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A future compass is a two-dimensional chart (much like the Political Compass) that depicts various fururistic scenarios.




In August 12th, 2019, Reddit user AlphaCoronae made a post titled "Accelerationism Compass" on r/PoliticalCompassMemes.
In September 22nd, 2019, Reddit user Pepper_Spades made a post to r/PoliticalCompassMemes that he called a "future compass".

HYPERHUMAN Recursive Matrioshka Brain Universe yper-Commodified Cybernetic Sex Slime Cocaine Capitalism Total Nihilistic Transcendence Un-Singularity Reduplication Exit Interplanetary Technofascist Manifest Galaxy Post-Collapse Subtellurian Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchwork Universal MMO Consciousness Upload (Re)colonization Eternal Y2K Cultural Fully Automated Gay Space Luxury Communism 100% Urbanization SimCity Al-tocracy Autonomous Pajeet Time-Trap Forever Technocracy Globohomo Vampire Elite Post-Scarcity Post-Female Mass Eco-Fascist Global Genocide Anti-Singularity Ex-Human Pangalactic Strip Mining Technoreclusion Enslavements Singularity UNHUMAN ACCELE RATION OECELE RATION
VIOLENCE LKINHE ADS Xenophobic Underwater Thaumaturgy Extreme War/Acc Weather Vs. Neo-Agrarian Trans-Human Communities Survivalism Demons TO MES Jungian Lovetraftian Platform Capitalist Cult-Market Post-Hunan E Post-Female Intergalacticritical Theory X Twinkfascism Mirror Dynamic Japanophilic Cyclonopedia ebject Oriented AI Soul& Matter Devine Merging Psychadelic Fully Post-Suffering Afro-Polar BINC-Egypt Simulation Automated Egosexual Reclusion C Awarness Psuedo- Reactionary Post-Civ Pulsating Marxism Time Zone- Regional World Unton Monumentalist Technotracy Pragmatic Nega Complotism Alrightopia Insta-Nothing Reality Curveball PEACE tTEEFEETEEEtEEEFE 1111|||11||TLT|||| COTED-C

In January 9th, 2020, the subreddit r/futurecompasses was created.

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Future Compass

Future Compass

Updated Jun 11, 2020 at 09:26PM EDT by MPHJ.

Added Jun 11, 2020 at 09:18PM EDT by MPHJ.

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A future compass is a two-dimensional chart (much like the Political Compass) that depicts various fururistic scenarios.




In August 12th, 2019, Reddit user AlphaCoronae made a post titled "Accelerationism Compass" on r/PoliticalCompassMemes.
In September 22nd, 2019, Reddit user Pepper_Spades made a post to r/PoliticalCompassMemes that he called a "future compass".

HYPERHUMAN Recursive Matrioshka Brain Universe yper-Commodified Cybernetic Sex Slime Cocaine Capitalism Total Nihilistic Transcendence Un-Singularity Reduplication Exit Interplanetary Technofascist Manifest Galaxy Post-Collapse Subtellurian Archeofuturist Miyazaki Patchwork Universal MMO Consciousness Upload (Re)colonization Eternal Y2K Cultural Fully Automated Gay Space Luxury Communism 100% Urbanization SimCity Al-tocracy Autonomous Pajeet Time-Trap Forever Technocracy Globohomo Vampire Elite Post-Scarcity Post-Female Mass Eco-Fascist Global Genocide Anti-Singularity Ex-Human Pangalactic Strip Mining Technoreclusion Enslavements Singularity UNHUMAN ACCELE RATION OECELE RATION VIOLENCE LKINHE ADS Xenophobic Underwater Thaumaturgy Extreme War/Acc Weather Vs. Neo-Agrarian Trans-Human Communities Survivalism Demons TO MES Jungian Lovetraftian Platform Capitalist Cult-Market Post-Hunan E Post-Female Intergalacticritical Theory X Twinkfascism Mirror Dynamic Japanophilic Cyclonopedia ebject Oriented AI Soul& Matter Devine Merging Psychadelic Fully Post-Suffering Afro-Polar BINC-Egypt Simulation Automated Egosexual Reclusion C Awarness Psuedo- Reactionary Post-Civ Pulsating Marxism Time Zone- Regional World Unton Monumentalist Technotracy Pragmatic Nega Complotism Alrightopia Insta-Nothing Reality Curveball PEACE tTEEFEETEEEtEEEFE 1111|||11||TLT|||| COTED-C

In January 9th, 2020, the subreddit r/futurecompasses was created.

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