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Part of a series on Jacob Wohl. [View Related Entries]


Surefire Intelligence Robert Mueller Smear Plot refers to an alleged scheme to pay women to accuse FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct in an attempt to smear his reputation. The controversy was widely publicized online in late October 2018 after evidence emerged that conservative lobbyist Jack Burkman was involved in pushing the allegations and pro-Trump activist Jacob Wohl orchestrated the campaign through an agency named Surefire Intelligence.


On October 30th, 2018, conservative Twitter personality Jacob Wohl, previously known for his I Just Left a Hipster Coffee Shop tweets and for being accused of defrauding investors,[3] tweeted suggesting major allegations were about to drop against Special Counsel Robert Mueller (shown below).

Jacob Wohl Follow @JacobAWohl Several media sources tell me that a scandalous story about Mueller is breaking tomorrow. Should be interesting. Stay tuned! 1:52 AM-30 Oct 2018


That day, several reporters revealed that on October 17th, they received an email with an "urgent tip" from a woman named "Lorraine" saying she had been offered money to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct.[1]

Urgent News Tip Inbox x Wed, Oct 17,3:01 PM (13 days ago bcc: me Hi My name i was contacled ia phone -ca for Pilsbury, Madison, and Sutroin 1974(now caled Plsbusure how he ktat ever worked the who had a British accent, and said that he would like to ask me a couple of questions about Robert Mueller, whom I worked with when I was a paralegal for Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro in 1974 (now called Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman). I asked him who he was working for for, and he told me his boss was some sort of politics guy in Washington named Jack Burkman (or Berkman... Not sure how it's spelled). I'm not sure how he knew that I ever worked there or worked with Robert Mueller. I reluctantly told Mr then changed his tone, and mentioned that he might be able to help me pay off some debt. He knew exactly how much credit card debt I had, right down to the dollar, which sort of freaked me out. (My late husband was quite a big spender, and we had run up about $34,000 on our credit cards). I askd him, why exactly he would do something like that? He said it's not that simple. And that he wanted to come meet with me at my home here in that I had only worked with Mr. Mueller for a short period of time, before leaving that firm to have my first son. Mr. o discuss the matter. (Again, I had no idea how he knew where I live). I told him that I wasn't interested in whatever he was looking for and I hung up the phone and didn't think about it any more Two days later, Bill called again. He told me "I'm just going to cut straight to the Chase. He then offered to pay off all of my credit card debt, plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I would do one thing. In more of an effort to get him to go away than anything else, I asked him what in the hell he wanted me to do. He said that we could not talk about it on the phone, and he asked me to download an app on my phone called Signal, which he said was more secure. Reluctantly, I downloaded the app and he called me on that app a few minutes later. He said (and I will never forget exactly what it was) "I want you to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller, and I want you to sign a sworn affidavit to that effect". He said that he could arrange an additional $10,000 bonus from his client, who he said wqs a man named Jack Burkman, if I could sign the documents immediately I don't know who these people are, or why they want this stuff. I immediately hung up the phone and deleted that app. I didn't see Robert Mueller very much when I worked at Pillsbury, but when I did see him, he was always very polite to me, and was never inappropriate. I don't know what these people are looking for, but I'm not going to be part of some kind of Washington DC drama for any price

Reporters were unable to verify the claims or even existence of "Lorraine." In response to Wohl's tweet, reporter Scott Stedman[2] posted his direct messages with an anonymous person "Lorraine" referred him to. This person was allegedly behind the payment offer, and he claimed to be working for Jack Burkman, a conservative lobbyist.

Your involvement in this matter is not needed. Have a nice night. Oct 17, 6:52 PM Are you still willing to pay for the Mueller story? Oct 17, 7:09 PM You are in over your head. Drop this Oct 17, 7:30 PM Who are you working for Oct 17, 7:35 PM You didn't get this from me: My employer (a private intelligence outfit) is currently working on behalf of Burkman & Associates on this project.
I'm not going to violate confidences between my employer and Burkman & Associates. I can tell you that I've been working on this for several months, flying all over the country to do so. What else do you want to know? I can provide some color if you can veil me as a source Ican't lose my job over this. . Oct 18, 12:06 PM I get that man, and you can be 100% confidential if I get some info here. I'm not looking to ruin your career, I'm looking to tell this story Oct 18, 12:07 PM I need you to confirm that Burkman is offering to pay up to $30,000 to women to make up stories about Mueller Oct 18, 12:08 PM Yes, to tell stories about Mueller. I'm worried that 'make up might be a bridge too far Oct 18, 12:16 PM

Hill Reporter[4] reported that day that the Special Counsel had alerted the FBI to a scheme to accuse Mueller of sexual misconduct. Shortly after, Jack Burkman tweeted that he was going to have a press conference with the woman accusing Mueller of sexual misconduct on November 1st (shown below).

Jack Burkman Follow @Jack_Burkma Some sad news. On Thursday, November 1, at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at noon, we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims. T applaud the courage and dignity and grace and strength of my client

The conservative site Gateway Pundit, in a since-deleted post, posted details of the allegations, saying they took place on August 2nd, 2010.[5] On August 2nd, 2010, The Washington Post[6] had reported that Mueller was in court for jury duty.

Jacob Wohl's Involvement

Speaking to Hill Reporter, Burkman linked his information to Surefire Intelligence, saying the company was run by Jacob Wohl. Wohl denied his involvement with Surefire Intelligence, but Hill Reporter verified that Wohl's email was listed SOA: RNAME record. Wohl is also a contributor to Gateway Pundit.

DNS Record Analysis Host surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.venus.orderbox-dns.com surefireintelligence.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.mercury.orderbox-dns.com surefireintelligence.com SOA 7200 MNAME: wzukltd.mars.orderbox-dns.com Type TTL Extra 7200 IP: NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.mars.orderbox-dns.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.earth.orderbox-dns.com RNAME: jacob.wohl.nexmanagement.com Serial: 2018072002 Refresh: 7200 Retry: 7200 Expire: 172800

According to Hill Reporter's research, Surefire Intelligence was incorporated on October 9th, 2018, and its listed phone numbers "come up empty" and its addresses "have no real presence." Twitter user Aric Toler[7] looked up Surefire Intelligence employees on LinkedIn and discovered that the photos used for the accounts were easily reverse-searched and that one of the "employees" of the company used a photo of actor Christoph Waltz (shown below).

Aric Toler @Aric Toler Follow Surefire Intelligence's "Financial Investigator" in Zurich is Christoph Waltz. What a great hire! Infamous Facts About "Inglorious Bastards" (17 pics)-Picture # 10 Posted in Random Interesting9 Feb 2018 87 views 0 Tweet init0 12345 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617next Simon Frick Financial Investigator at Surefire Intelligence Zürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland surefire Intelligence University of Bern See contact info Connect Experience Financial Investigator Surefire Intelligence Oct 2016-Present 2 yrs 1 mo Education University of Bern -Bachelor's degree, International Business 1977-1981 5:33 PM-30 Oct 2018

NBC News[8] investigated the story and discovered that when calling Surefire Intelligence, they were redirected to another number, which turned out to be the number of Jacob Wohl's mother. Additionally, Jane Meyer of the New Yorker pointed out that the Linkedin profile for Surefire Intelligence Managing Partner Matthew Cohen appeared to be a photoshopped image of Wohl (shown below).

Jane Mayer @JaneMayerNYer Follow Odd. Jacob Wohl says he doesn't know nuttin' about Surefire Intelligence, the firm tied to the bizarre Mueller allegations. Take a look at the photos below of Mathhew Cohen, head of Surefire,' and of Jacob Wohl. Matthew Cohen Managing Partner at Surefire Intelligern Los Angeles in Surefirelntelligence.c

Jacob Wohl and the scandal earned a devoted thread on KiwiFarms where people discussed his failure to conjure credible allegations.[10]

November 1st Press Conference

On November 1st, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman appeared before reporters to announce their allegations against Robert Mueller. They were scheduled to appear with the woman supposedly accusing Mueller, fashion designer Carolyne Cass, but the woman never appeared.[9] The men said the woman "panicked" and decided not to show and instead presented a signed affidavit that claimed Mueller raped her on August 2nd, 2010. No other evidence was given, and they stated that the Washington Post story from August 2nd, 2010 that placed Mueller at jury duty was leaked by his team. Notably, in the affidavit, Cass' name was spelled "Carolyn" without an "e." After insisting this was the correct way to spell her name, Burkman conceded to reporters that it was spelled with an "e" and quipped "Even the Declaration of Independence had misspellings."

The pair, who had previously said they had seven women accusing Mueller, later conceded this was not the case. They could not answer questions about Mueller's security detail during the supposed day of assault, how Wohl knew Cass, or about the allegations that the women involved had reported that they had been offered money to make false allegations against Mueller. After the conference, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft stated the site had suspended its relationship with Wohl. At one point, Burkman stated that Wohl was "a child prodigy that has eclipsed Mozart."

Jacob Wohl vs. Chrissy Teigen

On October 30th, reacting to Jacob Wohl's name trending, model Chrissy Teigen tweeted,[11] "can someone break down with jacob wohl did in one tweet. like a cliffs note please – my timeline is a mess I don’t have the energy." The tweet received more than 800 retweets and 21,000 likes in three days.

christine teigen @chrissyteigen can someone break down with jacob wohl did in one tweet. like a cliffs note please my timeline is a mess I don't have the energy

Two days later, Wohl responded to the post by tweeting at Teigen, "I became more famous than you. That’s what happened." Additionally, Wohl included a Google Trends breakdown of the search interest. The post received more than 100 retweets and 1,000 likes in 24 hours (shown below, left). Teigen responded,[12] "This is literally just a graph proving people had to google your dumbass to figure out who you are." The tweet received more than 33,000 retweets and 319,000 likes in 24 hours (shown below, right).

On November 1st, The Daily Dot [13] reported on the conversation.

Jacob Wohl @JacobAWohl Replying to @chrissyteigen I became more famous than you. That's what happened 100 75 50 25 Oct 25 at 5 Oct 29 at 1:00 AM Nov... Compared breakdo... Subregion v e Jacob WohlChrissy Teigen Color intensity represents percentage of searches LEARN MORE
christine teigen @chrissyteigen This is literally just a qaraph proving people had to google your dumbass to figure out who you are Jacob Wohl Ф @JacobAWohl Replying to @chrissyteigen m *I became more famous than you. That's what happened

On February 26th, 2019, USA Today[14] published a profile on Wohl that included a statement from Carolyne Cass, the accuser in the Mueller allegations. In the article, she claimed that she met Wohl on Craigslist, and he proceeded to trick her into convincing her that he was an investigator named Matthew Cohen.

Cass went on to say that the document accusing Mueller was made up by Wohl.

That day, Daily Beast[15] writer Will Sommer tweeted the excerpt from the article with the caption "Remember Jacob Wohl's disastrous press conference smearing Robert Mueller? His Mueller accuser now says Jacob tricked her and made it all up." The post recived more than 1,400 retweets and 3,100 comments in 24 hours (shown below).

Will Sommer @willsommer Remember Jacob Wohl's disastrous press conference smearing Robert Mueller? His Mueller accuser now says Jacob tricked her and made it all up. usatoday.com/story/news/201 But when reached by USA TODAY, 34-year-old Carolyne Cass of Los Angeles said Wohl, whom she met on Craigslist, had tricked her by pretending to be an investigator named Matthew Cohen who was trained by Israeli intelligence forces and agreed to help her with "unscrupulous characters ripping me off." Cass said she paid the man she knew as Cohen $2,000, for which he did no work but instead offered her the prospect of employment at his intelligence agency and had her speak on the phone to people whose identities she now believes Wohl fabricated Cass said it ultimately became clear that Cohen and his associates, imaginary or otherwise, "needed a credible female to put on the line" for false allegations about Mueller. "They made it up," Cass said of the document accusing Mueller, which was passed around at the news conference. "They wrote it and docu-signed it." She claimed Cohen tried to get her to speak at the news conference but she escaped and learned only as the scheme exploded that Cohen was in fact Wohl. "He completely lied to me," Cass said. 11:37 AM-26 Feb 2019

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Surefire Intelligence Robert Mueller Smear Plot

Surefire Intelligence Robert Mueller Smear Plot

Part of a series on Jacob Wohl. [View Related Entries]

Updated Feb 26, 2019 at 04:46PM EST by Matt.

Added Oct 31, 2018 at 09:37AM EDT by Adam.

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Surefire Intelligence Robert Mueller Smear Plot refers to an alleged scheme to pay women to accuse FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct in an attempt to smear his reputation. The controversy was widely publicized online in late October 2018 after evidence emerged that conservative lobbyist Jack Burkman was involved in pushing the allegations and pro-Trump activist Jacob Wohl orchestrated the campaign through an agency named Surefire Intelligence.


On October 30th, 2018, conservative Twitter personality Jacob Wohl, previously known for his I Just Left a Hipster Coffee Shop tweets and for being accused of defrauding investors,[3] tweeted suggesting major allegations were about to drop against Special Counsel Robert Mueller (shown below).

Jacob Wohl Follow @JacobAWohl Several media sources tell me that a scandalous story about Mueller is breaking tomorrow. Should be interesting. Stay tuned! 1:52 AM-30 Oct 2018


That day, several reporters revealed that on October 17th, they received an email with an "urgent tip" from a woman named "Lorraine" saying she had been offered money to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct.[1]

Urgent News Tip Inbox x Wed, Oct 17,3:01 PM (13 days ago bcc: me Hi My name i was contacled ia phone -ca for Pilsbury, Madison, and Sutroin 1974(now caled Plsbusure how he ktat ever worked the who had a British accent, and said that he would like to ask me a couple of questions about Robert Mueller, whom I worked with when I was a paralegal for Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro in 1974 (now called Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman). I asked him who he was working for for, and he told me his boss was some sort of politics guy in Washington named Jack Burkman (or Berkman... Not sure how it's spelled). I'm not sure how he knew that I ever worked there or worked with Robert Mueller. I reluctantly told Mr then changed his tone, and mentioned that he might be able to help me pay off some debt. He knew exactly how much credit card debt I had, right down to the dollar, which sort of freaked me out. (My late husband was quite a big spender, and we had run up about $34,000 on our credit cards). I askd him, why exactly he would do something like that? He said it's not that simple. And that he wanted to come meet with me at my home here in that I had only worked with Mr. Mueller for a short period of time, before leaving that firm to have my first son. Mr. o discuss the matter. (Again, I had no idea how he knew where I live). I told him that I wasn't interested in whatever he was looking for and I hung up the phone and didn't think about it any more Two days later, Bill called again. He told me "I'm just going to cut straight to the Chase. He then offered to pay off all of my credit card debt, plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I would do one thing. In more of an effort to get him to go away than anything else, I asked him what in the hell he wanted me to do. He said that we could not talk about it on the phone, and he asked me to download an app on my phone called Signal, which he said was more secure. Reluctantly, I downloaded the app and he called me on that app a few minutes later. He said (and I will never forget exactly what it was) "I want you to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller, and I want you to sign a sworn affidavit to that effect". He said that he could arrange an additional $10,000 bonus from his client, who he said wqs a man named Jack Burkman, if I could sign the documents immediately I don't know who these people are, or why they want this stuff. I immediately hung up the phone and deleted that app. I didn't see Robert Mueller very much when I worked at Pillsbury, but when I did see him, he was always very polite to me, and was never inappropriate. I don't know what these people are looking for, but I'm not going to be part of some kind of Washington DC drama for any price

Reporters were unable to verify the claims or even existence of "Lorraine." In response to Wohl's tweet, reporter Scott Stedman[2] posted his direct messages with an anonymous person "Lorraine" referred him to. This person was allegedly behind the payment offer, and he claimed to be working for Jack Burkman, a conservative lobbyist.

Your involvement in this matter is not needed. Have a nice night. Oct 17, 6:52 PM Are you still willing to pay for the Mueller story? Oct 17, 7:09 PM You are in over your head. Drop this Oct 17, 7:30 PM Who are you working for Oct 17, 7:35 PM You didn't get this from me: My employer (a private intelligence outfit) is currently working on behalf of Burkman & Associates on this project. I'm not going to violate confidences between my employer and Burkman & Associates. I can tell you that I've been working on this for several months, flying all over the country to do so. What else do you want to know? I can provide some color if you can veil me as a source Ican't lose my job over this. . Oct 18, 12:06 PM I get that man, and you can be 100% confidential if I get some info here. I'm not looking to ruin your career, I'm looking to tell this story Oct 18, 12:07 PM I need you to confirm that Burkman is offering to pay up to $30,000 to women to make up stories about Mueller Oct 18, 12:08 PM Yes, to tell stories about Mueller. I'm worried that 'make up might be a bridge too far Oct 18, 12:16 PM

Hill Reporter[4] reported that day that the Special Counsel had alerted the FBI to a scheme to accuse Mueller of sexual misconduct. Shortly after, Jack Burkman tweeted that he was going to have a press conference with the woman accusing Mueller of sexual misconduct on November 1st (shown below).

Jack Burkman Follow @Jack_Burkma Some sad news. On Thursday, November 1, at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn at noon, we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's sex assault victims. T applaud the courage and dignity and grace and strength of my client

The conservative site Gateway Pundit, in a since-deleted post, posted details of the allegations, saying they took place on August 2nd, 2010.[5] On August 2nd, 2010, The Washington Post[6] had reported that Mueller was in court for jury duty.

Jacob Wohl's Involvement

Speaking to Hill Reporter, Burkman linked his information to Surefire Intelligence, saying the company was run by Jacob Wohl. Wohl denied his involvement with Surefire Intelligence, but Hill Reporter verified that Wohl's email was listed SOA: RNAME record. Wohl is also a contributor to Gateway Pundit.

DNS Record Analysis Host surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com surefireintelligence.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.venus.orderbox-dns.com surefireintelligence.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.mercury.orderbox-dns.com surefireintelligence.com SOA 7200 MNAME: wzukltd.mars.orderbox-dns.com Type TTL Extra 7200 IP: NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.mars.orderbox-dns.com NS 38400 Target: wzukltd.earth.orderbox-dns.com RNAME: jacob.wohl.nexmanagement.com Serial: 2018072002 Refresh: 7200 Retry: 7200 Expire: 172800

According to Hill Reporter's research, Surefire Intelligence was incorporated on October 9th, 2018, and its listed phone numbers "come up empty" and its addresses "have no real presence." Twitter user Aric Toler[7] looked up Surefire Intelligence employees on LinkedIn and discovered that the photos used for the accounts were easily reverse-searched and that one of the "employees" of the company used a photo of actor Christoph Waltz (shown below).

Aric Toler @Aric Toler Follow Surefire Intelligence's "Financial Investigator" in Zurich is Christoph Waltz. What a great hire! Infamous Facts About "Inglorious Bastards" (17 pics)-Picture # 10 Posted in Random Interesting9 Feb 2018 87 views 0 Tweet init0 12345 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617next Simon Frick Financial Investigator at Surefire Intelligence Zürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland surefire Intelligence University of Bern See contact info Connect Experience Financial Investigator Surefire Intelligence Oct 2016-Present 2 yrs 1 mo Education University of Bern -Bachelor's degree, International Business 1977-1981 5:33 PM-30 Oct 2018

NBC News[8] investigated the story and discovered that when calling Surefire Intelligence, they were redirected to another number, which turned out to be the number of Jacob Wohl's mother. Additionally, Jane Meyer of the New Yorker pointed out that the Linkedin profile for Surefire Intelligence Managing Partner Matthew Cohen appeared to be a photoshopped image of Wohl (shown below).

Jane Mayer @JaneMayerNYer Follow Odd. Jacob Wohl says he doesn't know nuttin' about Surefire Intelligence, the firm tied to the bizarre Mueller allegations. Take a look at the photos below of Mathhew Cohen, head of Surefire,' and of Jacob Wohl. Matthew Cohen Managing Partner at Surefire Intelligern Los Angeles in Surefirelntelligence.c

Jacob Wohl and the scandal earned a devoted thread on KiwiFarms where people discussed his failure to conjure credible allegations.[10]

November 1st Press Conference

On November 1st, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman appeared before reporters to announce their allegations against Robert Mueller. They were scheduled to appear with the woman supposedly accusing Mueller, fashion designer Carolyne Cass, but the woman never appeared.[9] The men said the woman "panicked" and decided not to show and instead presented a signed affidavit that claimed Mueller raped her on August 2nd, 2010. No other evidence was given, and they stated that the Washington Post story from August 2nd, 2010 that placed Mueller at jury duty was leaked by his team. Notably, in the affidavit, Cass' name was spelled "Carolyn" without an "e." After insisting this was the correct way to spell her name, Burkman conceded to reporters that it was spelled with an "e" and quipped "Even the Declaration of Independence had misspellings."

The pair, who had previously said they had seven women accusing Mueller, later conceded this was not the case. They could not answer questions about Mueller's security detail during the supposed day of assault, how Wohl knew Cass, or about the allegations that the women involved had reported that they had been offered money to make false allegations against Mueller. After the conference, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft stated the site had suspended its relationship with Wohl. At one point, Burkman stated that Wohl was "a child prodigy that has eclipsed Mozart."

Jacob Wohl vs. Chrissy Teigen

On October 30th, reacting to Jacob Wohl's name trending, model Chrissy Teigen tweeted,[11] "can someone break down with jacob wohl did in one tweet. like a cliffs note please – my timeline is a mess I don’t have the energy." The tweet received more than 800 retweets and 21,000 likes in three days.

christine teigen @chrissyteigen can someone break down with jacob wohl did in one tweet. like a cliffs note please my timeline is a mess I don't have the energy

Two days later, Wohl responded to the post by tweeting at Teigen, "I became more famous than you. That’s what happened." Additionally, Wohl included a Google Trends breakdown of the search interest. The post received more than 100 retweets and 1,000 likes in 24 hours (shown below, left). Teigen responded,[12] "This is literally just a graph proving people had to google your dumbass to figure out who you are." The tweet received more than 33,000 retweets and 319,000 likes in 24 hours (shown below, right).

On November 1st, The Daily Dot [13] reported on the conversation.

Jacob Wohl @JacobAWohl Replying to @chrissyteigen I became more famous than you. That's what happened 100 75 50 25 Oct 25 at 5 Oct 29 at 1:00 AM Nov... Compared breakdo... Subregion v e Jacob WohlChrissy Teigen Color intensity represents percentage of searches LEARN MORE christine teigen @chrissyteigen This is literally just a qaraph proving people had to google your dumbass to figure out who you are Jacob Wohl Ф @JacobAWohl Replying to @chrissyteigen m *I became more famous than you. That's what happened

On February 26th, 2019, USA Today[14] published a profile on Wohl that included a statement from Carolyne Cass, the accuser in the Mueller allegations. In the article, she claimed that she met Wohl on Craigslist, and he proceeded to trick her into convincing her that he was an investigator named Matthew Cohen.

Cass went on to say that the document accusing Mueller was made up by Wohl.

That day, Daily Beast[15] writer Will Sommer tweeted the excerpt from the article with the caption "Remember Jacob Wohl's disastrous press conference smearing Robert Mueller? His Mueller accuser now says Jacob tricked her and made it all up." The post recived more than 1,400 retweets and 3,100 comments in 24 hours (shown below).

Will Sommer @willsommer Remember Jacob Wohl's disastrous press conference smearing Robert Mueller? His Mueller accuser now says Jacob tricked her and made it all up. usatoday.com/story/news/201 But when reached by USA TODAY, 34-year-old Carolyne Cass of Los Angeles said Wohl, whom she met on Craigslist, had tricked her by pretending to be an investigator named Matthew Cohen who was trained by Israeli intelligence forces and agreed to help her with "unscrupulous characters ripping me off." Cass said she paid the man she knew as Cohen $2,000, for which he did no work but instead offered her the prospect of employment at his intelligence agency and had her speak on the phone to people whose identities she now believes Wohl fabricated Cass said it ultimately became clear that Cohen and his associates, imaginary or otherwise, "needed a credible female to put on the line" for false allegations about Mueller. "They made it up," Cass said of the document accusing Mueller, which was passed around at the news conference. "They wrote it and docu-signed it." She claimed Cohen tried to get her to speak at the news conference but she escaped and learned only as the scheme exploded that Cohen was in fact Wohl. "He completely lied to me," Cass said. 11:37 AM-26 Feb 2019

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