Exodia the Forbidden One - Images
I-B-Oh: Gundam Monsters
![RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN 0NEUH】)| |!LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONEU SPELLCASTER] SPELLCASTER/EFECT When you have "Right Leg of the Forbedden One Left Leg af SPELLCASTERI Forbidden One Rigt Arm of the Ferbidden One and One" in addition to this card i teal will inone infinite pwr Left Arm of the P your hand you win the Duel ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/1000 DEF/1000 ATK/ 200 DEFI 300 RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE LEFT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE SPELLCASTER A forsldien right leg soaled by magk Whosoever Imaks this ISPILICASTER] foriddea left lcg sealed by magk. Whosoewr bmaks this nal willl lxanw infinite p will kecne ingiite power ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/098/276/605.png)
![RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN 0NEUH】)| |!LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONEU SPELLCASTER] SPELLCASTER/EFECT When you have "Right Leg of the Forbedden One Left Leg af SPELLCASTERI Forbidden One Rigt Arm of the Ferbidden One and One" in addition to this card i teal will inone infinite pwr Left Arm of the P your hand you win the Duel ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/1000 DEF/1000 ATK/ 200 DEFI 300 RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE LEFT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE SPELLCASTER A forsldien right leg soaled by magk Whosoever Imaks this ISPILICASTER] foriddea left lcg sealed by magk. Whosoewr bmaks this nal willl lxanw infinite p will kecne ingiite power ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/098/276/605.png)
Exodia the Forbidden One
Head of Exodia
![EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE 闇 Edition LOB-124 [SPELLCASTER/EFFECT] An automatic victury can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/ Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One ATK/T000 DEF/1000 33396948 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/098/057/0f1.jpg)
![EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE 闇 Edition LOB-124 [SPELLCASTER/EFFECT] An automatic victury can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/ Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One ATK/T000 DEF/1000 33396948 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/098/057/0f1.jpg)
Exodia the Forbidden One

Exodia the Forbidden One
Five Pieces of Exodia Template

Exodia the Forbidden One
The Forbidden Trump
![DARK RUMP THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 DARK LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 ARK RIGHT ARM OF THE F0RBIDDEN ONE FRCActior 17.9 [SPELLCASTER/EFFECT An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose and contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One. ATK/1000 DEF/1000 SPELLCASTER I A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. SPELICASTERI A förbidden left arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power 33396948 ©1996,KAZUKJ TAKAHASHI ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 07902349 C1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI 70903634 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI LEFT LEG 0F THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 DBLEN135 DBLENI36 [SPELLCASTERI A forbidden right leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. SPELLCASTER] seal will know infinite power. A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 08124921 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI 44519536 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/097/919/c27.png)
![DARK RUMP THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 DARK LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 ARK RIGHT ARM OF THE F0RBIDDEN ONE FRCActior 17.9 [SPELLCASTER/EFFECT An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose and contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One. ATK/1000 DEF/1000 SPELLCASTER I A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. SPELICASTERI A förbidden left arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power 33396948 ©1996,KAZUKJ TAKAHASHI ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 07902349 C1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI 70903634 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI LEFT LEG 0F THE FORBIDDEN ONE 音 DBLEN135 DBLENI36 [SPELLCASTERI A forbidden right leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this seal will know infinite power. SPELLCASTER] seal will know infinite power. A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks this ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 08124921 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI 44519536 ©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/097/919/c27.png)
Exodia the Forbidden One
Exodia - Pieces in place

Exodia the Forbidden One
Prassódia o Proibido

Exodia the Forbidden One
I have assembled all 5 left leaning regions!

Exodia the Forbidden One
TR-8R Exodia

Exodia the Forbidden One
Admin of the Chosen One
![RIGHT ARM OF THE LITNESS ONE ADMIN THE CHOSEN ONE LEFT ARM OF THE LIFTNESS ONE 音 ISPELLCASTER SPELLCASTER/ EFFECT An automB victorY cap be decd b the pliver whoe hand contoins ts.curdi tagether wth the beft LecRgt Leg Left Ann Right Armn of the Forbidden One SPELLCASTER cawill krow infinitoe power hna fhaite ouey.e. Whrowwew briuk his seal will aow infiite power ATK/ 200 DEF 300 ATK/1000 DEFV1000 ATK 200 DEF/ 300 000363 07902340 RIGHT LEG OF THE DONGERS ONE LEFT LEG OF THE DONGERS ONE DONG ERS 0:57s SPELLCASTER] A Toreidon right eg nthndbpic. Whosoever broaks this seat will know mfinite powr SPELLCASTER forbidden h ft les sealed iy 'nwgic, who carver breaks this eal weill kow inpirihs powur ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK 200 DEF 300 8124921](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/097/529/5e8.jpg)
![RIGHT ARM OF THE LITNESS ONE ADMIN THE CHOSEN ONE LEFT ARM OF THE LIFTNESS ONE 音 ISPELLCASTER SPELLCASTER/ EFFECT An automB victorY cap be decd b the pliver whoe hand contoins ts.curdi tagether wth the beft LecRgt Leg Left Ann Right Armn of the Forbidden One SPELLCASTER cawill krow infinitoe power hna fhaite ouey.e. Whrowwew briuk his seal will aow infiite power ATK/ 200 DEF 300 ATK/1000 DEFV1000 ATK 200 DEF/ 300 000363 07902340 RIGHT LEG OF THE DONGERS ONE LEFT LEG OF THE DONGERS ONE DONG ERS 0:57s SPELLCASTER] A Toreidon right eg nthndbpic. Whosoever broaks this seat will know mfinite powr SPELLCASTER forbidden h ft les sealed iy 'nwgic, who carver breaks this eal weill kow inpirihs powur ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK 200 DEF 300 8124921](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/097/529/5e8.jpg)
Exodia the Forbidden One

Exodia the Forbidden One
Exodia Official Art
Exodia the Forbidden One
Five pieces of the forbidden one
![RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE [BODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE T- LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE TH SPELLCASTER/EFFECT SPELLCASTER ) A forbidden right an seuled by mapc. Whoseever tmaks this seal will know infinite power SPELLCASTERJ A forbidlen left arm seule by mapc. Whosoeer Imaks this seal will irow infinite power the Forbidden One. Right Arm of the Feebidden One and Left Arm of the Forbidden One in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/1000 DEF/1000 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 C19% KAZUKI T RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONELEFT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE SPELLCASTER) A forblididen right leg sealed by magk. Whosover brnaks this al will knonw infisite power ISPELICASTER] nal will iraow infinite power ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATKI 200 DEF/ 300](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/097/524/f60.gif)
![RIGHT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE [BODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE T- LEFT ARM OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE TH SPELLCASTER/EFFECT SPELLCASTER ) A forbidden right an seuled by mapc. Whoseever tmaks this seal will know infinite power SPELLCASTERJ A forbidlen left arm seule by mapc. Whosoeer Imaks this seal will irow infinite power the Forbidden One. Right Arm of the Feebidden One and Left Arm of the Forbidden One in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATK/1000 DEF/1000 ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 C19% KAZUKI T RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONELEFT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE SPELLCASTER) A forblididen right leg sealed by magk. Whosover brnaks this al will knonw infisite power ISPELICASTER] nal will iraow infinite power ATK/ 200 DEF/ 300 ATKI 200 DEF/ 300](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/097/524/f60.gif)
Exodia the Forbidden One

Exodia the Forbidden One

Exodia the Forbidden One
Best card in the game
![DAR DARKLY BIG RABBI ビ s Edition 09-058 WARRIOR RACE/EFFECT] When the beelzebub, seal was been untied, any enemy will been destroying at minute. ATK/INFINITY DEF/INFINITY 05053103](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/997/857/1e7.jpg)
![DAR DARKLY BIG RABBI ビ s Edition 09-058 WARRIOR RACE/EFFECT] When the beelzebub, seal was been untied, any enemy will been destroying at minute. ATK/INFINITY DEF/INFINITY 05053103](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/997/857/1e7.jpg)
Exodia the Forbidden One