Twitter Charging for API Usage - Images
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Twitter Charging for API Usage
2000 Dollar Tweet Data
Twitter Charging for API Usage
Twitter API Price List
Twitter Charging for API Usage
How It's Gonna Be
Twitter Charging for API Usage
Cartoon Characters React
Twitter Charging for API Usage
You should give me free access to the API... NOW!

Twitter Charging for API Usage
I mean, Twitter provides so much value, why should it be free?

Twitter Charging for API Usage
imagine twitter api covers posting video game clips too and you’re charged $149.99 for sharing a victory royal on fortnite

Twitter Charging for API Usage
Just in case you need some examples why locking down the Twitter API is bad
![Just in case you need some examples why locking down the Twitter API is bad, here is a lovely thread from Mastodon: < Back Mary Williams @NightsongWs Aulia Masna ✔ @aulia@ Some # Twitter things that the company didn't build or invent itself: • Twitterrific was the first mobile Twitter app • The word tweet made its first official appearance on Twitterrific • The hashtag was from Chris Messina • Advanced Twitter Search was originally Summize • Twitter bought TweetDeck • Live stream was from Periscope acquisition • The official Twitter app was originally Tweetie which they purchased from Loren Brichter • Mentioning people with an @was user driven and wasn't linked to accounts because they didn't consider conversations to take place on Twitter initially • Quote tweet was adopted from people copy+pasting tweets and adding RT in front of the copied tweet • Threads were built to accomodate existing user behavior Did I miss anything major? [update 29/1] lots of additions in the replies that I thought should get added here • Image attachments added after third party services like imageshack/yfrog, and twitpic became super popular. • Twitterrific was first to officially associate Twitter with a bird • Retweet was adopted from user behavior (you couldn't comment or add context using the official retweet so many people kept using RT until Twitter introduced native QT) • Scheduling, posting across accounts, and team/shared accounts were from Hootsuite • Popularity of short link services like isgd and bitly lead to tco url masking Something that people may not have been aware, in my corner of Twitter in those early years, people interpreted RT not as retweet but as reply to. So they weren't replying by hitting the reply button but by manually quote tweeting and adding RT after their response. There's enough confusion over RT so I'm gonna add this example (6.0)x(2.6) Aulia Masna :verified: ( gining SBY opening envelope, Sidate is.... Drumroll. Suspen Attached: 4 images not... A nation in waiting.. for VP ca ment the Octodon Jan 19, 2023, 20:21 - Edited Jan 30, 00:28 1867 ALT 2:20 PM Feb 2, 2023 118.6K Views](
![Just in case you need some examples why locking down the Twitter API is bad, here is a lovely thread from Mastodon: < Back Mary Williams @NightsongWs Aulia Masna ✔ @aulia@ Some # Twitter things that the company didn't build or invent itself: • Twitterrific was the first mobile Twitter app • The word tweet made its first official appearance on Twitterrific • The hashtag was from Chris Messina • Advanced Twitter Search was originally Summize • Twitter bought TweetDeck • Live stream was from Periscope acquisition • The official Twitter app was originally Tweetie which they purchased from Loren Brichter • Mentioning people with an @was user driven and wasn't linked to accounts because they didn't consider conversations to take place on Twitter initially • Quote tweet was adopted from people copy+pasting tweets and adding RT in front of the copied tweet • Threads were built to accomodate existing user behavior Did I miss anything major? [update 29/1] lots of additions in the replies that I thought should get added here • Image attachments added after third party services like imageshack/yfrog, and twitpic became super popular. • Twitterrific was first to officially associate Twitter with a bird • Retweet was adopted from user behavior (you couldn't comment or add context using the official retweet so many people kept using RT until Twitter introduced native QT) • Scheduling, posting across accounts, and team/shared accounts were from Hootsuite • Popularity of short link services like isgd and bitly lead to tco url masking Something that people may not have been aware, in my corner of Twitter in those early years, people interpreted RT not as retweet but as reply to. So they weren't replying by hitting the reply button but by manually quote tweeting and adding RT after their response. There's enough confusion over RT so I'm gonna add this example (6.0)x(2.6) Aulia Masna :verified: ( gining SBY opening envelope, Sidate is.... Drumroll. Suspen Attached: 4 images not... A nation in waiting.. for VP ca ment the Octodon Jan 19, 2023, 20:21 - Edited Jan 30, 00:28 1867 ALT 2:20 PM Feb 2, 2023 118.6K Views](
Twitter Charging for API Usage
The sort of bots this kills: cute puppies every femtosecond, Benedictine quote of the day, notify me when citizen kane 2 releases

Twitter Charging for API Usage
imagine thinking your api that most people use for hobbies and shit is actually monetizable to anyone besides corporations

Twitter Charging for API Usage
Twitter disabled birthday balloons AND cut off free access to api

Twitter Charging for API Usage
The twitter API change will not effect me because I post this shit myself every day don't worry

Twitter Charging for API Usage
Yeah, free API is being abused badly right now by bot scammers

Twitter Charging for API Usage
What Could It Cost, $500?
Twitter Charging for API Usage
Ad revenue must be down bad.

Twitter Charging for API Usage