Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby - Images
I wonder if everyone's slaughter route is delivered?

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
and Doomslayer

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
Kirby's Bizarre Adventure

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
Kirby confirmed as the best character ever made.

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
"I believe in you"

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
This is fine.

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
It's an older meme, but it checks out.

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
“Your final roster will look like this”

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
Updated art

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
The plot to the new super smash bros is looking good By darkwhenmilked

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
"My friend who I thought was dead sent me this"

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
And the rest...

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
Worry not, my child

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
Kirby in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
The Zero Point Zero One Percent

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby
I'm just going to leave this and go to sleep while I cry inside.

Everyone Is Dead Except Kirby