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Part of a series on /sp/. [View Related Entries]


The Philmarilion is a 97-page document containing exhaustive notes, poems and other artworks centered around 4chan user “UTV," authored and released by “the archiver” in October 2013.


In June 2013, 4chan user known as "the archiver" began following and commenting on user UTV’s threads on the /sp/ (sports) board, prompting UTV to lash out and demand to be left alone (shown below).

□ UTV Gabby . Tekkers-Weimann MjaFQpDkME 06/23/13(Sun)01 Octopus crawls into its tank with a scarf over its head gif (2 MB, 386x2 -s HOW ABOUT YOU JUST F--- OFF!? YOU F------ C--- STOP F------ STALKING ME F------ SAD P------------ UTV !MjaFQpDKME 06/21/13 (Fri)20:56:43 No.36850073 [ How can I hound Given out of the club? There's no way I'm paying him £5.5 to terminate his contract. Just f--- off you f------ c--- 贂UTV MjaFQpDkME Li] 06/21/13(Fri)16:49:52 No.36844453 [▼ y235844385rYou) F--- off UTVIMjaFQpDkMERE 06/21/13(Fri)18:37:19 No.36846588 [m] 3684 l uploaded it onto Youtube D YOU NEED TO SHUT THE F----- (embed) '」um, IMjaFQpDkME C13 06/20/13 (Thu)20:45:02 No. 368 03896 [▼ LI F------ stop

Notable Developments

On July 1st, the archiver began logging all of UTV’s activities on the site, as well as writing poems and creating collages based on UTV's posts. In one of the poems titled "A Sonnet for UTV," the archiver confesses his obsession with a tribute to UTV's favorite English premiere football club Aston Villa.

A Sonnet for UTV How can I explain my deep seated love for UTV? could compare him to an Aston illa goal But unlike a Villa goal UTV enlightens me I want him with me always like a benign mole An Aston Villa goal may not always make me giggle Whereas Phil from Kent will always make me chuckle With each joke he posts and when his regens get a n----- Under the weight of Phil my heartstrings will buckle The main reason I can't compare him to when Villa score Is that I don't think of Villa goals when alone Whereas UTV's posts rub cream on my soul when it's sore Phil turns me to softness like Medusa turns man to stone So long as UTV posts and his words manage to thrive Then I will be there for him updating the love archive.

On September 8th, the archiver launched a campaign known as “the bait club” which aimed to obtain UTV’s personal information.[1] On September 12th, the UTV Archiver YouTube channel released three cryptic videos titled “utvout” (shown below, left), “utv aps” (shown below, right) and “volume26.” According to an archived 4chan thread,[5] some speculated that the videos were recorded inside UTV’s apartment.

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

Philmarilion Released

On October 6th, the archiver posted a 97-page document titled “The Philmarilion”[3] on the /sp/ (Sports) board on 4chan,[6] which included the entirety of his collection of works regarding UTV. (shown below).

“I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoring my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message. I am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands.”

1379035004569.ipg (1.2 MB, 3496x1708) google igdb IN eternal /trb/ MiniFridge lla9eUEc4Hsdx 10/06/13(Sun)15:56:41 No.40530800[▼1 >>40530939 old thread >40485588 (Dead Useful /trb/ related links: http://pastebin.com/rNesNFd9 FM14 release date: 31st of October 2013 [-] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)15:58:35 No.40530939 >>40530800 (OP) lol i remember those pictures H □ DinglefritzlltIDvr4zqHXl-1 10/06/13(Sun)16:04:47 No.40531294|2240531726 fm2013.ipg (35 KB, 200x432) google igdb H >405314442>4053 1 454 >>40531457>>40531606 >>4053 16 18 >>40531728 L| [Deleted] Anonymous R 10/06/13(Sun)16:05:19 No.40531319 [▼]>>40531351 >>40532336 40532477 >>40532594>>40532622 >40533076 >>40533458 >40533517 >>40534115 >40534224 >40534430 >>40534554 >40534743 40535136 >>40536745 >>40537279 >40539057 >40539949 >>40546766 >>40549397 >40556641 40556691 >40556734 40556748 >40556757 >40556776 >>40556781 >40556819 >>40556873 >40556979 >>40557090 >40557095>40557177>40557185 >>40557198 40557246 40557265 40557268 >40557270>40557333 >>40557564 >>40557674 40557686 >>40557737 40557752 >40557767 >40557817>40557820 >40557829 >40557865 >40557875 40557886 >40557888 >>40557889 >>40557892 >40557911 >40557922 >>40557935 >40557939 >40557946 >40557949>40557950 >40557952 >>40557953 40557970 40557991 >40557997 >40557999 >>40558034 >>40558042 40558044 >40558047 40558055 >40558060 >40558069>>40558077 >40558084 40558087 40558091 40558096 >40558099 >40558106 >>40558107 >40558111 40558121 >40558124 >>40558126 >40558128 40558130>40558132 >40558147 40558151 40558155 40558157 >4055817140558172 >>40558182 >40558183 40558193 >40558197 40558201 >40558202 40558211>40558212 40558216 >40558221 >>40558229 40558238 >>40558247 >40531406 UTVs trb posts volume 255.png (77 KB, 1846x1040) google igdb 255 threads I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoring my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message l am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands I have one more gift to share with him http://www.docdroid.net/4wdl/e This 97 page document contains every personal work I have created that involves UTV in any way. It is for him, I do not want anyone else to read it. However I cannot stop you f html from doing so. These 255 threads have each been amazing, and I will never forget them Goodb ye [-] □ Anonymous「 10/06/13(Sun)16:05:57 No.40531351 [▼] >>40531319 (Dead) oh my go 31619710 +9 22

On the same day, a thread about the Philmarilion was posted on 4chan's /k/[2] (Weapons) board, describing the author as “the most autistic user in the history of 4chan.” On October 8th, 2013, Redditor DreadfortReek posted a link to the document on the /r/cringe[4] subreddit, where it received more than 280 up votes and 70 comments in the first 48 hours. The same day, an infographic about the document was submitted to the /x/ (Paranormal) board on 4chan (shown below).[6]

October Seventh, Two Thousand and Thirteen A single poster from Isp/ 100 page onymous I1007/13(Mon)01 52 No.40557939 Anonymous 1007/13(Mon)02 00 No 40558042 [ ▼ ] jesus f--- I'd buy this guy a beer I'm Jesus H Christ s E 10/06/13(Sun)14 05 No.40531319 MiB-Negredo/AgueroUovetic IMCTIDqcB6 E 10MA/13(Sun)15:26 No. 40535402 [r] 2240535682 Anonyrnous 띄 10/06/13(Sun)14:05 No.40531 351 [r] wow ok it got a bit f------ weird towards the end but sti (77 KB, 1846x1040) igdb google 1 think wetnow what 255 threads I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoning my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message I am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands mous 1007/13(Mon)02 05 No.40558107 I have one more gift to share with him http://www.docdroid.net/4wdWeverything.pdf.html This 97 page document contains every personal work I have creat You guys made histo involves UTV in any way. It is for him, I do not want anyone else to read it. However I cannot stop you from doing so. These 255 threads have each been amazing, and I will never forget them s 100713(Mon)02:05 No.40558099 40531319 ucking Anonymous 1007/13(Mon)02 16 No. 40558258 | ▼| > I will also have him build me a library with his strong arms and I would put my archives of his posts in there as a paper copy. This room would be covered in metal walls so that nothing could destroy it. Anonymous [+1 1007/1 3(Mon)01:49 № 40557892] erally, the most autisti c person to ever grace this site. 10/07 13(Mon)01:50 No.40557911 KB, 138x137) iadb goople Anonymous mous 100713 Mon)01:44 No.40557829 2812147524 ing (6 KB, 502x417) iadh google 007/13(Mon)02:04 No.40558091 | Anonymous 띄 100713(Mon100:12 No 40556873 [ 39816014305 ipg (10 KB, 194x273 iqdb google won、 me s--- s--- This is amazing on so many levels. onwardsm Dage g Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon,01 30 No 40557674 1380513034949 ipg (24 KB, 243 270) iadh google mous 10/07/13(Mong2 14 No 40558221 [ Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)02 29 No. 40558454 | 8 KB, 785x553) igdb google trb/ is the most autistic I, and yet Im looking at it with my own e t be yes, yes I'm it with my own voice out and touch it it with n highlight the n indeed download the .pdf. My screen i clear headed as Ill ever be...it's not a dream, I've done more than pinch myself 0 l swear I havent seen this much autism autism. I don't think that Anonymou ctober 2013 nonymous : 1007/13(Mon)02 50 No 40558786 [ 1 KB, 650x450) igdb google Today my mask almost slipped. I was almost seen by a parent whose gender I won't reveal here detailing UTV work. Luckily I was able to avoid it but I have to hope they are not aroused by this. Anyway, onto the days UTV posts. Naturally, they were fantastic-Only 7 of them today but it wasn't a fast day and I have to expect that it could be freshers week t UTV's university, and some fish are not meant to be caged, especially when they have feathers as bright as UTV's, so I do not mind if he does not post often during these times e wants to continue this relationship. He once again referred to Ladford as The Elephant Man", which gets funnier with e was homosexual-He shows some homoerotic tendencies i Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)0228 No. 40558425 | ging (106 KB, 640x480) igdb google repitions, then admitted nobody placed anything in his ass. That is reassuring although I would not be annoyed his interactions with both Grenville and myself and I can understand him wanting to takethings further in an imminently sexual manner This is when you got busted. RIP in peace ing surreal ous 10071 us 1007/M Congratulations,You're the most autistic person on 4chan. No one will ever come as close as you. You even managed to out autism us. Our waifu threads have nothing on this. Anonymous 100713(Mon)02 45 No.40558685| Good show This is crazier than CA gun laws This is crazier than Britbong gunl 290407159 ipg (14 KB, 234x221) igch google k, this is crazier than Feinstein and Morgan piers combined Anonymous 1007/13Mon02 35 No 40558555 [ willing to accept this exists, but I wish it didnt nonymous10/0713(Mon)02:13 No.40558193 779 KB, 500x371) g google 1007/13(Mon)I1:47 № 40557865 l Stalking someone out of obsession is one thing, but stalking someone you dont know out o desus Chr That's another thing entirely nonymous 1007/13(Monjo2 40 No 40558613 1337055533845 png (485 KB, 1672x1440) iguh google I dont even have an reaction pic for something like this, so l post the best Ive g My god, Isp/ single-handedly out-autismed every other board on 4chan. Way to f------ go. Kopitardashian [CHIL gdjfhy9E i 1007/13(Mon)02:40 No.4055861 26 KB. 1337076289197 jpg (6 KB, 167 x251) igdb google send them t their autism anymore e this only e onymous a 100713(Mon)02:05 No.40558096 | ainsley5 ing (171 KB, 432x585) iadh google 1007/1 3(Monjo2 16 No 40558259 | 1007/13(Mon)02.09 No.4055814 1ang (817 KB, 696x720) jgdh google Anonymou Il my years of 4chan never have I laughed and been disgusted This is the greatest thing I have ever r you ead, thank You may not be kebab, but you these are 8 long years of scat. gore, and all types of s--- but never a actual legitimate stalker like this Relive. http://www.docdroid.net/4wdl/everything.pdf.html What a wonderful day today was! UTV and I celebrated our 200th anniversary. He took the flustered fox for a walk with me. We held hands and kissed under the moonlit afternoon sky. He then cooked me a delicious dinner..." /sp/ - Sports

On October 9th, a thread was submitted to /sp/[7] questioning if UTV had been murdered by the archiver. On October 11th, the Internet news site The Daily Dot[1] published an article about the document.

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The Philmarilion

The Philmarilion

Part of a series on /sp/. [View Related Entries]

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


The Philmarilion is a 97-page document containing exhaustive notes, poems and other artworks centered around 4chan user “UTV," authored and released by “the archiver” in October 2013.


In June 2013, 4chan user known as "the archiver" began following and commenting on user UTV’s threads on the /sp/ (sports) board, prompting UTV to lash out and demand to be left alone (shown below).

□ UTV Gabby . Tekkers-Weimann MjaFQpDkME 06/23/13(Sun)01 Octopus crawls into its tank with a scarf over its head gif (2 MB, 386x2 -s HOW ABOUT YOU JUST F--- OFF!? YOU F------ C--- STOP F------ STALKING ME F------ SAD P------------ UTV !MjaFQpDKME 06/21/13 (Fri)20:56:43 No.36850073 [ How can I hound Given out of the club? There's no way I'm paying him £5.5 to terminate his contract. Just f--- off you f------ c--- 贂UTV MjaFQpDkME Li] 06/21/13(Fri)16:49:52 No.36844453 [▼ y235844385rYou) F--- off UTVIMjaFQpDkMERE 06/21/13(Fri)18:37:19 No.36846588 [m] 3684 l uploaded it onto Youtube D YOU NEED TO SHUT THE F----- (embed) '」um, IMjaFQpDkME C13 06/20/13 (Thu)20:45:02 No. 368 03896 [▼ LI F------ stop

Notable Developments

On July 1st, the archiver began logging all of UTV’s activities on the site, as well as writing poems and creating collages based on UTV's posts. In one of the poems titled "A Sonnet for UTV," the archiver confesses his obsession with a tribute to UTV's favorite English premiere football club Aston Villa.

A Sonnet for UTV How can I explain my deep seated love for UTV? could compare him to an Aston illa goal But unlike a Villa goal UTV enlightens me I want him with me always like a benign mole An Aston Villa goal may not always make me giggle Whereas Phil from Kent will always make me chuckle With each joke he posts and when his regens get a n----- Under the weight of Phil my heartstrings will buckle The main reason I can't compare him to when Villa score Is that I don't think of Villa goals when alone Whereas UTV's posts rub cream on my soul when it's sore Phil turns me to softness like Medusa turns man to stone So long as UTV posts and his words manage to thrive Then I will be there for him updating the love archive.

On September 8th, the archiver launched a campaign known as “the bait club” which aimed to obtain UTV’s personal information.[1] On September 12th, the UTV Archiver YouTube channel released three cryptic videos titled “utvout” (shown below, left), “utv aps” (shown below, right) and “volume26.” According to an archived 4chan thread,[5] some speculated that the videos were recorded inside UTV’s apartment.

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

Philmarilion Released

On October 6th, the archiver posted a 97-page document titled “The Philmarilion”[3] on the /sp/ (Sports) board on 4chan,[6] which included the entirety of his collection of works regarding UTV. (shown below).

“I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoring my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message. I am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands.”

1379035004569.ipg (1.2 MB, 3496x1708) google igdb IN eternal /trb/ MiniFridge lla9eUEc4Hsdx 10/06/13(Sun)15:56:41 No.40530800[▼1 >>40530939 old thread >40485588 (Dead Useful /trb/ related links: http://pastebin.com/rNesNFd9 FM14 release date: 31st of October 2013 [-] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)15:58:35 No.40530939 >>40530800 (OP) lol i remember those pictures H □ DinglefritzlltIDvr4zqHXl-1 10/06/13(Sun)16:04:47 No.40531294|2240531726 fm2013.ipg (35 KB, 200x432) google igdb H >405314442>4053 1 454 >>40531457>>40531606 >>4053 16 18 >>40531728 L| [Deleted] Anonymous R 10/06/13(Sun)16:05:19 No.40531319 [▼]>>40531351 >>40532336 40532477 >>40532594>>40532622 >40533076 >>40533458 >40533517 >>40534115 >40534224 >40534430 >>40534554 >40534743 40535136 >>40536745 >>40537279 >40539057 >40539949 >>40546766 >>40549397 >40556641 40556691 >40556734 40556748 >40556757 >40556776 >>40556781 >40556819 >>40556873 >40556979 >>40557090 >40557095>40557177>40557185 >>40557198 40557246 40557265 40557268 >40557270>40557333 >>40557564 >>40557674 40557686 >>40557737 40557752 >40557767 >40557817>40557820 >40557829 >40557865 >40557875 40557886 >40557888 >>40557889 >>40557892 >40557911 >40557922 >>40557935 >40557939 >40557946 >40557949>40557950 >40557952 >>40557953 40557970 40557991 >40557997 >40557999 >>40558034 >>40558042 40558044 >40558047 40558055 >40558060 >40558069>>40558077 >40558084 40558087 40558091 40558096 >40558099 >40558106 >>40558107 >40558111 40558121 >40558124 >>40558126 >40558128 40558130>40558132 >40558147 40558151 40558155 40558157 >4055817140558172 >>40558182 >40558183 40558193 >40558197 40558201 >40558202 40558211>40558212 40558216 >40558221 >>40558229 40558238 >>40558247 >40531406 UTVs trb posts volume 255.png (77 KB, 1846x1040) google igdb 255 threads I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoring my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message l am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands I have one more gift to share with him http://www.docdroid.net/4wdl/e This 97 page document contains every personal work I have created that involves UTV in any way. It is for him, I do not want anyone else to read it. However I cannot stop you f html from doing so. These 255 threads have each been amazing, and I will never forget them Goodb ye [-] □ Anonymous「 10/06/13(Sun)16:05:57 No.40531351 [▼] >>40531319 (Dead) oh my go 31619710 +9 22

On the same day, a thread about the Philmarilion was posted on 4chan's /k/[2] (Weapons) board, describing the author as “the most autistic user in the history of 4chan.” On October 8th, 2013, Redditor DreadfortReek posted a link to the document on the /r/cringe[4] subreddit, where it received more than 280 up votes and 70 comments in the first 48 hours. The same day, an infographic about the document was submitted to the /x/ (Paranormal) board on 4chan (shown below).[6]

October Seventh, Two Thousand and Thirteen A single poster from Isp/ 100 page onymous I1007/13(Mon)01 52 No.40557939 Anonymous 1007/13(Mon)02 00 No 40558042 [ ▼ ] jesus f--- I'd buy this guy a beer I'm Jesus H Christ s E 10/06/13(Sun)14 05 No.40531319 MiB-Negredo/AgueroUovetic IMCTIDqcB6 E 10MA/13(Sun)15:26 No. 40535402 [r] 2240535682 Anonyrnous 띄 10/06/13(Sun)14:05 No.40531 351 [r] wow ok it got a bit f------ weird towards the end but sti (77 KB, 1846x1040) igdb google 1 think wetnow what 255 threads I have been with UTV for 255 threads. This is the last one. My parents have discovered my UTV works, and they have insisted I remove everything of the type from my computer and be done with it. They will be monitoning my activities now to sure I cannot do it any more. They have given me a day to remove everything and this is my final message I am sorry to UTV and hope he sees this and understands mous 1007/13(Mon)02 05 No.40558107 I have one more gift to share with him http://www.docdroid.net/4wdWeverything.pdf.html This 97 page document contains every personal work I have creat You guys made histo involves UTV in any way. It is for him, I do not want anyone else to read it. However I cannot stop you from doing so. These 255 threads have each been amazing, and I will never forget them s 100713(Mon)02:05 No.40558099 40531319 ucking Anonymous 1007/13(Mon)02 16 No. 40558258 | ▼| > I will also have him build me a library with his strong arms and I would put my archives of his posts in there as a paper copy. This room would be covered in metal walls so that nothing could destroy it. Anonymous [+1 1007/1 3(Mon)01:49 № 40557892] erally, the most autisti c person to ever grace this site. 10/07 13(Mon)01:50 No.40557911 KB, 138x137) iadb goople Anonymous mous 100713 Mon)01:44 No.40557829 2812147524 ing (6 KB, 502x417) iadh google 007/13(Mon)02:04 No.40558091 | Anonymous 띄 100713(Mon100:12 No 40556873 [ 39816014305 ipg (10 KB, 194x273 iqdb google won、 me s--- s--- This is amazing on so many levels. onwardsm Dage g Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon,01 30 No 40557674 1380513034949 ipg (24 KB, 243 270) iadh google mous 10/07/13(Mong2 14 No 40558221 [ Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)02 29 No. 40558454 | 8 KB, 785x553) igdb google trb/ is the most autistic I, and yet Im looking at it with my own e t be yes, yes I'm it with my own voice out and touch it it with n highlight the n indeed download the .pdf. My screen i clear headed as Ill ever be...it's not a dream, I've done more than pinch myself 0 l swear I havent seen this much autism autism. I don't think that Anonymou ctober 2013 nonymous : 1007/13(Mon)02 50 No 40558786 [ 1 KB, 650x450) igdb google Today my mask almost slipped. I was almost seen by a parent whose gender I won't reveal here detailing UTV work. Luckily I was able to avoid it but I have to hope they are not aroused by this. Anyway, onto the days UTV posts. Naturally, they were fantastic-Only 7 of them today but it wasn't a fast day and I have to expect that it could be freshers week t UTV's university, and some fish are not meant to be caged, especially when they have feathers as bright as UTV's, so I do not mind if he does not post often during these times e wants to continue this relationship. He once again referred to Ladford as The Elephant Man", which gets funnier with e was homosexual-He shows some homoerotic tendencies i Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)0228 No. 40558425 | ging (106 KB, 640x480) igdb google repitions, then admitted nobody placed anything in his ass. That is reassuring although I would not be annoyed his interactions with both Grenville and myself and I can understand him wanting to takethings further in an imminently sexual manner This is when you got busted. RIP in peace ing surreal ous 10071 us 1007/M Congratulations,You're the most autistic person on 4chan. No one will ever come as close as you. You even managed to out autism us. Our waifu threads have nothing on this. Anonymous 100713(Mon)02 45 No.40558685| Good show This is crazier than CA gun laws This is crazier than Britbong gunl 290407159 ipg (14 KB, 234x221) igch google k, this is crazier than Feinstein and Morgan piers combined Anonymous 1007/13Mon02 35 No 40558555 [ willing to accept this exists, but I wish it didnt nonymous10/0713(Mon)02:13 No.40558193 779 KB, 500x371) g google 1007/13(Mon)I1:47 № 40557865 l Stalking someone out of obsession is one thing, but stalking someone you dont know out o desus Chr That's another thing entirely nonymous 1007/13(Monjo2 40 No 40558613 1337055533845 png (485 KB, 1672x1440) iguh google I dont even have an reaction pic for something like this, so l post the best Ive g My god, Isp/ single-handedly out-autismed every other board on 4chan. Way to f------ go. Kopitardashian [CHIL gdjfhy9E i 1007/13(Mon)02:40 No.4055861 26 KB. 1337076289197 jpg (6 KB, 167 x251) igdb google send them t their autism anymore e this only e onymous a 100713(Mon)02:05 No.40558096 | ainsley5 ing (171 KB, 432x585) iadh google 1007/1 3(Monjo2 16 No 40558259 | 1007/13(Mon)02.09 No.4055814 1ang (817 KB, 696x720) jgdh google Anonymou Il my years of 4chan never have I laughed and been disgusted This is the greatest thing I have ever r you ead, thank You may not be kebab, but you these are 8 long years of scat. gore, and all types of s--- but never a actual legitimate stalker like this Relive. http://www.docdroid.net/4wdl/everything.pdf.html What a wonderful day today was! UTV and I celebrated our 200th anniversary. He took the flustered fox for a walk with me. We held hands and kissed under the moonlit afternoon sky. He then cooked me a delicious dinner..." /sp/ - Sports

On October 9th, a thread was submitted to /sp/[7] questioning if UTV had been murdered by the archiver. On October 11th, the Internet news site The Daily Dot[1] published an article about the document.

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