Everybody hates Rochelle

Everybody hates Rochelle

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In 2010 , Valve released a sequel to its zombie survival multiplayer horror hit. Instead of featuring the old characters of Bill , Francis , Louis and Zoey ; New characters by the names of Coach , Ellis , Nick and Rochelle were added to the game , with the original characters either making small cameos and appearing in the dlc , the sacrifice for the second game.

The new characters were reluctantly accepted , and Valve once again recieved praise for creating a new hit , with new infected and the new characters were ok with fans.

After a while , the characters grew to have their own memes , such as chocolate helicopter , and they changed old memes , such as grabbin' pills. However , the character Rochelle was not met with such a praise as the other remaining three. Many saw her as the Scrappy Doo of the game , a character that could easily be replaced by someone more fitting for the job. Soon , many mods were created for Zoey to be replace Rochelle in the game.

Soon , many Garry's Mod videos parodied the idea of Rochelle being hated by all her companions , and often being team killed , or having an explanation for why everyone hates Rochelle in the first place , as no real reason is ever truly given

But why does everyone hate Rochelle in the first place? As previously mentioned , no REAL reason has ever actually been given , but a few common ones have been potrayed frequently , such as…
1. Her dialogue being terrible

2. A love of Zoey from the original L4D

3. Racism & Sexism

4. Bad modelling

Above all , there may never be a reason for this hate , but one things for sure , it most likely will never go away. Sorry Rochelle, no questions being Axed here.

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