34 Updates TOP STORIES Polygon's Games of the Year 2014 #2: Wolfenstein: The New Order By Arthur Gies on Dec 3O, 2014 STAY CONNECTED, FOLLOW POLYGON Now! l Like Opinion by Ben Kuchera on Dec 30, 2014 at 2:00p Click for more on how Polygon writes opinion pieces. Best of the rest of 2014: how Sunset Overdrive saved games for me](
Important advice going into the new year.
![<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](
![<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](
What's the logic around here?
![Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad 4h Gamergate is made up of traitors to the hobby and medium who sided with hurting people and defending child pornographers over games Get out わt342 *70 Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad-4h Gamergate is not welcome in gaming. Ever. They are not gamers. You will never be gamers as long as you are in gamergate Get out & stay out 悔Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad , 4h Gamergate you f------ love defending child p--- and smearing whistleblowers of it more than you love games. You are not welcome in gaming 다6 *11](
![Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad 4h Gamergate is made up of traitors to the hobby and medium who sided with hurting people and defending child pornographers over games Get out わt342 *70 Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad-4h Gamergate is not welcome in gaming. Ever. They are not gamers. You will never be gamers as long as you are in gamergate Get out & stay out 悔Holly Jolly Spacedad @SuperSpacedad , 4h Gamergate you f------ love defending child p--- and smearing whistleblowers of it more than you love games. You are not welcome in gaming 다6 *11](
Gamerghazi is defending child pornography
![GAMERGHAZI hot new top promoted xundun ( 1)I Official brainbleach thread. Post cute/funny/happy things ITT (self.GamerGhazi) search 63 submitted 2 days ago by mudze Moderator (M)- stickied post 81 comnments share save hide report Submit a new link Pro-GG mod bans discussion of Schan's Child P---------- in AgainstGamerGate. Gosh I can't think why. submitted 6 hours ago by Stilitostlyclueless The Only Way is Ethics 67 cormments share save hide ort 43 Submit a new text post ar "Oh, look, here is Mike Cernovich in 2010 sharing the dox of 2 women and justifying it because they are women. Ethics!" -@iglvzx GamerGhazi 4,267 readers 200 users here now Show my fair on this subreddt. It looks like xuridun (edit) comment share save hide report We shouldn't go after Dan Olson because it's hypocrisy: CP shouldn't be illegal ( submitted 4 hours ago by NoLemonade 68 comments share save hide report 27 Do you think people who care about social justice should have the freedom to review and make](
![GAMERGHAZI hot new top promoted xundun ( 1)I Official brainbleach thread. Post cute/funny/happy things ITT (self.GamerGhazi) search 63 submitted 2 days ago by mudze Moderator (M)- stickied post 81 comnments share save hide report Submit a new link Pro-GG mod bans discussion of Schan's Child P---------- in AgainstGamerGate. Gosh I can't think why. submitted 6 hours ago by Stilitostlyclueless The Only Way is Ethics 67 cormments share save hide ort 43 Submit a new text post ar "Oh, look, here is Mike Cernovich in 2010 sharing the dox of 2 women and justifying it because they are women. Ethics!" -@iglvzx GamerGhazi 4,267 readers 200 users here now Show my fair on this subreddt. It looks like xuridun (edit) comment share save hide report We shouldn't go after Dan Olson because it's hypocrisy: CP shouldn't be illegal ( submitted 4 hours ago by NoLemonade 68 comments share save hide report 27 Do you think people who care about social justice should have the freedom to review and make](
Results of the GamerGate Political Attitudes Survey
"Analysis Archive.":](
"Analysis Archive.":](
Kotaku - Quality Press
![Getting Started With The PlayStation TV Before: Mike Fahey Filed to: GETTING STARTED 6.116 7 ★ Once you've got all of your cables connected, it's time to power this puppy up. Irecorded a video of the setup process, editing out the bits whereI entered mypasswords. Apologies for the lack of sound. Note the video's max resolution is 72op the same as the PlayStation TVs max resolution 49 minutes ago Q EXPAND After Once you've got all of your cables connected, it's time to power this puppy up. I recorded a video of the setup process, editing out the bits where I entered mypasswords. Apologies for the lack of sound. Note the video's max resolution is 720p the same as the PlayStation TVs max resolution. Note-That's the max progressive scan resolution, the unit also supports 108oi resolution, but defaults to 72op because no one likes interlaced scanning anymore hi Sony's PlayStation Vita in-a-set-top-box arrives in stores in North America tomorrow. Here's DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 23m @Bunnyspatial Vita TV gives 1080i output, why you listed it as 720p max? View summary Fahey, Only Undead. @Bunnyspatial 13m @brandNEWdays Because no one likes interlaced scanning anymore Expand DJ Tomato@brandNEWdays 10m @Bunnyspatial But you're giving wrong details about a upcoming product, that's likely bad advertisement, you should say it at least Expand UALITY PRESS Fahey, Only Undead. @Bunnyspatial-8 mins @brandNEWdays And I have said it. Also, am not an advertiser 3:56 pm 13 Oct 2014 Details Reply Retweet * Favourite More DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 7 mins @Bunnyspatial well does a bad reviewerljournalist sounds better? u shouldn't miss features just beacuse your personal bias (cont) Expand DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 7 mins @Bunnyspatial i don't like Interlaced too, but stuff must be done completely rite? DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays-3 mins @Bunnyspatial Thanks for updating it Expand Expand](
![Getting Started With The PlayStation TV Before: Mike Fahey Filed to: GETTING STARTED 6.116 7 ★ Once you've got all of your cables connected, it's time to power this puppy up. Irecorded a video of the setup process, editing out the bits whereI entered mypasswords. Apologies for the lack of sound. Note the video's max resolution is 72op the same as the PlayStation TVs max resolution 49 minutes ago Q EXPAND After Once you've got all of your cables connected, it's time to power this puppy up. I recorded a video of the setup process, editing out the bits where I entered mypasswords. Apologies for the lack of sound. Note the video's max resolution is 720p the same as the PlayStation TVs max resolution. Note-That's the max progressive scan resolution, the unit also supports 108oi resolution, but defaults to 72op because no one likes interlaced scanning anymore hi Sony's PlayStation Vita in-a-set-top-box arrives in stores in North America tomorrow. Here's DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 23m @Bunnyspatial Vita TV gives 1080i output, why you listed it as 720p max? View summary Fahey, Only Undead. @Bunnyspatial 13m @brandNEWdays Because no one likes interlaced scanning anymore Expand DJ Tomato@brandNEWdays 10m @Bunnyspatial But you're giving wrong details about a upcoming product, that's likely bad advertisement, you should say it at least Expand UALITY PRESS Fahey, Only Undead. @Bunnyspatial-8 mins @brandNEWdays And I have said it. Also, am not an advertiser 3:56 pm 13 Oct 2014 Details Reply Retweet * Favourite More DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 7 mins @Bunnyspatial well does a bad reviewerljournalist sounds better? u shouldn't miss features just beacuse your personal bias (cont) Expand DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays 7 mins @Bunnyspatial i don't like Interlaced too, but stuff must be done completely rite? DJ Tomato_brandNEWdays-3 mins @Bunnyspatial Thanks for updating it Expand Expand](
Not sure if repost here, but this was relevent even over a year ago.
![Just thought of this earlier today, and how many "feminist" and 'anti gamer gaters' attacked Dragon's crown for it's art.](
![Just thought of this earlier today, and how many "feminist" and 'anti gamer gaters' attacked Dragon's crown for it's art.](
![ANTITRUST LAW WAS BREACHED WE MUST INFORM THE FTC Recently there was a report on the alleged blacklisting of game industry professional Kevin Dent. [... ANTITRUSTOFTC.GOla BmbulistsParick Klepek and Alex Navarro spearheaded an attempt to no longer have a group of gaming journalists quote, interview or engage with Kevin Dent. The two did so through the Game Journo Pros secret mailing list...] IS.GD/MAILFTC THIS COULD BE THE KO HIT Alex Navarro Patrick Klepack AGAINSI URRU 110N Following the alleged blacklist, Kevin Dent was no longer quoted, referenced or promoted in IN GAME JOURNALISM iy majrcapacity by the Game journo Pros In this case, refusing Dent a platform or pur- posefully going out of the way to avoid him or products he's associated with would be con- sidered a group boycott that influences mar- ket perception, due to the fact that so many large websites were involved in the Game Journo Pros e-mail list....](
![ANTITRUST LAW WAS BREACHED WE MUST INFORM THE FTC Recently there was a report on the alleged blacklisting of game industry professional Kevin Dent. [... ANTITRUSTOFTC.GOla BmbulistsParick Klepek and Alex Navarro spearheaded an attempt to no longer have a group of gaming journalists quote, interview or engage with Kevin Dent. The two did so through the Game Journo Pros secret mailing list...] IS.GD/MAILFTC THIS COULD BE THE KO HIT Alex Navarro Patrick Klepack AGAINSI URRU 110N Following the alleged blacklist, Kevin Dent was no longer quoted, referenced or promoted in IN GAME JOURNALISM iy majrcapacity by the Game journo Pros In this case, refusing Dent a platform or pur- posefully going out of the way to avoid him or products he's associated with would be con- sidered a group boycott that influences mar- ket perception, due to the fact that so many large websites were involved in the Game Journo Pros e-mail list....](
The disclaimers are the money quotes.
![SAN FRANCISCO H4 WHY SHOULD I VISIT SAN FRANCISCO?! THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH? Is it true that women are never wrong in San Francisco? As if bg magie, any Of woman eho makas a eommen or doas course Is it true that no city in the world is friendlier to minorities than San Francisco? males have more or less uined the lives of minortties since the beginning o ttiney so uwe endeavor to treat eham as bespostaily as we passily cans Hotrible white males?. thought San Fran's white males, were the nicest.on earth! And gou.were righel San Franisols white maleg possess a strong sense of righeousness which drives them to ighe for tminorittes i every way they ean! We call ehem our Soctal Justice Waritore, and cheir motto a minortty person even has to pub forth the effort to think for Ms We Clea Is it true there is no conflict in San Francisco? Sounds ereat! SAN FRANGISCO This message brought to you by San Francisco Soci ice Departme FSJD), a SOCJUS facility Not all people understand the importance of social justice, but we've done a great job of bringing it to them nonetheless. Clearly, we've made the world a happier place. Look around, do di Sir Wyatt Nite, Grand Inqui SOCJus Looking for other great travel destinations? Why not try Portland, or one of many other great locations on the SoCJUS approved city list? SFSIO infallibility does not apply to women who do not claim to experience oppression, All "Tallible women should be immediately reported emergency surgical removal of internalized misogyny. Individuals who knowingly fail to report such instances shall be subjected to brutal social justification, including but not limited to: childish insults, accusations of sexual harrassment, and public smearing minorities" here refers only to those social minorities who accept social justice. All minorities who reject it will immediately have their minority status revoked. Minority status is a privilege a right. SOcJUS reserves the power to revoke it at any time. SOCJUS e SOCJUS dictionary "minority (n): a person who is "once again, "minorities" refers to only those SOCJUS considers t white male and who experiences oppression a that are, according to SOCJUS, "sockpuppets, or cishet white males in disguise. not cease until they admit to being cishet white males, at which point further punishment will be decided upon and administered by SOCJUS a consequence. Individuals who are not cishet white males but claim xperience oppression because kpuppets shall be subjected to extreme social justification which shall "wrong opinions are denied existence privilege. If you encounter one, please report the hallucination to SOCJUS so that you may be properly vaccinated (I apologize to all reasonable residents of San Francisco and Portland. Your cities are great. This image is a jab at certain hypocrites that seem to be based largely in San Francisco. It is not a jab at San Francisco/Portland residents.)](
![SAN FRANCISCO H4 WHY SHOULD I VISIT SAN FRANCISCO?! THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH? Is it true that women are never wrong in San Francisco? As if bg magie, any Of woman eho makas a eommen or doas course Is it true that no city in the world is friendlier to minorities than San Francisco? males have more or less uined the lives of minortties since the beginning o ttiney so uwe endeavor to treat eham as bespostaily as we passily cans Hotrible white males?. thought San Fran's white males, were the nicest.on earth! And gou.were righel San Franisols white maleg possess a strong sense of righeousness which drives them to ighe for tminorittes i every way they ean! We call ehem our Soctal Justice Waritore, and cheir motto a minortty person even has to pub forth the effort to think for Ms We Clea Is it true there is no conflict in San Francisco? Sounds ereat! SAN FRANGISCO This message brought to you by San Francisco Soci ice Departme FSJD), a SOCJUS facility Not all people understand the importance of social justice, but we've done a great job of bringing it to them nonetheless. Clearly, we've made the world a happier place. Look around, do di Sir Wyatt Nite, Grand Inqui SOCJus Looking for other great travel destinations? Why not try Portland, or one of many other great locations on the SoCJUS approved city list? SFSIO infallibility does not apply to women who do not claim to experience oppression, All "Tallible women should be immediately reported emergency surgical removal of internalized misogyny. Individuals who knowingly fail to report such instances shall be subjected to brutal social justification, including but not limited to: childish insults, accusations of sexual harrassment, and public smearing minorities" here refers only to those social minorities who accept social justice. All minorities who reject it will immediately have their minority status revoked. Minority status is a privilege a right. SOcJUS reserves the power to revoke it at any time. SOCJUS e SOCJUS dictionary "minority (n): a person who is "once again, "minorities" refers to only those SOCJUS considers t white male and who experiences oppression a that are, according to SOCJUS, "sockpuppets, or cishet white males in disguise. not cease until they admit to being cishet white males, at which point further punishment will be decided upon and administered by SOCJUS a consequence. Individuals who are not cishet white males but claim xperience oppression because kpuppets shall be subjected to extreme social justification which shall "wrong opinions are denied existence privilege. If you encounter one, please report the hallucination to SOCJUS so that you may be properly vaccinated (I apologize to all reasonable residents of San Francisco and Portland. Your cities are great. This image is a jab at certain hypocrites that seem to be based largely in San Francisco. It is not a jab at San Francisco/Portland residents.)](
![lf everything you see is a blur that doesnt mean the world is It means you need glasses. If everything you see is sexist, that doesnt mean people are inherently sexist. ltmeans your perception is ofto lam not a misogynist. (I wear glasses.)](
![lf everything you see is a blur that doesnt mean the world is It means you need glasses. If everything you see is sexist, that doesnt mean people are inherently sexist. ltmeans your perception is ofto lam not a misogynist. (I wear glasses.)](
Gamer Gate Radio
<iframe width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](
<iframe width="400" height="225" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](