@KawaiiartsMr "Drew My Sister" Controversy
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@KawaiiartsMr "Drew My Sister" Controversy refers to the backlash against Twitter artist @KawaiiartsMr's drawing of and subsequent sexual comments about their 9-year-old sister.
On April 12th, 2020, Twitter user @KawaiiartsMr posted a drawing of their sister (shown below). In the replies, would go on to explain that their sister is 9, and then proceed to make comments about "slapping her ass."

Though the tweets were deleted, it was screen-capped and posted by user @HydroTheSquid,[1] who gained over 3,000 retweets and 28,000 likes.
The picture and the user's subsequent sexual discussion led to a wave of backlash from Twitter users who found the situation inappropriate. User @antiMAPshark[3] wrote, "PSA: If a 9 year old asks you to draw you a photo of them in crop top and tight jeans, you say FUCK NO. She’s nine. And your sister" (shown below, left). User @FastFox57[4] wrote, "I don't know what's worse… The fact that someone was asking for their @, possibly to do something wrong.. Or the fact that this artist drew their 9 year old sister like that?" (shown below, right).

Twitter user @Struggle_Tweet[5] posted an interaction account @Suspect_tweetss had with the drawing where at first they were enthusiastic about the image before learning the character in question was 9 years old. The @Struggle_Tweet tweet gained over 15,000 retweets and 137,000 likes (shown below, left). @PoorlyAgedStuff[6] posted the same interaction, gaining over 1,800 retweets and 29,000 likes (shown below, right).

Later on April 12th, @KawaiiartsMr[2] defended themselves by saying "Look, my sister said to draw her in a Supreme crop top with tight jeans. I swear to you all, I'm not a creep. I'm just drawing my family so that I can learn how to draw humans. I just thought that I'd be cute if I drew my family members as silly cartoon characters."

On April 13, a separate controversy arrived, this time due to @KawaiiartsMr being accused of tracing others' art. Twitter user @acgats was one of the people who accused @KawaiiartsMr of tracing their art in the replies to a tweet by @Suspect_tweetss[7].(shown below)

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External References
[1] Twitter – @HydroTheSquid
[2] Twitter – @KawaiiArtsMR
[3] Twitter – @antiMAPshark
[4] Twitter – @FastFox57
[5] Twitter – @Struggle_Tweet
[6] Twitter – PoorlyAgedStuff
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Apr 12, 2020 at 10:47PM EDT
Apr 12, 2020 at 11:04PM EDT