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Kickass Masterminds Intern Controversy refers to an online backlash that occurred in response to the Austin, Texas-based marketing company Kickass Masterminds posting an applicant's bikini picture to their Instagram Stories to warn other prospective employees not to share unprofessional social media accounts with potential employers.


On October 1st, 2019, Twitter user and Kickass Masterminds applicant @emilyeclow[1] tweeted "i was objectified earlier today by a company because of a picture of me in a bikini. they claimed it made me an 'unprofessional.' they screenshot the photo, posted it on their insta story and called me out" (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 2,500 likes and 200 retweets in a day. She then followed the tweet up with a screenshot of the company's Instagram story (shown below, right). The features a picture of Emily Clow in a bikini captioned "do not share your social media with a potential employer if this is the kinda of content on it." The tweet gained over 800 likes in a day.

Emily Clow @emilyeclow i was objectified earlier today by a company because of a picture of me in a bikini. they claimed it made me an "unprofessional." they screenshot the photo, posted it on their insta story and called me out. i am still baffled that the company handled it in such a manner. 12:44 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Emily Clow @emilyeclow @kickassmasterm 11:25 kickassmasterminds 14m X PSA (because I know some of you applicants are looking at this): do not share your social media with a potential employer if this is the kind of content on it. I am looking for a professional marketer not a bikini Go on with your bad self and do whatever in private. But this is not doing you any favors in finding a professional job model. Send Message A 1:10 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone :

Notable Developments

On October 1st, 2019, Twitter user @SheRatesDogs[2] tweeted a summary of the situation and gained over 47,600 likes and 5,400 retweets in a day. Within hours, the Kickass Masterminds Instagram account was spammed with hate comments. Twitter user @molleylj[3] tweeted a picture of some of the comments (shown below, right). The tweet gained over 2,000 likes in a day:
"updates on “kickassmastermind” within MINUTES of this twitter post LMAO GOOD FOR US"

SheRates Dogs @SheRatesDogs 20h This girl applied for an internship at a company, and they put up this screenshot of her in a bikini on their company Instagram, publicly telling everybody they wouldn't hire her because of this photo. nots media with a potential employer if this is the kind of content on it. I am looking for a professional marketer -not a bikini Go on with your bad self and do whatever in private. But this is not doing you any favors in finding a professional job. model.
molleypop @molleylj Replying to @molleylj and @SheRates Dogs updates on "kickassmastermind" within MINUTES of this twitter post LMAO GOOD FOR US 3:2/ PM #onlineentrepreneur #solopreneur #savvybusinessowner #entrepreneurslife #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurtip #onlinecommunity #selfemployed #mytribe #digitalentrepreneur #getshitdone #onlinebiz #becausecommunity Comments kateede i know that may be a foreign concept to y'all considered you attempted to publicly humiliate an applicant for posting bikini photos 18h 58s 9 likes Reply faerievelyn y'all big mad the girl who applied was cuter than u alexxrodriguez Y'all f----- up big time 53s 17 likes Reply 57s 7 likes Reply kateede i would like to escape the age old idea of shaming women victoriascholes Your mindset is trash 47s 7 likes Reply 21s 3 likes Reply kimbuhlyyy Yikes not a good look for your company to be shaming woman! molleylj gonna be real "kickass" when everyone who saw you shame that girl gets here to end yall 46s 5 likes Reply 5s Reply vosemite Twitter gonna qet vou 3:27 PM Oct 1, 2019 from South Carolina, USA Twitter for iPhone

That same day, Twitter users began mocking the company's website. Twitter user @jake_shredz[4] posted screenshots of the site captioned, "These look like some seriously edgy 'entrepreneurs' that think woke capitalism empowers women 😂" (shown below, left). Many Twitter[5] users commented on the fact that Kickass Masterminds deleted their website, Twitter account and made their Instagram account private (shown below, right).

Jake is a Braves accouñt ñow @jake_shredz Replying to @She Rates Dogs "We're damn good at ... DIY get-togethers" These look like some seriously edgy "entrepreneurs" that think woke capitalism empowers women TERMINDS PODCAST ABOUT US CONTACT ASSESSMENT CASE STUDY How Joining a Mastermind Group Helped Brit to Change Her Business Model and Double Her Rates usly Curated & onally Facilitated red Mastermind Groups and we're damn good at it) Go bigger. Take things to the next level. Make a change. Expand. That's why most entroproneurs consider joining a mastermind group. Because they want to grow. And they need support to do it. A hunger to make her business biggor and better is what got Brit Kolo... Business mastermina group are our sole tocus. were the mastermind experts. It's all we do and we're damn good at it We curate and facilitate true mastermind groups. Not group coaching programs or DIY get-togethers, but expert-led, professionally organized, rigorously curated mastermind groups for entrepreneurs and business CK TO JOIN KICKASS executives. Our mastermind groups provide support, strategy, insight, aduice and a conco nf community that ic nrowon to haln. 3:28 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter Web App
Abby Govindan @abbygov aw tragic Follow Kickass Masterminds @kickassmasterm NOW CURATING MASTERMINDS: We're the business mastermind experts. It's all we do and we're damn good at it. Austin, TX Joined May 2017 467 Following 177 Followers Tweets &replies Media Likes Tweets Tweets aren't loading right now Please tap to retry 5:07 PM Oct 1, 2019 from Houston, TX Twitter for iPhone Michaela Okland @MichaelaOkla 18h Replying to @abbygov and @SheRates Dogs They also deleted their facebook and made their Instagram private Imfaooo

Various Examples

BrOOke @belizmarq Replying to @SheRates Dogs the irony here is that they have a bathing suit photo posted on their "professional" Instagram kickassmasterminds 46 likes kickassmasterminds "Thank you for reminding me of the other ways to do something. I was talking to my accountant and she asked, 'Where do you get ideas like this? I said, 'This is the person I have developed into because of my mastermind group." 3:28 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Abby Govindan @abbygov Replying to @She Rates Dogs i would hope @kickassmasterm is in the process of firing the person who incited harassment and bullying against an internship applicant 3:33 PM Oct 1, 2019 from Bellaire, TX - Twitter for iPhone
Sarah McGonagall @sarahmcgphoto Replying to @She Rates Dogs "We won't hire you because you wear underwear sometimes when you aren't at work." That. That's how this sounds 3:24 PM Oct 1, 2019- Twitter for iPhone
Neon Cowboy @sararahb Replying to @SheRatesDogs AND she's complaining now about how people didn't follow her exact directions when applying for the job 3:42 LTE kickassmasterminds 4h Marketing Coordinator Hiring Stats (since |Friday): - 34 resumes submitted and $169 spent on LinkedIn -62 resumes submitted and $120 spent on Indeed - 15 applications completed (using Wufoo forms for this) -3 people followed directions to send their resume and letter via email after their application was submitted Send message 3:43 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Madi @madisongrose Replying to @SheRatesDogs Can't wait to hear what they have to say :) l ROGERS 3G @ 25% 1:41 PM kickassmasterminds 1:41 PM Good afternoon, I recently came across a tweet calling your company out for publicly shaming an intern applicant for having a photo of herself in a bikini on her personal social media account. The tweet is less than an hour old and is already garnering thousands of likes and retweets, along with hundreds of replies from people disgusted by your company's blatant sexism and unprofessionalism. After looking over your Instagram account and website, I'm surprised to see your company appears to be mostly made up of women, which only makes this situation more disappointing. Please do better. Madison Message... 3:42 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Jennifer @ImJennnifer Replying to @lmJennnifer and @SheRatesDogs F--- sake 12:00 l 4G Twitter Report Reviewed You anonymously reported kickassmasterminds for harassment or bullying Зт We've reviewed kickassmasterminds's account and found that it doesn't go against our Community Guidelines. Thank you for your report. We reviewed kickassmasterminds's account for harassment or bullying and found that it doesn't go against our Community Guidelines. Reports like yours are an important part of making Instagram a safe and welcoming place for everyone. 2m How was this experience? 7:00 AM Oct 2, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

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External References

[1] Twitter – emilyeclow

[2] Twitter – SheRatesDogs

[3] Twitter – molleylj

[4] Twitter – jake_shredz

[5] Twitter – abbygov

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Kickass Masterminds Intern Controversy

Kickass Masterminds Intern Controversy

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Kickass Masterminds Intern Controversy refers to an online backlash that occurred in response to the Austin, Texas-based marketing company Kickass Masterminds posting an applicant's bikini picture to their Instagram Stories to warn other prospective employees not to share unprofessional social media accounts with potential employers.


On October 1st, 2019, Twitter user and Kickass Masterminds applicant @emilyeclow[1] tweeted "i was objectified earlier today by a company because of a picture of me in a bikini. they claimed it made me an 'unprofessional.' they screenshot the photo, posted it on their insta story and called me out" (shown below, left). The tweet gained over 2,500 likes and 200 retweets in a day. She then followed the tweet up with a screenshot of the company's Instagram story (shown below, right). The features a picture of Emily Clow in a bikini captioned "do not share your social media with a potential employer if this is the kinda of content on it." The tweet gained over 800 likes in a day.

Emily Clow @emilyeclow i was objectified earlier today by a company because of a picture of me in a bikini. they claimed it made me an "unprofessional." they screenshot the photo, posted it on their insta story and called me out. i am still baffled that the company handled it in such a manner. 12:44 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Emily Clow @emilyeclow @kickassmasterm 11:25 kickassmasterminds 14m X PSA (because I know some of you applicants are looking at this): do not share your social media with a potential employer if this is the kind of content on it. I am looking for a professional marketer not a bikini Go on with your bad self and do whatever in private. But this is not doing you any favors in finding a professional job model. Send Message A 1:10 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone :

Notable Developments

On October 1st, 2019, Twitter user @SheRatesDogs[2] tweeted a summary of the situation and gained over 47,600 likes and 5,400 retweets in a day. Within hours, the Kickass Masterminds Instagram account was spammed with hate comments. Twitter user @molleylj[3] tweeted a picture of some of the comments (shown below, right). The tweet gained over 2,000 likes in a day:
"updates on “kickassmastermind” within MINUTES of this twitter post LMAO GOOD FOR US"

SheRates Dogs @SheRatesDogs 20h This girl applied for an internship at a company, and they put up this screenshot of her in a bikini on their company Instagram, publicly telling everybody they wouldn't hire her because of this photo. nots media with a potential employer if this is the kind of content on it. I am looking for a professional marketer -not a bikini Go on with your bad self and do whatever in private. But this is not doing you any favors in finding a professional job. model. molleypop @molleylj Replying to @molleylj and @SheRates Dogs updates on "kickassmastermind" within MINUTES of this twitter post LMAO GOOD FOR US 3:2/ PM #onlineentrepreneur #solopreneur #savvybusinessowner #entrepreneurslife #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurtip #onlinecommunity #selfemployed #mytribe #digitalentrepreneur #getshitdone #onlinebiz #becausecommunity Comments kateede i know that may be a foreign concept to y'all considered you attempted to publicly humiliate an applicant for posting bikini photos 18h 58s 9 likes Reply faerievelyn y'all big mad the girl who applied was cuter than u alexxrodriguez Y'all f----- up big time 53s 17 likes Reply 57s 7 likes Reply kateede i would like to escape the age old idea of shaming women victoriascholes Your mindset is trash 47s 7 likes Reply 21s 3 likes Reply kimbuhlyyy Yikes not a good look for your company to be shaming woman! molleylj gonna be real "kickass" when everyone who saw you shame that girl gets here to end yall 46s 5 likes Reply 5s Reply vosemite Twitter gonna qet vou 3:27 PM Oct 1, 2019 from South Carolina, USA Twitter for iPhone

That same day, Twitter users began mocking the company's website. Twitter user @jake_shredz[4] posted screenshots of the site captioned, "These look like some seriously edgy 'entrepreneurs' that think woke capitalism empowers women 😂" (shown below, left). Many Twitter[5] users commented on the fact that Kickass Masterminds deleted their website, Twitter account and made their Instagram account private (shown below, right).

Jake is a Braves accouñt ñow @jake_shredz Replying to @She Rates Dogs "We're damn good at ... DIY get-togethers" These look like some seriously edgy "entrepreneurs" that think woke capitalism empowers women TERMINDS PODCAST ABOUT US CONTACT ASSESSMENT CASE STUDY How Joining a Mastermind Group Helped Brit to Change Her Business Model and Double Her Rates usly Curated & onally Facilitated red Mastermind Groups and we're damn good at it) Go bigger. Take things to the next level. Make a change. Expand. That's why most entroproneurs consider joining a mastermind group. Because they want to grow. And they need support to do it. A hunger to make her business biggor and better is what got Brit Kolo... Business mastermina group are our sole tocus. were the mastermind experts. It's all we do and we're damn good at it We curate and facilitate true mastermind groups. Not group coaching programs or DIY get-togethers, but expert-led, professionally organized, rigorously curated mastermind groups for entrepreneurs and business CK TO JOIN KICKASS executives. Our mastermind groups provide support, strategy, insight, aduice and a conco nf community that ic nrowon to haln. 3:28 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter Web App Abby Govindan @abbygov aw tragic Follow Kickass Masterminds @kickassmasterm NOW CURATING MASTERMINDS: We're the business mastermind experts. It's all we do and we're damn good at it. Austin, TX Joined May 2017 467 Following 177 Followers Tweets &replies Media Likes Tweets Tweets aren't loading right now Please tap to retry 5:07 PM Oct 1, 2019 from Houston, TX Twitter for iPhone Michaela Okland @MichaelaOkla 18h Replying to @abbygov and @SheRates Dogs They also deleted their facebook and made their Instagram private Imfaooo

Various Examples

BrOOke @belizmarq Replying to @SheRates Dogs the irony here is that they have a bathing suit photo posted on their "professional" Instagram kickassmasterminds 46 likes kickassmasterminds "Thank you for reminding me of the other ways to do something. I was talking to my accountant and she asked, 'Where do you get ideas like this? I said, 'This is the person I have developed into because of my mastermind group." 3:28 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Abby Govindan @abbygov Replying to @She Rates Dogs i would hope @kickassmasterm is in the process of firing the person who incited harassment and bullying against an internship applicant 3:33 PM Oct 1, 2019 from Bellaire, TX - Twitter for iPhone Sarah McGonagall @sarahmcgphoto Replying to @She Rates Dogs "We won't hire you because you wear underwear sometimes when you aren't at work." That. That's how this sounds 3:24 PM Oct 1, 2019- Twitter for iPhone Neon Cowboy @sararahb Replying to @SheRatesDogs AND she's complaining now about how people didn't follow her exact directions when applying for the job 3:42 LTE kickassmasterminds 4h Marketing Coordinator Hiring Stats (since |Friday): - 34 resumes submitted and $169 spent on LinkedIn -62 resumes submitted and $120 spent on Indeed - 15 applications completed (using Wufoo forms for this) -3 people followed directions to send their resume and letter via email after their application was submitted Send message 3:43 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Madi @madisongrose Replying to @SheRatesDogs Can't wait to hear what they have to say :) l ROGERS 3G @ 25% 1:41 PM kickassmasterminds 1:41 PM Good afternoon, I recently came across a tweet calling your company out for publicly shaming an intern applicant for having a photo of herself in a bikini on her personal social media account. The tweet is less than an hour old and is already garnering thousands of likes and retweets, along with hundreds of replies from people disgusted by your company's blatant sexism and unprofessionalism. After looking over your Instagram account and website, I'm surprised to see your company appears to be mostly made up of women, which only makes this situation more disappointing. Please do better. Madison Message... 3:42 PM Oct 1, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Jennifer @ImJennnifer Replying to @lmJennnifer and @SheRatesDogs F--- sake 12:00 l 4G Twitter Report Reviewed You anonymously reported kickassmasterminds for harassment or bullying Зт We've reviewed kickassmasterminds's account and found that it doesn't go against our Community Guidelines. Thank you for your report. We reviewed kickassmasterminds's account for harassment or bullying and found that it doesn't go against our Community Guidelines. Reports like yours are an important part of making Instagram a safe and welcoming place for everyone. 2m How was this experience? 7:00 AM Oct 2, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – emilyeclow

[2] Twitter – SheRatesDogs

[3] Twitter – molleylj

[4] Twitter – jake_shredz

[5] Twitter – abbygov

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The greater aerie
The greater aerie

It's mildly unnerving knowing that companies will stalk your social media looking for things like this that you do on your personal time.
"BUT AERIE" you might say, "companies have the right to stalk you on social media and judge you for the things you post to your friends based on their arbitrary morality and not the skills that you could bring to the company."
well poochy, i think it's a bit much, and the result of an increasingly public social life that social media has spawned, i choose not to use it for this very reason i recognize this as a public front and not worth using.
i just find it unnerving is all
and i'm a boomer


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