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Nas Academy Whang-od Academy Scam Allegations refers to Filipino traditional tattoo course was held by Nas Academy which associated with Arab-Israeli influencer Nuseir Yassin known as Nas Daily that alleged as scam due to held the course without permission.


On August 4th, 2021, Facebook[1] user Gracia Palicas who admit as Apo Whang-od (known as Maria Oggay) grandchild uploaded post to "Tattooed by Apo Whang-od" group which claimed that he disrespect her culture and her grandmother didn't sign any contract with Nas Academy site to do any academies after it released course to learn Filipino traditional tattoo from her grandmother who is part of Butbot Tribe. The post received more than 2,500 reactions and 1,300 shares in five days (shown below, left). On the same day, Twitter[2] user @shailagarde retweeted @maroontito's tweet and revealed about how bad Nas Daily attitude when he's looking for Philippines contents. The tweet received more than 19,100 likes and 5,300 retweets in five days (shown below, right).

Gracia Palicas ... 4 Agustus pukul 06.40 · O WARNING!!! Whang Od Academy is a scam. My grandmother did not sign any contract with @NasDaily to do any academy. Some people are taking advantage of our culture. PLEASE HELP US STOP this disrespect to the legacy of Apo Whang Od and the Butbot Tribe. 2,5 rb 32 Komentar 1,3 rb Kali dibagikan
Shai Lagarde @shailagarde My friend's family hosted him in their hometown bec he was looking to do more PH content. But the script he had imagined didn't match what he saw there. So even if there was a good story to tell, he ended up throwing a tantrum and packing up. 1/3 Tito | #SaveSanRoque @maroontito · Aug 4 Nagugulat pa ba kayo kay Nas Daily? Lol he has been milking our culture since day 1. 4:25 PM · Aug 4, 2021 · Twitter for Android 5,397 Retweets 1,229 Quote Tweets 19.1K Likes


Sympathized to Gracia's and Lagarde's post and tweet. On the next day, Facebook[3] user Louise De Guzman Mabulo uploaded post about revealing Nas Daily's rude when he invited to cover her story about "The Cacao Project" in 2019, and claimed he said "the story was not clickable" and insulting any Filipino related such as the language, economy, job, even the Filipinos themselves. The post received more than 369,000 reactions and 294,000 shares in four days (shown below, left, center, and right).

Louise De Guzman Mabulo bersama Louise DG Mabulo dan 4 lainnya. 5 Agustus pukul 14.12 · O I've held my silence for 2 years, however in light of recent news, it's high time I break it. In 2019, Nas Daily had come to my town to cover my story on The Cacao Project- at the time, I was a huge fan, watching his clips with my Dad daily. At the time, I was gaining some press exposure and building up on opportunities thanks to UNEP's recognition of the work I do in my hometown for my farmers. It was enough that a friend, Shai Lagarde, had referred Nas Daily to us. My family took him and other content creators in as welcome guests- with typical hospitality we are known for. However in so little time, I was disappointed to learn that the man l'd looked up to for years was not the bearer of good news he'd misled his followers to believe he was. I watched him imitate and mock the local accent and language, vocalising Tagalog- sounding syllabic phrases saying it sounded stupid. He repeatedly said that the people of my hometown "poor" "farmers are so poor!" "why are Filipinos so poor?" He said no one wants to hear about farmers or farms, it's not clickable viewable content. He didn't care about making change or shedding light on real issues- he only wanted content, a good, easy story to tell that would get him more Filipino views. He even joked at the start of the day that all he needed was to put "Philippines" in the title, and he'd rack in millions of views would and the comments would come flooding with brainless 'Pinoy pride' comments. My family received no greetings nor any thanks from him when we'd received him into our home, going on to say we were only wasting his time. He refused to eat food my mum had spent the whole morning preparing for him knowing that he'd be tired or hungry.
I've worked with journalists, documentary-makers, professors, who have seen my work, interviewed me, and even featured us, and have had no negative experiences that could ever brush up to what I saw that day. Blatant discrimination of my people, no regard for local customs or cultures, and he'd built a story in his mind without meaningfully understanding the context of what he was going to cover. As a result, he was disappointed that my work wasn't the perfectly packaged story he'd pre- determined and imagined-I mean what visual popcorn can you create out of a farm? At the end of the day, I was exhausted, I had no patience left, and 'd worn out every last dreg of my tolerance. He refused to let anyone take a break or eat, and he blamed his lack of "presentable click-worthy content" on me and claimed that everything is not clickable or viewable. I was fully transparent on our phone call that I didn't think my work would be something he'd be able to visualise, and that there's too many factors to the work I do that wouldn't possibly be covered in under a minute- and that maybe it would come to be the kind of content he wanted in five years time, but not now. In his story, he assumed that l'd replaced coconuts with cacao- when in reality, this was unrealistic and absurd, and not the goal of my venture, which is to diversify income streams for farmers. We mutually agreed it was best he should just leave. I should have known better, that this man was exploitative and fueling a neocolonialist narrative using our need for foreign validation. I've stayed silent because I knew that I would face backlash for calling out on this man- after all, it's easy to take Nusseir's word over mine. And I've been haunted with the knowledge that he could manipulate years of my work with a single carelessly misinformed video-I chose to stay silent about it. I would not risk my hometown, and the farmers here who benefit, over an affront by some influencer. I told myself, that if he really was like this, it would come to light eventually. And now, he has overstepped and had the audacity to do the same to Whang-Od and the Butbot Tribe. Yet I still see Filipinos defending Nas despite the statements from Gracia, a fully able bodied representative of her tribe and of Apo Whang-Od, our most revered and iconic artist. Gracia, you did what I never had the courage to do until today, and if you ever read this, you are not alone in your experience. I stand with you, and hope you can get justice and the compensation your tribe deserves from exploitative content creators.
The fact that he refused to take down the course until Gracia took her post down is a clear sign of systematic silencing, and the hope that they want to continue their money-making from our culture. And now, his response to the issue illustrates a video of Apo Whang-Od signing a dubious contract- the same strategy colonizers used to mislead indigenous people to sell off their land, happening now action in the 21st century, except instead of land, it's data and content and tradition being sold. Filipinos should stand together on this- We are not content to be exploited. We are not culture to be capitalised. We are not people to be romanticized. Or poverty to set the scene for "Benevolent Saviors". We are more than what the world thinks of us. People like Nas Daily are the new wave of colonialism in today's world, and I've been silent since 2019, but I cannot for the life of me sit silently any longer over this. I've threaded this into my message for years- support local, support local farmers, take action to aid marginalised groups, protect the vulnerable and empower them to stand for themselves too. We can only ever set the ground and pave the way for others. This has always been my belief, and ever since this experience, I have been mistrustful of anyone who would want to cover or feature what I have done. I have looked at everyone with more suspicion, and I resolved myself to hold no tolerance for affronts of this nature because I refuse to expose the people l care about to discrimination or exploitation in this way, and I have absolutely no filter for anyone who tries to anymore. Gracia had the steel to do what I couldn't back then- to call out the injustice brought about by exploitative behaviour Nas Daily had normalised, and her people did not deserve. And now I speak up to amend my silence and put this resolve into action. Let's support our kababayans and rid ourselves of neocolonialism or colonial mentality. Nas chases Filipinos for content because he knows his validation of our country gives him fame. We dictate the tide. We dictate the trend and virality. Let's put our own forward instead, Filipinos have the ability to make our country great if we set aside our differences, refuse exploitation like this, and work in the interest of the Philippines and the Filipino. Thank you Shai for shedding light on this.

Nas Daily's Responses

On August 5th, 2021, Nas Daily responded about the allegations by uploaded video to his Tagalog version Facebook[4] page that refute the scam allegations and claimed the course was signed by Whang-od herself with finger stamp. The video received more than 53,000 reactions and 7,300 shares in four days (shown below, left). On the same day, Nas Daily[5] uploaded post that responded to Louise's post and accuse back "The Cacao Project" that was run by her is actually a family business. The post received more than 191,000 reactions and 35,000 shares in four days (shown below, right).

Nas Daily Tagalog 5 Agustus pukul 15.46 · O Dear Louise, I have also kept my silence for 2 years out of respect to you. But I can't let you share falsehoods on the Internet for free. I was very inspired by your story. In fact, I was so inspired by what you achieved that I flew in from Singapore to the Province in the Philippines just to SUPPORT YOU. . Lihat Selengkapnya 35% LFE RØDE iSTR dan 192 rb lainnya 80 rb Komentar 35 rb Kali dibagikan

Even though he refute the allegations, Nas Academy[6] temporarily removed the course on the site with redirect page[7] to the announcement for Philippines (shown below).

V NASACADEMY. Login OUR MESSAGE Dear Philippines We started Nas Academy because we think everybody should become a teacher. We wanted everyone inside and outside the Philippines to become a teacher, because knowledge is the only thing that increases when you give it away. Sadly, some of our intentions have been misunderstood, as we can see with Whang-Od Academy. But our goal has always been to help people become teachers, with their input and consent. We are committed to working with the NCIP (National Commission on Indigenous People) to ensure that all proper processes are followed. Meanwhile, we will be pausing our operations in the Philippines to focus on strengthening our processes around how we collaborate with our partners. We have full respect and belief in both the Filipino people and culture, which is why we chose the Philippines as one of the first places to build Nas Academy. We will come back more energised and ready to help more inspiring people become teachers in the Philippines. Because Education changes lives. Thank you to everyone who has engaged in conversation with us. Please take care and stay safe amidst the pandemic. See you again, soon!

Dear Philippines.
We started Nas Academy because we think everybody should become a teacher.
We wanted everyone inside and outside the Philippines to become a teacher, because knowledge is the only thing that increases when you give it away.
Sadly, some of our intentions have been misunderstood, as we can see with Whang-Od Academy. But our goal has always been to help people become teachers, with their input and consent.
We are committed to working with the NCIP (National Commission on Indigenous People) to ensure that all proper processes are followed. Meanwhile, we will be pausing our operations in the Philippines to focus on strengthening our processes around how we collaborate with our partners.
We have full respect and belief in both the Filipino people and culture, which is why we chose the Philippines as one of the first places to build Nas Academy.
We will come back more energised and ready to help more inspiring people become teachers in the Philippines.
Because Education changes lives.
Thank you to everyone who has engaged in conversation with us. Please take care and stay safe amidst the pandemic.
See you again, soon!

Online Reactions

The event became popular among Filipino and Indonesian speakers with various reactions. For example on August 5th, 2021, Facebook[8] user 趙榮恩 uploaded image that comparing like counter at Nas Daily official page follower was decreased from 40 million to 20 million followers not long after the event. Although there is disclaimer that the follower decrease may not only from this event only. The post hidden the reactions, but received more than 1,500 shares (shown below, left). On August 7th, 2021, Indonesian Facebook[9] page Komisi Pemberantasan PHP uploaded screenshot of the event. The post received more than 1,000 reactions and 304 shares (shown below, right).

Disclaimer:  It may not be 20 Million that was lost through this incident. But it shows how socmed influences people, especially Filipinos.
Komisi Pemberantasan PHP 7 Agustus pukul 06.29 History repeat how white guys kicked out Indian tribal in Northern America. "WARNING!! Whang Od Academy is a scam. My grandmother did not sign any contract with @NasDaily to do any academy. Some people are taking advantage of our culture. PLEASE HELP US STOP this disrespect to the legacy of Apo Whang Od and the Butbot Tribe." Apo Whang-Od's granddaughter has called out Nas Daily after the Kalinga tattoo legend was advertised for a masterclass on his online learning platform, Nas Academy, allegedly without her consent. I via FULL STORY: 35% LIFE NAS DAILY'S ACADEMY REMOVES APO WHANG-OD COURSE AMID BACKLASH latestChital PHILIPPINE 1 rb 424 Komentar 304 Kali dibagikan

Meanwhile the event also appearing various memes. For example on August 5th, 2021, Facebook[10] user J Matthew Avanceña Bataican uploaded image of Nas Daily with caption "I destroyed my carrer in 1 minutes, see you tomorrow." The image received more than 29,000 reactions and 54,000 shares (shown below, left). On the same day, Facebook[11] page Buset World uploaded image macro that received more than 1,500 reactions and 800 shares (shown below, center). On the next day, Facebook[12] page Mangasiswa Sastra Jepang uploaded image from Avatar: The Legend of Aang with caption related to Nas Daily. The image received more than 640 reactions and 260 shares (shown below, right).

33% LIFE I destroyed my career in 1 minute, seê you tomonnow
@mangasiswasasjep What does Nassay after sex? What? That's one minute, see you tomorrow.

On August 6th, 2021, Youtuber Epic Asian uploaded video both to Facebook[13] and YouTube[14] about summarize the event between Nas Daily and Louise De Guzman Mabulo. The video received more than 19,000 reactions and 5,200 shares on Facebook, and 13,000 views on YouTube, respectively (shown below).

On the same day, Facebook[15] user John Sherwin Felix uploaded image that also summarize the event. The post received more than 22,000 reactions and 15,000 shares (shown below).

THE MATRIX Father & Fermin M. vs. Nas Daily Fermin M. Daugther Mayor, Father of Louise M. Nas Daily vs. Louise M. NAS DAILY LOUISE M. Vlogger Founder of The Cocoa Project, Haciendera Lost Juan vs. Nas Daily Lost Juan vs. Louise M. LOST JUAN Issue first Vlogger started •.. here Vloggers na dumalaw sa Haclenda nl Loulse M. (a.k.a. Cocoa gurl) PROJECT NIGHTFALL Schoolmates Vlogger sa isang State U. GRACIA P. Apo Whang-od's Relative Jim L. vs. Keb C. Roentgen vs. Jim L. ROENTGEN JIM L. КЕВ С. Former USC Chair Former USC Vice Former classmate ni Louise M. Chair Gracia P. vs. Nas Daily Project Nightfall vs. The Cocoa Project Keb C. vs. Louise M

Search Interest

External References

[1] Facebook – Gracia Palicas

[2] Twitter – @shailagarde

[3] Facebook – Louise De Guzman Mabulo

[4] Facebook – Nas Daily Tagalog

[5] Facebook – Nas Daily Tagalog

[6] Nas Academy (archived) – Whang-od Academy

[7] Nas Academy – Dear Philippines

[8] Facebook – 趙榮恩

[9] Facebook – Komisi Pemberantasan PHP

[10] Facebook – J Matthew Avanceña Bataican

[11] Facebook – Buset World

[12] Facebook – Mangasiswa Sastra Jepang

[13] Facebook – Epic Asian

[14] YouTube – Nas Daily VS Whang Od 脸书最强网红惹到菲律宾

[15] Facebook – John Sherwin Felix

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Nas Academy Whang-od Academy Scam Allegations

Nas Academy Whang-od Academy Scam Allegations

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Nas Academy Whang-od Academy Scam Allegations refers to Filipino traditional tattoo course was held by Nas Academy which associated with Arab-Israeli influencer Nuseir Yassin known as Nas Daily that alleged as scam due to held the course without permission.


On August 4th, 2021, Facebook[1] user Gracia Palicas who admit as Apo Whang-od (known as Maria Oggay) grandchild uploaded post to "Tattooed by Apo Whang-od" group which claimed that he disrespect her culture and her grandmother didn't sign any contract with Nas Academy site to do any academies after it released course to learn Filipino traditional tattoo from her grandmother who is part of Butbot Tribe. The post received more than 2,500 reactions and 1,300 shares in five days (shown below, left). On the same day, Twitter[2] user @shailagarde retweeted @maroontito's tweet and revealed about how bad Nas Daily attitude when he's looking for Philippines contents. The tweet received more than 19,100 likes and 5,300 retweets in five days (shown below, right).

Gracia Palicas ... 4 Agustus pukul 06.40 · O WARNING!!! Whang Od Academy is a scam. My grandmother did not sign any contract with @NasDaily to do any academy. Some people are taking advantage of our culture. PLEASE HELP US STOP this disrespect to the legacy of Apo Whang Od and the Butbot Tribe. 2,5 rb 32 Komentar 1,3 rb Kali dibagikan Shai Lagarde @shailagarde My friend's family hosted him in their hometown bec he was looking to do more PH content. But the script he had imagined didn't match what he saw there. So even if there was a good story to tell, he ended up throwing a tantrum and packing up. 1/3 Tito | #SaveSanRoque @maroontito · Aug 4 Nagugulat pa ba kayo kay Nas Daily? Lol he has been milking our culture since day 1. 4:25 PM · Aug 4, 2021 · Twitter for Android 5,397 Retweets 1,229 Quote Tweets 19.1K Likes


Sympathized to Gracia's and Lagarde's post and tweet. On the next day, Facebook[3] user Louise De Guzman Mabulo uploaded post about revealing Nas Daily's rude when he invited to cover her story about "The Cacao Project" in 2019, and claimed he said "the story was not clickable" and insulting any Filipino related such as the language, economy, job, even the Filipinos themselves. The post received more than 369,000 reactions and 294,000 shares in four days (shown below, left, center, and right).

Louise De Guzman Mabulo bersama Louise DG Mabulo dan 4 lainnya. 5 Agustus pukul 14.12 · O I've held my silence for 2 years, however in light of recent news, it's high time I break it. In 2019, Nas Daily had come to my town to cover my story on The Cacao Project- at the time, I was a huge fan, watching his clips with my Dad daily. At the time, I was gaining some press exposure and building up on opportunities thanks to UNEP's recognition of the work I do in my hometown for my farmers. It was enough that a friend, Shai Lagarde, had referred Nas Daily to us. My family took him and other content creators in as welcome guests- with typical hospitality we are known for. However in so little time, I was disappointed to learn that the man l'd looked up to for years was not the bearer of good news he'd misled his followers to believe he was. I watched him imitate and mock the local accent and language, vocalising Tagalog- sounding syllabic phrases saying it sounded stupid. He repeatedly said that the people of my hometown "poor" "farmers are so poor!" "why are Filipinos so poor?" He said no one wants to hear about farmers or farms, it's not clickable viewable content. He didn't care about making change or shedding light on real issues- he only wanted content, a good, easy story to tell that would get him more Filipino views. He even joked at the start of the day that all he needed was to put "Philippines" in the title, and he'd rack in millions of views would and the comments would come flooding with brainless 'Pinoy pride' comments. My family received no greetings nor any thanks from him when we'd received him into our home, going on to say we were only wasting his time. He refused to eat food my mum had spent the whole morning preparing for him knowing that he'd be tired or hungry. I've worked with journalists, documentary-makers, professors, who have seen my work, interviewed me, and even featured us, and have had no negative experiences that could ever brush up to what I saw that day. Blatant discrimination of my people, no regard for local customs or cultures, and he'd built a story in his mind without meaningfully understanding the context of what he was going to cover. As a result, he was disappointed that my work wasn't the perfectly packaged story he'd pre- determined and imagined-I mean what visual popcorn can you create out of a farm? At the end of the day, I was exhausted, I had no patience left, and 'd worn out every last dreg of my tolerance. He refused to let anyone take a break or eat, and he blamed his lack of "presentable click-worthy content" on me and claimed that everything is not clickable or viewable. I was fully transparent on our phone call that I didn't think my work would be something he'd be able to visualise, and that there's too many factors to the work I do that wouldn't possibly be covered in under a minute- and that maybe it would come to be the kind of content he wanted in five years time, but not now. In his story, he assumed that l'd replaced coconuts with cacao- when in reality, this was unrealistic and absurd, and not the goal of my venture, which is to diversify income streams for farmers. We mutually agreed it was best he should just leave. I should have known better, that this man was exploitative and fueling a neocolonialist narrative using our need for foreign validation. I've stayed silent because I knew that I would face backlash for calling out on this man- after all, it's easy to take Nusseir's word over mine. And I've been haunted with the knowledge that he could manipulate years of my work with a single carelessly misinformed video-I chose to stay silent about it. I would not risk my hometown, and the farmers here who benefit, over an affront by some influencer. I told myself, that if he really was like this, it would come to light eventually. And now, he has overstepped and had the audacity to do the same to Whang-Od and the Butbot Tribe. Yet I still see Filipinos defending Nas despite the statements from Gracia, a fully able bodied representative of her tribe and of Apo Whang-Od, our most revered and iconic artist. Gracia, you did what I never had the courage to do until today, and if you ever read this, you are not alone in your experience. I stand with you, and hope you can get justice and the compensation your tribe deserves from exploitative content creators. The fact that he refused to take down the course until Gracia took her post down is a clear sign of systematic silencing, and the hope that they want to continue their money-making from our culture. And now, his response to the issue illustrates a video of Apo Whang-Od signing a dubious contract- the same strategy colonizers used to mislead indigenous people to sell off their land, happening now action in the 21st century, except instead of land, it's data and content and tradition being sold. Filipinos should stand together on this- We are not content to be exploited. We are not culture to be capitalised. We are not people to be romanticized. Or poverty to set the scene for "Benevolent Saviors". We are more than what the world thinks of us. People like Nas Daily are the new wave of colonialism in today's world, and I've been silent since 2019, but I cannot for the life of me sit silently any longer over this. I've threaded this into my message for years- support local, support local farmers, take action to aid marginalised groups, protect the vulnerable and empower them to stand for themselves too. We can only ever set the ground and pave the way for others. This has always been my belief, and ever since this experience, I have been mistrustful of anyone who would want to cover or feature what I have done. I have looked at everyone with more suspicion, and I resolved myself to hold no tolerance for affronts of this nature because I refuse to expose the people l care about to discrimination or exploitation in this way, and I have absolutely no filter for anyone who tries to anymore. Gracia had the steel to do what I couldn't back then- to call out the injustice brought about by exploitative behaviour Nas Daily had normalised, and her people did not deserve. And now I speak up to amend my silence and put this resolve into action. Let's support our kababayans and rid ourselves of neocolonialism or colonial mentality. Nas chases Filipinos for content because he knows his validation of our country gives him fame. We dictate the tide. We dictate the trend and virality. Let's put our own forward instead, Filipinos have the ability to make our country great if we set aside our differences, refuse exploitation like this, and work in the interest of the Philippines and the Filipino. Thank you Shai for shedding light on this.

Nas Daily's Responses

On August 5th, 2021, Nas Daily responded about the allegations by uploaded video to his Tagalog version Facebook[4] page that refute the scam allegations and claimed the course was signed by Whang-od herself with finger stamp. The video received more than 53,000 reactions and 7,300 shares in four days (shown below, left). On the same day, Nas Daily[5] uploaded post that responded to Louise's post and accuse back "The Cacao Project" that was run by her is actually a family business. The post received more than 191,000 reactions and 35,000 shares in four days (shown below, right).

Nas Daily Tagalog 5 Agustus pukul 15.46 · O Dear Louise, I have also kept my silence for 2 years out of respect to you. But I can't let you share falsehoods on the Internet for free. I was very inspired by your story. In fact, I was so inspired by what you achieved that I flew in from Singapore to the Province in the Philippines just to SUPPORT YOU. . Lihat Selengkapnya 35% LFE RØDE iSTR dan 192 rb lainnya 80 rb Komentar 35 rb Kali dibagikan

Even though he refute the allegations, Nas Academy[6] temporarily removed the course on the site with redirect page[7] to the announcement for Philippines (shown below).

V NASACADEMY. Login OUR MESSAGE Dear Philippines We started Nas Academy because we think everybody should become a teacher. We wanted everyone inside and outside the Philippines to become a teacher, because knowledge is the only thing that increases when you give it away. Sadly, some of our intentions have been misunderstood, as we can see with Whang-Od Academy. But our goal has always been to help people become teachers, with their input and consent. We are committed to working with the NCIP (National Commission on Indigenous People) to ensure that all proper processes are followed. Meanwhile, we will be pausing our operations in the Philippines to focus on strengthening our processes around how we collaborate with our partners. We have full respect and belief in both the Filipino people and culture, which is why we chose the Philippines as one of the first places to build Nas Academy. We will come back more energised and ready to help more inspiring people become teachers in the Philippines. Because Education changes lives. Thank you to everyone who has engaged in conversation with us. Please take care and stay safe amidst the pandemic. See you again, soon!

Dear Philippines.
We started Nas Academy because we think everybody should become a teacher.
We wanted everyone inside and outside the Philippines to become a teacher, because knowledge is the only thing that increases when you give it away.
Sadly, some of our intentions have been misunderstood, as we can see with Whang-Od Academy. But our goal has always been to help people become teachers, with their input and consent.
We are committed to working with the NCIP (National Commission on Indigenous People) to ensure that all proper processes are followed. Meanwhile, we will be pausing our operations in the Philippines to focus on strengthening our processes around how we collaborate with our partners.
We have full respect and belief in both the Filipino people and culture, which is why we chose the Philippines as one of the first places to build Nas Academy.
We will come back more energised and ready to help more inspiring people become teachers in the Philippines.
Because Education changes lives.
Thank you to everyone who has engaged in conversation with us. Please take care and stay safe amidst the pandemic.
See you again, soon!

Online Reactions

The event became popular among Filipino and Indonesian speakers with various reactions. For example on August 5th, 2021, Facebook[8] user 趙榮恩 uploaded image that comparing like counter at Nas Daily official page follower was decreased from 40 million to 20 million followers not long after the event. Although there is disclaimer that the follower decrease may not only from this event only. The post hidden the reactions, but received more than 1,500 shares (shown below, left). On August 7th, 2021, Indonesian Facebook[9] page Komisi Pemberantasan PHP uploaded screenshot of the event. The post received more than 1,000 reactions and 304 shares (shown below, right).

Disclaimer:  It may not be 20 Million that was lost through this incident. But it shows how socmed influences people, especially Filipinos. Komisi Pemberantasan PHP 7 Agustus pukul 06.29 History repeat how white guys kicked out Indian tribal in Northern America. "WARNING!! Whang Od Academy is a scam. My grandmother did not sign any contract with @NasDaily to do any academy. Some people are taking advantage of our culture. PLEASE HELP US STOP this disrespect to the legacy of Apo Whang Od and the Butbot Tribe." Apo Whang-Od's granddaughter has called out Nas Daily after the Kalinga tattoo legend was advertised for a masterclass on his online learning platform, Nas Academy, allegedly without her consent. I via FULL STORY: 35% LIFE NAS DAILY'S ACADEMY REMOVES APO WHANG-OD COURSE AMID BACKLASH latestChital PHILIPPINE 1 rb 424 Komentar 304 Kali dibagikan

Meanwhile the event also appearing various memes. For example on August 5th, 2021, Facebook[10] user J Matthew Avanceña Bataican uploaded image of Nas Daily with caption "I destroyed my carrer in 1 minutes, see you tomorrow." The image received more than 29,000 reactions and 54,000 shares (shown below, left). On the same day, Facebook[11] page Buset World uploaded image macro that received more than 1,500 reactions and 800 shares (shown below, center). On the next day, Facebook[12] page Mangasiswa Sastra Jepang uploaded image from Avatar: The Legend of Aang with caption related to Nas Daily. The image received more than 640 reactions and 260 shares (shown below, right).

33% LIFE I destroyed my career in 1 minute, seê you tomonnow NAS DIALY AND MIKA DAIME ARE INNOCENTS @mangasiswasasjep What does Nassay after sex? What? That's one minute, see you tomorrow.

On August 6th, 2021, Youtuber Epic Asian uploaded video both to Facebook[13] and YouTube[14] about summarize the event between Nas Daily and Louise De Guzman Mabulo. The video received more than 19,000 reactions and 5,200 shares on Facebook, and 13,000 views on YouTube, respectively (shown below).

On the same day, Facebook[15] user John Sherwin Felix uploaded image that also summarize the event. The post received more than 22,000 reactions and 15,000 shares (shown below).

THE MATRIX Father & Fermin M. vs. Nas Daily Fermin M. Daugther Mayor, Father of Louise M. Nas Daily vs. Louise M. NAS DAILY LOUISE M. Vlogger Founder of The Cocoa Project, Haciendera Lost Juan vs. Nas Daily Lost Juan vs. Louise M. LOST JUAN Issue first Vlogger started •.. here Vloggers na dumalaw sa Haclenda nl Loulse M. (a.k.a. Cocoa gurl) PROJECT NIGHTFALL Schoolmates Vlogger sa isang State U. GRACIA P. Apo Whang-od's Relative Jim L. vs. Keb C. Roentgen vs. Jim L. ROENTGEN JIM L. КЕВ С. Former USC Chair Former USC Vice Former classmate ni Louise M. Chair Gracia P. vs. Nas Daily Project Nightfall vs. The Cocoa Project Keb C. vs. Louise M

Search Interest

External References

[1] Facebook – Gracia Palicas

[2] Twitter – @shailagarde

[3] Facebook – Louise De Guzman Mabulo

[4] Facebook – Nas Daily Tagalog

[5] Facebook – Nas Daily Tagalog

[6] Nas Academy (archived) – Whang-od Academy

[7] Nas Academy – Dear Philippines

[8] Facebook – 趙榮恩

[9] Facebook – Komisi Pemberantasan PHP

[10] Facebook – J Matthew Avanceña Bataican

[11] Facebook – Buset World

[12] Facebook – Mangasiswa Sastra Jepang

[13] Facebook – Epic Asian

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[15] Facebook – John Sherwin Felix

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