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On January 4th, 2011, Metro Weekly[1] published an article titled "Is Chick-fil-A restaurant against gay rights?", which reported that the anti-gay marriage organization Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI) listed American fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A as a co-sponsor of two marriage conferences. On January 6th, Chick-fil-A posted a statement on its official Facebook[2] page, downplaying the company's relationship with PFI by claiming it only provided sandwiches to the marriage seminars.

Chick-fil-A 5,277,922 like this January 6, 2011 at 4:33pm via Chick-fil-A Publisher r) Lilke To our Facebook community: First and foremost, thanks for your patience as we made sure we gathered the facts in regards to recent postings. We have determined that one of our independent Restaurant Operators in Pennsylvania was asked to provide sandwiches inars. As our local communities, Like Comment Share

On November 1st, the LGBT advocacy group Equality Matters[3] published a report revealing that Chick-fil-A's charitable arm WinShape had donated over $1.7 million to anti-gay groups in 2009. On July 2nd, 2012, Equality Matters[4] published another report, stating that WinShape donated over $1.9 million to anti-gay groups including the Marriage & Family Foundation and the Family Research Council in 2010.

On July 16th, an interview with Chick-fil-A's chief operating officer Dan Cathy was published in the Christian news service Baptist Press, in which Cathy revealed that the company did support a "traditional family." On July 18th, Cathy appeared on the syndicated radio show "The Ken Coleman Show" and stated that he believed advocating same-sex marriage would be "inviting God's judment on our nation."[5]

Notable Developments

Online Reaction

On July 20th, Boston mayor Thomas Menino sent a letter to Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy denouncing the company's stance on gay marriage (shown below). The same day, the Boston Herald[9] published an interview with Menino, in which he stated he was looking to block Chick-fil-A from opening any restaurants in the city.

CITY OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE MAYOR THOMAS M MENINO July 20, 2012 Mr. Dan Cathy, Presidernt Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349 To Mr. Cathy In recent days you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-se x marriage and said the generation that supports it has an "arrogant attitude" Now-incredibly-your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston You called supporters of gay marriage "prideful Hee in Boston, to boow your own debate words, we are "guilty as charged We are indeed full of pride for our support of same sex marriage and our work to expand fiecdom to all people. We are proud that our state and our city have led the way for the country on equal marriage rights I was angry to learn on the heels of your pejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston. There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it. When Massachusetts became the first state in the country to recognize equal marriage rights, I personally stood on City Hall Plaza to greet same sex couples coming here to be matried It would be an insult to them and to our city's long history of expanding freedom to have a Chick-fil-A across the street from that spot. Sincerely Thomas M. Menino Mayor, City of Boston Cc: Steven Binnie Carlisle Properties 26 Daniel Street, Suite 200 Portsmouth, NH 03801 BOSTON CITY HALL . ONE CITY HALL PLAZA, BOSTON . MASSACHUSETrs 02201 * 617/635-4000

That same day, the Jim Henson Company posted an update on their official Facebook[8] page announcing they had notified Chick-fil-A that they no longer wished to partner with the restaurant chain in the future and that they would donate the payments they received from the company to the LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD (The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). The Facebook announcement gained nearly 15,000 likes and more than 6,200 shares, as well as inspiring the anti-corporate interest group The Other 98% to create a Muppets-themed poster featuring the quote, which went on to receive more than 34,000 likes and nearly 53,000 shares.

The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors. Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). Statement posted on the Jim Henson Facebook page other 0

On July 23rd, a Facebook[6] event was created for "National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A", which urged gay-marriage supporters to visit a local Chick-fil-A restaurant and record themselves kissing a member of the same sex on August 3rd. Initiated by Carly McGehee, Michael GetEqual Diviesti and Skylar Buffington, the event page was met by more than 14,000 RSVPs. Meanwhile, in countering the "Same Sex Kiss Day" event, former Republican presidential candidate and Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee launched a Facebook event titled "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day," which called on all supporters of Christian principles to visit a Chick-fil-A restaurant on August 1st show their solidarity with its stance on gay-marriage. Huckabee's proposition via Facebook was met by more than 670,000 RSVPs.

"The Mayor of Boston says he won't allow Chick Fil-A in Boston. Amazing that a mayor now has the power to stop commerce because he personally disagrees with the PERSONAL views of the CE0 of a company -Mike Huckabee A0 Support Chick-fil-A 8-1-12 www.lsupportChickFilA.com
LOVE ONE ANOTHER NATI NAL SAME-SEXX 08/03/1218 PM1 7 PM 5PM EASTERN CENTRAL PACIFIC TWITTER @ntlsamesexkiss AT YOUR LOCAL CHICK-FIL-A facebook.com/events/444598242237116

On July 25th, 2012, Redditor absurd_olfaction submitted a post to the /r/atheism subreddit titled "Chick-fil-A damage control FAIL", which included a screenshot of a Facebook post in which a user profile is exposed for being fake (shown below).

Melodylikes a post. Chris Chick-fil-A Admit it, Chick-fil-A: you stopped carrying Jim Henson's puppets as kids meal toys because you got dumped for being bigots, not because some kids "got their fingers stuck." Like . Comment·【凸12只5-2 hours ago . @ Melody May and 11 others like this Robert SYa crazy that they are just making themselves look ridiculous! I would respect them a bit if they stood by their beliefs instead of being cowards and ying 2 hours ago via mobile . Like . 2 MeanieEveryone with half a brain can BUT TAKIE YOUR BRAIN at. They're digging their own grave 2 hours ago Like Abby Farle it was taken back weeks before any of this check your info Chris... John 3:16 2 hours ago Like Chris days ago. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid-10151147652753319&set-a.295886568318.1 82643.1459247633 18&type= 1&theater 2 hours ago Like 1 Weeks? Chick-fil-a announced the recall five Abby Farle no my friend went to chickfila 3 weeks ago and there was no toys. derr 2 hours ago Like Robert R Abby joined facebook 8 hours ago Nice try Chick-fil-a PR guy. 2/10 is the best I can do 4 minutes ago Like Robert RFYI: Busted. You f------ moron http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-3117967/stock-photo- pretty-redhead-teenager-isolated-on-white-smiling.html Pretty Redhead Teenager Isolated On White Smiling Stock Photo 3117967: Shutterstock www.shutterstock.com Download royalty free pretty redhead teenager isolated on white smiling stock See More about a minute ago Edited Like Remove Preview Write a comment...

Several prominent YouTubers also chimed in on the controversy with reaction videos, including mention over a proposed boycott (shown below, bottom, right) and a cooking guide for making a "Chick-Fil-Gay" sandwich (shown below, bottom, left).

On July 25th, 2012, Antoine Dodson uploaded a video to YouTube titled "Chick-fil-A?", showing Dodson drinking from a Chick-fil-A cup while defending his choice to eat at the restaurant. The same day, Dodson uploaded another video titled "Ya'll made me pull my hair back lol!", in which he argued that boycotting the restaurant would only hurt the Chick-fil-A's employees.


Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day

On August 1st, major U.S. news outlets including CNN, New York Times and Los Angeles Times reported that hundreds of thousands of people visited Chick-fil-A restauarants to show their solidarity with the fast-food chain's stance on gay marriage, spawning hundreds of photographs of long lines outside of Chick-fil-A stores across the country on Twitter and Facebook.

On the following day, Chick-fil-A's executive vice president of marketing Steve Robinson released a statement to the LA Times revealing that the company set a new record in sales.

"We are very grateful and humbled by the incredible turnout of loyal Chick-fil-A customers on August 1 at Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country. While we don’t release exact sales numbers, we can confirm reports that it was a record-setting day."

Same Sex Kiss Day

On August 3rd, photographs of same sex couples and equal rights supporters partaking in the "Chick-fil-A Kiss-In" began pouring in on Facebook and Twitter, several hours before the official protest scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. (ET). The event's official Tumblr blog National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A[14] also began featuring user-submitted photos of same-sex people kissing each other on the premise of the fast food restaurants.


Meanwhile, internet news site DailyDot[13] reported on some hostile exchanges between the two camps on Twitter, citing several examples of tweets insinuating that "kiss-in" protests may be met by violence from the detractors.

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Chick-Fil-A Gay Marriage Controversy

Chick-Fil-A Gay Marriage Controversy

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On January 4th, 2011, Metro Weekly[1] published an article titled "Is Chick-fil-A restaurant against gay rights?", which reported that the anti-gay marriage organization Pennsylvania Family Institute (PFI) listed American fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A as a co-sponsor of two marriage conferences. On January 6th, Chick-fil-A posted a statement on its official Facebook[2] page, downplaying the company's relationship with PFI by claiming it only provided sandwiches to the marriage seminars.

Chick-fil-A 5,277,922 like this January 6, 2011 at 4:33pm via Chick-fil-A Publisher r) Lilke To our Facebook community: First and foremost, thanks for your patience as we made sure we gathered the facts in regards to recent postings. We have determined that one of our independent Restaurant Operators in Pennsylvania was asked to provide sandwiches inars. As our local communities, Like Comment Share

On November 1st, the LGBT advocacy group Equality Matters[3] published a report revealing that Chick-fil-A's charitable arm WinShape had donated over $1.7 million to anti-gay groups in 2009. On July 2nd, 2012, Equality Matters[4] published another report, stating that WinShape donated over $1.9 million to anti-gay groups including the Marriage & Family Foundation and the Family Research Council in 2010.

On July 16th, an interview with Chick-fil-A's chief operating officer Dan Cathy was published in the Christian news service Baptist Press, in which Cathy revealed that the company did support a "traditional family." On July 18th, Cathy appeared on the syndicated radio show "The Ken Coleman Show" and stated that he believed advocating same-sex marriage would be "inviting God's judment on our nation."[5]

Notable Developments

Online Reaction

On July 20th, Boston mayor Thomas Menino sent a letter to Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy denouncing the company's stance on gay marriage (shown below). The same day, the Boston Herald[9] published an interview with Menino, in which he stated he was looking to block Chick-fil-A from opening any restaurants in the city.

CITY OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE MAYOR THOMAS M MENINO July 20, 2012 Mr. Dan Cathy, Presidernt Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349 To Mr. Cathy In recent days you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-se x marriage and said the generation that supports it has an "arrogant attitude" Now-incredibly-your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston You called supporters of gay marriage "prideful Hee in Boston, to boow your own debate words, we are "guilty as charged We are indeed full of pride for our support of same sex marriage and our work to expand fiecdom to all people. We are proud that our state and our city have led the way for the country on equal marriage rights I was angry to learn on the heels of your pejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston. There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it. When Massachusetts became the first state in the country to recognize equal marriage rights, I personally stood on City Hall Plaza to greet same sex couples coming here to be matried It would be an insult to them and to our city's long history of expanding freedom to have a Chick-fil-A across the street from that spot. Sincerely Thomas M. Menino Mayor, City of Boston Cc: Steven Binnie Carlisle Properties 26 Daniel Street, Suite 200 Portsmouth, NH 03801 BOSTON CITY HALL . ONE CITY HALL PLAZA, BOSTON . MASSACHUSETrs 02201 * 617/635-4000

That same day, the Jim Henson Company posted an update on their official Facebook[8] page announcing they had notified Chick-fil-A that they no longer wished to partner with the restaurant chain in the future and that they would donate the payments they received from the company to the LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD (The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). The Facebook announcement gained nearly 15,000 likes and more than 6,200 shares, as well as inspiring the anti-corporate interest group The Other 98% to create a Muppets-themed poster featuring the quote, which went on to receive more than 34,000 likes and nearly 53,000 shares.

The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors. Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). Statement posted on the Jim Henson Facebook page other 0

On July 23rd, a Facebook[6] event was created for "National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A", which urged gay-marriage supporters to visit a local Chick-fil-A restaurant and record themselves kissing a member of the same sex on August 3rd. Initiated by Carly McGehee, Michael GetEqual Diviesti and Skylar Buffington, the event page was met by more than 14,000 RSVPs. Meanwhile, in countering the "Same Sex Kiss Day" event, former Republican presidential candidate and Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee launched a Facebook event titled "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day," which called on all supporters of Christian principles to visit a Chick-fil-A restaurant on August 1st show their solidarity with its stance on gay-marriage. Huckabee's proposition via Facebook was met by more than 670,000 RSVPs.

"The Mayor of Boston says he won't allow Chick Fil-A in Boston. Amazing that a mayor now has the power to stop commerce because he personally disagrees with the PERSONAL views of the CE0 of a company -Mike Huckabee A0 Support Chick-fil-A 8-1-12 www.lsupportChickFilA.com LOVE ONE ANOTHER NATI NAL SAME-SEXX 08/03/1218 PM1 7 PM 5PM EASTERN CENTRAL PACIFIC TWITTER @ntlsamesexkiss AT YOUR LOCAL CHICK-FIL-A facebook.com/events/444598242237116

On July 25th, 2012, Redditor absurd_olfaction submitted a post to the /r/atheism subreddit titled "Chick-fil-A damage control FAIL", which included a screenshot of a Facebook post in which a user profile is exposed for being fake (shown below).

Melodylikes a post. Chris Chick-fil-A Admit it, Chick-fil-A: you stopped carrying Jim Henson's puppets as kids meal toys because you got dumped for being bigots, not because some kids "got their fingers stuck." Like . Comment·【凸12只5-2 hours ago . @ Melody May and 11 others like this Robert SYa crazy that they are just making themselves look ridiculous! I would respect them a bit if they stood by their beliefs instead of being cowards and ying 2 hours ago via mobile . Like . 2 MeanieEveryone with half a brain can BUT TAKIE YOUR BRAIN at. They're digging their own grave 2 hours ago Like Abby Farle it was taken back weeks before any of this check your info Chris... John 3:16 2 hours ago Like Chris days ago. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid-10151147652753319&set-a.295886568318.1 82643.1459247633 18&type= 1&theater 2 hours ago Like 1 Weeks? Chick-fil-a announced the recall five Abby Farle no my friend went to chickfila 3 weeks ago and there was no toys. derr 2 hours ago Like Robert R Abby joined facebook 8 hours ago Nice try Chick-fil-a PR guy. 2/10 is the best I can do 4 minutes ago Like Robert RFYI: Busted. You f------ moron http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-3117967/stock-photo- pretty-redhead-teenager-isolated-on-white-smiling.html Pretty Redhead Teenager Isolated On White Smiling Stock Photo 3117967: Shutterstock www.shutterstock.com Download royalty free pretty redhead teenager isolated on white smiling stock See More about a minute ago Edited Like Remove Preview Write a comment...

Several prominent YouTubers also chimed in on the controversy with reaction videos, including mention over a proposed boycott (shown below, bottom, right) and a cooking guide for making a "Chick-Fil-Gay" sandwich (shown below, bottom, left).

On July 25th, 2012, Antoine Dodson uploaded a video to YouTube titled "Chick-fil-A?", showing Dodson drinking from a Chick-fil-A cup while defending his choice to eat at the restaurant. The same day, Dodson uploaded another video titled "Ya'll made me pull my hair back lol!", in which he argued that boycotting the restaurant would only hurt the Chick-fil-A's employees.


Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day

On August 1st, major U.S. news outlets including CNN, New York Times and Los Angeles Times reported that hundreds of thousands of people visited Chick-fil-A restauarants to show their solidarity with the fast-food chain's stance on gay marriage, spawning hundreds of photographs of long lines outside of Chick-fil-A stores across the country on Twitter and Facebook.

On the following day, Chick-fil-A's executive vice president of marketing Steve Robinson released a statement to the LA Times revealing that the company set a new record in sales.

"We are very grateful and humbled by the incredible turnout of loyal Chick-fil-A customers on August 1 at Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country. While we don’t release exact sales numbers, we can confirm reports that it was a record-setting day."

Same Sex Kiss Day

On August 3rd, photographs of same sex couples and equal rights supporters partaking in the "Chick-fil-A Kiss-In" began pouring in on Facebook and Twitter, several hours before the official protest scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. (ET). The event's official Tumblr blog National Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick-fil-A[14] also began featuring user-submitted photos of same-sex people kissing each other on the premise of the fast food restaurants.


Meanwhile, internet news site DailyDot[13] reported on some hostile exchanges between the two camps on Twitter, citing several examples of tweets insinuating that "kiss-in" protests may be met by violence from the detractors.

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