Faith in Humanity Restored - Images
Peter Pan is a lifesaver

Faith in Humanity Restored
Rick Moranis, Amazing Father

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored
Even 4chan has some form of humanity in them
![Full -Expand Images File 13341842005 KB, 44 .).jpg) iadb google nonymous (ID: fPQWEgLc) 04/11/12(Wed)15:43 No.392689375 [! This guy is gay and hes in my class. You know what to f------ do, photoshoppers. [-] Anonymous (ID: hSsg2h1) 04/11/12(Wed)15:43 No.392689505 [ ! ] >This guy is gay >Guy is gay >Guy >Gay What's the problem? [-] □ Anonymous (ID: 2Qnwgl) 04/11/12(Wed)15:44 No.392689613 [ ! ] Yeah, nothing [-] □ Anonymous (ID: TA4aASth) 04/11/12(Wed)15:45 No.392689746 [ ! ] Nothing wrong with being gay, f-----.](
![Full -Expand Images File 13341842005 KB, 44 .).jpg) iadb google nonymous (ID: fPQWEgLc) 04/11/12(Wed)15:43 No.392689375 [! This guy is gay and hes in my class. You know what to f------ do, photoshoppers. [-] Anonymous (ID: hSsg2h1) 04/11/12(Wed)15:43 No.392689505 [ ! ] >This guy is gay >Guy is gay >Guy >Gay What's the problem? [-] □ Anonymous (ID: 2Qnwgl) 04/11/12(Wed)15:44 No.392689613 [ ! ] Yeah, nothing [-] □ Anonymous (ID: TA4aASth) 04/11/12(Wed)15:45 No.392689746 [ ! ] Nothing wrong with being gay, f-----.](
Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored
Watch out, Santa Claus, you've got competition...
![How are you gonna spend your first paycheck? Im afraid I'm really.gonna bore all of you,butIm gonna stick it in abank until Im 21 Spealing as a wizard,we're gonna get paid muggle money and I don treally undestand it No, I don't have any idea. actors who are actually their character the greatest casting ever Even better when you think about how Dan got a place for himself in NY to continue his career, Emma went to a school in USA, and Rupert bought a f------ ice cream truck. Follow your dreams Rupert I didn't know this. So l looked it up and HE ACTUALLY DID IA THEMETAPICTURE COM l keep my van well stocked it's got a proper machine that dispenses Mr Whippy ice cream and I buy my lollies wholesale -50 for a tenner-so I never run short Im not allowed to sell my merchandise, ld need a licence for that. I tend to avoid July and August, but the rest of the year Il drive around the local villages and if i see some kids looking like theyre in need of ice creams, Il pull over and dish them out for free. Theyl say, "Aint you Ron Weasley?" And Il say, "Its strange, I get asked that a lot. It makes it even better that he just GIVES the icecream away. [Source] rupert is the hero we all deserve you go man with your truck The most accurate casting. It's actually scary MORE FUN @ DAMNLOLCOM](
![How are you gonna spend your first paycheck? Im afraid I'm really.gonna bore all of you,butIm gonna stick it in abank until Im 21 Spealing as a wizard,we're gonna get paid muggle money and I don treally undestand it No, I don't have any idea. actors who are actually their character the greatest casting ever Even better when you think about how Dan got a place for himself in NY to continue his career, Emma went to a school in USA, and Rupert bought a f------ ice cream truck. Follow your dreams Rupert I didn't know this. So l looked it up and HE ACTUALLY DID IA THEMETAPICTURE COM l keep my van well stocked it's got a proper machine that dispenses Mr Whippy ice cream and I buy my lollies wholesale -50 for a tenner-so I never run short Im not allowed to sell my merchandise, ld need a licence for that. I tend to avoid July and August, but the rest of the year Il drive around the local villages and if i see some kids looking like theyre in need of ice creams, Il pull over and dish them out for free. Theyl say, "Aint you Ron Weasley?" And Il say, "Its strange, I get asked that a lot. It makes it even better that he just GIVES the icecream away. [Source] rupert is the hero we all deserve you go man with your truck The most accurate casting. It's actually scary MORE FUN @ DAMNLOLCOM](
Faith in Humanity Restored
The Compassion of Children

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored
The Pendding Coffee

Faith in Humanity Restored
The Only Thing Wrong with Gay Marriage

Faith in Humanity Restored
Marilyn Monroe: All-Around Classy Broad

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored