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Anons fed up | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
anon cries in deadlock | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is smart | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Quite the name | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
/k/ anon shares his story | /r/Greentext
![Lme/Catam 2MiB, 870x642, 1718672823023493.webm View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ☐ Anonymous Thu 15 Aug 2024 20:19:19 No.62292540 View Reply Original Report Indiv DL [276/40/1] Quoted By: >>62292548 >>62292557 >>62292611 >>62292631 >>62292637 >>62292843 >>62293422 >>62294142 >>62294248 >>62294583 >>62295684>>62297211 >>62297336 >>62297991 >>62298400 >>62298899 >>62299608 >>62303235 >>62304033 >>62306685 Not again... Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 03:43:09 No.62294617 Anonymous Thu 15 Aug 2024 20:21:52 No.62292548 Report Quoted By: >>62292573 >>62292630 >>62292637 >>62293384 >>62295903 >>62299995 >>62303508 >>62304209 >>62292540 Eh, when you seen 80+ vatnik suicides, they start to blend together. I'm happy he did it, but its stale at this point Report Quoted By: >>62294670 >>62294719 >>62295812 >>62295861 >>62299650 >900+ days of watching ziggers kill themselves while sipping coffee before starting my day. This can't be healthy in the long run. Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 17:44:19 No.62299650 Report Quoted By: >>62300410 >>62294617 See, this proves to me that nothing about man has changed since the times of the Colosseum or horrific medieval public executions. I think it's natural for modern sensibilities to think 'oh, how could you watch that it'll disturb you', but we've been doing nearly exactly the same thing for most of our history. Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 21:35:31 No.62300410 Report Quoted By: >>62300563 >>62300777 >>62299650 i think that once you get past the initial shock of seeing someone die, it becomes quite easy to just watch ziggers die much like f------ your sister, or crossing other taboo lines, once you have done it once, it's really easy to just do it more iirc jeffrey dahmer said that about killing people, that once he had killed a few times, actually it was really easy to do, and he wanted to do it more Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 22:18:58 No.62300563 Report Quoted By: >>62300571 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301272 >>62301279 >>62301285 >>62300410 >much like f------ your sister, or crossing other taboo lines, once you have done it once, it's really easy to just do it more greentext NOW Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:15:02 No.62301257 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 1/? the whole thing was her idea, and i guess i should probably preface this by saying that we're not really normal >be me >have sister 1yr younger than me >have s----- childhood marked by parental neglect >really close with each other, probably some kind of coping mechanism >neither of us makes many friends at school >no gf/bf >just hang out with each other, sometimes sleep together in the same bed it's easy tho, we always got on really well, apart from when we were ten and nine for about a year for some reason >a bit lonely tho.mpeg >close with each other, so it's okay, hang out all the time, talk about everything, talk about sex occasionally because we are dumb and horny and have nobody else to talk to >not into each other so whatevs it isn't weird or maybe we were, i don't know, it's hard to say, it's not like i didn't appreciate that she was hot, even way back when we were tweens, but it's different i guess, maybe other anons with sisters can explain better >laugh at dank memes on the interwebs together, what are you doing step bro is everywhere for some reason >both think it's really funny >privately i think it's really hot tho >lockdown >stuck at home for months together, just us >no school, no parents, no supervision, nothing to do >we just hang out like we're on holiday together >watch anime, play vidya, read books, go for walks together, occasionally raid the liquor cabinet and get drunk watching movies in bed one time we woke up almost cuddling, we were fully clothed but i had a really uncomfortable boner lel Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:16:03 No.62301261 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 2/? >she's really into the flowers in the attic books and wants to watch game of thrones together if i had known what was going on in either of these i probably could have seen things coming, but it turns out i'm dumb as a rock >see jamie f------ cersei >surprise.wav >she says it's hot, i'm taken aback >she pauses it right as bran walks in on them and we talk about i----- >i say it's always wrong, she says it depends, i make fun of her for being a brocon, she gets real mad and storms out, i almost have to beg her to come back to finish the episode >she's really nice to me for the next few days, but it's weird, like she's walking on eggshells all the time, we don't spend much time together apart form a few meals >things go back to normal afer a few days, and for the rest of lockdown, nothing really interesting happens >was really sad at the end tho, we both were, kind of didn't want it all to end desu >after lockdown >life resumes, but honestly i just want to hang out with my sister >it's just us at home still, parents show up occasionally but are barely there, haven't seen them together in ages at this point >kinda shirk my responsibilities, really just waiting out each day for when it's over and we can spend more time together >talk about lockdown sometimes, both miss all the chill times together >we start doing date night a few times a week, although we don't call it that >sometimes i'll wear a suit, sometimes she wears a nice dress, we eat a nice meal, then do something together like have a drink and watch anime and movies in bed, or play vidya together, we played through all of overcooked 1 and 2 together would recommend View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ☐ verification_not_required.png, 541 KiB, 1024x749 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:17:32 No.62301267 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 3/? >watching the crush one date night >we both get mad at mc for being a gigasoi and not f------ alicia silverstone when she's gagging for it some details of all this escape me but i remember this part clear as day >her face is real close to mine and she says "it's hot because it's forbidden" >she was looking right into my eyes when she said it >ragingboner.exe >have to pull away a bit or it would probably poke right into her >she just stares at me for a long time, felt like hours, was probably three seconds >realise my heart is racing >j------- furiously to alicia silverstone later that night we talked about that night a few weeks ago, it's probably a core memory for me, it was the first time i can think of being really aroused by her, it was like being hit by lightning at the time >we both become kind of recluses during this time, we kind of just go back on holiday with each other >our parents only show up every two weeks or so, so it's pretty easy to just pretend like we're living normal lives >we end up watching heaps of horny as movies together, her picks every one >thirteen, 9 songs, fifty shades, cruel intentions, etc... >horny.tiff >she teases me for liking what i call her blue french films >like it's the setup for a p---- she asks me if i have a boner when they are having that threesome in wild things >i deny it, and she calls me a liar >some time passes >one night we are pretty drunk in bed together, we're laughing about something and she just rolls over and gives me a big hug, and plants a kiss right on my forehead >and then more of them >i say it's really nice, and we're laughing, and she's kissing my face all over >and then i'm kissing her face, and she's laughing trying to push me away >she's tickling me to get me to stop, and without even thinking about it i just kiss her right on the mouth >we both pull back and i practically run from the room >weirdboner.wav Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:18:33 No.62301272 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301454 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 >comes into my room a few days later >she's sad that we aren't hanging out like usual >says it's okay, it's not weird, we were just fooling around and that things just got a little out of hand, and that she's not mad at me >tell her that i'm really confused because it just happened so easily >have to confess to her that it was my first kiss and i liked how soft it was >she tells me that she liked it too >we just stare into each other's eyes for an eternity >and then we're both just holding each other and kissing s--- was so cash, i grabbed her t-- and everything, more horny in that moment than i've ever been in my life >clumsily pulling each other's clothes off down to our underwear >one second she's crouched over me rubbing my r----------- through my underpants >then i'm on top of her >then she's on top of me and we're grinding our hips together >we don't really know what the f--- we are doing but it feels incredible >then she's pulling down my underwear >i take off her bra >we're staring into each other's eyes, not making a sound >we just go to sleep holding each other >it's like there's this wall between what us and what we want to do and we stop >next morning we are talking >i say it's probably good that we stopped because i don't have any condoms anyway >deadpan she says "well then maybe you should go and get some" >immediately get up without a word and go to the nearest pharmacy to get some, buy like half a dozen different boxes lel >get back, she's still in bed, probably half an hour later, the mood has left us >i put my hand on her stomach >she practically recoils at my touch >asks what i'm doing >i say "i'm touching your sexy body" cringe, don't hate me i was only a teenager, i was probably salivating at the time >she gets up in just her underwear, says "it's like you're speaking another langugage" and leaves, leaving me with the bluest balls that there have ever been >i lie there in bed f------ dying >eventually i get up and go about my day Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:19:39 No.62301279 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 5/? >don't see her for a whole day, no idea where she was, maybe a hotel, maybe hiding somewhere in the house? >the next night she is in the lounge dressed in this black dress and red top thing under it, her face all made up, and she just grabs me and hugs me for ages >i don't say a word, just hug her back >she has never looked better, and i tell her so >she drags me to the couch doing that anime move where she brushes her t--- up against my arm, holding my hand with both of hers >she says she doesn't know what is going on with us, but we should let it happen, she says she wants us to be together and just kisses me >softly at first, but we are so horny for each other that we are immediately all over each other >her dress is gone >bra is gone >my clothes have all been taken off me >she's naked and under me on the couch i'll never forget >as she's pulling my d--- towards her she whimpers "please f--- me" and there's this moment again where there's like this force holding us apart, even though i've never wanted anything more in my life >we stay there for what felt like an eternity, my d--- just touching her p---- in the lightest way >finally someone moved and we really rub against each other >and then it's all over >nobody could resist that feeling, i asked her if she was ready, and she just squeaked and nodded, and i went in Report Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:21:23 No.62301285 Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301367 >>62301722 >>62301905 >>62302529 >>62302701 >>>62303565 >>62303810 >>62304033 >>62305046 >>62305451 >>62305926 >>62305984 >>62306189 >>62312353 >>62300563 6/6 i won't bore you with the details of our s----- virginal sex, was pretty quick, honestly it was over in an instant, probably only lasted a minute, but it was incredible, and we had sex again almost immediately after i came, the second time lasted a bit longer and that was that, this was probably october 2020 the next day we woke up together and could barely look each other in the eye so we spooned for a bit instead i got hard while we were spooning, but she said she was worn out and sore lel the second time we f----- we barely hesitated in the slightest, in fact when we got into bed together to watch a movie we barely even let it play and just immediately got to f------ it still felt very wrong, but i couldn't resist her, and she wanted me so much, it was like our bodies were talking to each other and after the second time, honestly it stopped feeling wrong, or maybe i just stopped thinking about it it's late, so i probably won't be in the thread to answer any questions but to head some obvious ones off early we're rich and weird, try not to judge we still f--- like rabbits i don't know if we have real plans for the future, but at least for my part i just want to be with her, and i think she just wants to be with me neither of us wants children, i had a vasectomy a few years ago, which is excellent because she doesn't really like c-- and prefers me to just c-- inside her, she says it's easier to deal with it that way my favourite gun is my cz 600 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:24:20 No.62301297 Report Quoted By: >>62301311 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301272 >>62301279 >>62301285 This has no bussiness being posted here Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:39:42 No.62301367 Report >>62301285 >my favourite gun is my cz 600 This explains everything have a nice day View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 42837F3E-96B3-45B1-8EA1-45205360 (...).jpg, 73KiB, 600x515 Report Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:54:17 No.62301454 >>62301272 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 02:42:27 No.62301722 Report >>62301285 >my favourite gun is my cz 600 Excellent weapons story Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 07:21:11 No.62303565 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62301285 Good luck to both of you, if you move away no one needs to know you are related and you can be more public. Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 04:52:43 No.62302529 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62301285 good story. thanks for typing that all out anon View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO W--.jpg, 35KiB, 1000x563 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 05:21:47 No.62302701 Report >>62301272 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301279 >>62301285 >mfw this is like The Cement Garden if it were written by a Zoomer instead of a Boomer Dude, what the f---, man?! View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1707372621089947.jpg, 200KiB, 1327x1062 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 08:30:17 No.62304033 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62305046 >>62292540 >Here's another video of a guy getting his face blown off by a drone, writhing around on the ground in pain, before finally killing himself >>62301285 >Alright, anyway, here's the story of how I f----- my sister. Never change, /k/. Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 08:50:01 No.62304173 Report >>62302529 >>62303565 many thanks we're already pretty public and kind of have always been oddly enough, it's just us on our own, and the world is big enough to disappear into, i guess people just think we're some couple that bears some resemblance to each other now that we are at university and have jobs we just live like anyone else, we even go to the occasional social engagement together a few people have asked how we met and we just say we went to school together lel it's not like anyone actually knows us, i don't think our parents know, or if they suspect anything they don't care to find out >>62304033 we played through parts one and two together a few months back lel](
![Lme/Catam 2MiB, 870x642, 1718672823023493.webm View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ☐ Anonymous Thu 15 Aug 2024 20:19:19 No.62292540 View Reply Original Report Indiv DL [276/40/1] Quoted By: >>62292548 >>62292557 >>62292611 >>62292631 >>62292637 >>62292843 >>62293422 >>62294142 >>62294248 >>62294583 >>62295684>>62297211 >>62297336 >>62297991 >>62298400 >>62298899 >>62299608 >>62303235 >>62304033 >>62306685 Not again... Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 03:43:09 No.62294617 Anonymous Thu 15 Aug 2024 20:21:52 No.62292548 Report Quoted By: >>62292573 >>62292630 >>62292637 >>62293384 >>62295903 >>62299995 >>62303508 >>62304209 >>62292540 Eh, when you seen 80+ vatnik suicides, they start to blend together. I'm happy he did it, but its stale at this point Report Quoted By: >>62294670 >>62294719 >>62295812 >>62295861 >>62299650 >900+ days of watching ziggers kill themselves while sipping coffee before starting my day. This can't be healthy in the long run. Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 17:44:19 No.62299650 Report Quoted By: >>62300410 >>62294617 See, this proves to me that nothing about man has changed since the times of the Colosseum or horrific medieval public executions. I think it's natural for modern sensibilities to think 'oh, how could you watch that it'll disturb you', but we've been doing nearly exactly the same thing for most of our history. Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 21:35:31 No.62300410 Report Quoted By: >>62300563 >>62300777 >>62299650 i think that once you get past the initial shock of seeing someone die, it becomes quite easy to just watch ziggers die much like f------ your sister, or crossing other taboo lines, once you have done it once, it's really easy to just do it more iirc jeffrey dahmer said that about killing people, that once he had killed a few times, actually it was really easy to do, and he wanted to do it more Anonymous Fri 16 Aug 2024 22:18:58 No.62300563 Report Quoted By: >>62300571 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301272 >>62301279 >>62301285 >>62300410 >much like f------ your sister, or crossing other taboo lines, once you have done it once, it's really easy to just do it more greentext NOW Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:15:02 No.62301257 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 1/? the whole thing was her idea, and i guess i should probably preface this by saying that we're not really normal >be me >have sister 1yr younger than me >have s----- childhood marked by parental neglect >really close with each other, probably some kind of coping mechanism >neither of us makes many friends at school >no gf/bf >just hang out with each other, sometimes sleep together in the same bed it's easy tho, we always got on really well, apart from when we were ten and nine for about a year for some reason >a bit lonely tho.mpeg >close with each other, so it's okay, hang out all the time, talk about everything, talk about sex occasionally because we are dumb and horny and have nobody else to talk to >not into each other so whatevs it isn't weird or maybe we were, i don't know, it's hard to say, it's not like i didn't appreciate that she was hot, even way back when we were tweens, but it's different i guess, maybe other anons with sisters can explain better >laugh at dank memes on the interwebs together, what are you doing step bro is everywhere for some reason >both think it's really funny >privately i think it's really hot tho >lockdown >stuck at home for months together, just us >no school, no parents, no supervision, nothing to do >we just hang out like we're on holiday together >watch anime, play vidya, read books, go for walks together, occasionally raid the liquor cabinet and get drunk watching movies in bed one time we woke up almost cuddling, we were fully clothed but i had a really uncomfortable boner lel Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:16:03 No.62301261 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 2/? >she's really into the flowers in the attic books and wants to watch game of thrones together if i had known what was going on in either of these i probably could have seen things coming, but it turns out i'm dumb as a rock >see jamie f------ cersei >surprise.wav >she says it's hot, i'm taken aback >she pauses it right as bran walks in on them and we talk about i----- >i say it's always wrong, she says it depends, i make fun of her for being a brocon, she gets real mad and storms out, i almost have to beg her to come back to finish the episode >she's really nice to me for the next few days, but it's weird, like she's walking on eggshells all the time, we don't spend much time together apart form a few meals >things go back to normal afer a few days, and for the rest of lockdown, nothing really interesting happens >was really sad at the end tho, we both were, kind of didn't want it all to end desu >after lockdown >life resumes, but honestly i just want to hang out with my sister >it's just us at home still, parents show up occasionally but are barely there, haven't seen them together in ages at this point >kinda shirk my responsibilities, really just waiting out each day for when it's over and we can spend more time together >talk about lockdown sometimes, both miss all the chill times together >we start doing date night a few times a week, although we don't call it that >sometimes i'll wear a suit, sometimes she wears a nice dress, we eat a nice meal, then do something together like have a drink and watch anime and movies in bed, or play vidya together, we played through all of overcooked 1 and 2 together would recommend View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO ☐ verification_not_required.png, 541 KiB, 1024x749 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:17:32 No.62301267 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 3/? >watching the crush one date night >we both get mad at mc for being a gigasoi and not f------ alicia silverstone when she's gagging for it some details of all this escape me but i remember this part clear as day >her face is real close to mine and she says "it's hot because it's forbidden" >she was looking right into my eyes when she said it >ragingboner.exe >have to pull away a bit or it would probably poke right into her >she just stares at me for a long time, felt like hours, was probably three seconds >realise my heart is racing >j------- furiously to alicia silverstone later that night we talked about that night a few weeks ago, it's probably a core memory for me, it was the first time i can think of being really aroused by her, it was like being hit by lightning at the time >we both become kind of recluses during this time, we kind of just go back on holiday with each other >our parents only show up every two weeks or so, so it's pretty easy to just pretend like we're living normal lives >we end up watching heaps of horny as movies together, her picks every one >thirteen, 9 songs, fifty shades, cruel intentions, etc... >horny.tiff >she teases me for liking what i call her blue french films >like it's the setup for a p---- she asks me if i have a boner when they are having that threesome in wild things >i deny it, and she calls me a liar >some time passes >one night we are pretty drunk in bed together, we're laughing about something and she just rolls over and gives me a big hug, and plants a kiss right on my forehead >and then more of them >i say it's really nice, and we're laughing, and she's kissing my face all over >and then i'm kissing her face, and she's laughing trying to push me away >she's tickling me to get me to stop, and without even thinking about it i just kiss her right on the mouth >we both pull back and i practically run from the room >weirdboner.wav Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:18:33 No.62301272 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301454 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 >comes into my room a few days later >she's sad that we aren't hanging out like usual >says it's okay, it's not weird, we were just fooling around and that things just got a little out of hand, and that she's not mad at me >tell her that i'm really confused because it just happened so easily >have to confess to her that it was my first kiss and i liked how soft it was >she tells me that she liked it too >we just stare into each other's eyes for an eternity >and then we're both just holding each other and kissing s--- was so cash, i grabbed her t-- and everything, more horny in that moment than i've ever been in my life >clumsily pulling each other's clothes off down to our underwear >one second she's crouched over me rubbing my r----------- through my underpants >then i'm on top of her >then she's on top of me and we're grinding our hips together >we don't really know what the f--- we are doing but it feels incredible >then she's pulling down my underwear >i take off her bra >we're staring into each other's eyes, not making a sound >we just go to sleep holding each other >it's like there's this wall between what us and what we want to do and we stop >next morning we are talking >i say it's probably good that we stopped because i don't have any condoms anyway >deadpan she says "well then maybe you should go and get some" >immediately get up without a word and go to the nearest pharmacy to get some, buy like half a dozen different boxes lel >get back, she's still in bed, probably half an hour later, the mood has left us >i put my hand on her stomach >she practically recoils at my touch >asks what i'm doing >i say "i'm touching your sexy body" cringe, don't hate me i was only a teenager, i was probably salivating at the time >she gets up in just her underwear, says "it's like you're speaking another langugage" and leaves, leaving me with the bluest balls that there have ever been >i lie there in bed f------ dying >eventually i get up and go about my day Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:19:39 No.62301279 Report Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301905 >>62302701 >>62300563 5/? >don't see her for a whole day, no idea where she was, maybe a hotel, maybe hiding somewhere in the house? >the next night she is in the lounge dressed in this black dress and red top thing under it, her face all made up, and she just grabs me and hugs me for ages >i don't say a word, just hug her back >she has never looked better, and i tell her so >she drags me to the couch doing that anime move where she brushes her t--- up against my arm, holding my hand with both of hers >she says she doesn't know what is going on with us, but we should let it happen, she says she wants us to be together and just kisses me >softly at first, but we are so horny for each other that we are immediately all over each other >her dress is gone >bra is gone >my clothes have all been taken off me >she's naked and under me on the couch i'll never forget >as she's pulling my d--- towards her she whimpers "please f--- me" and there's this moment again where there's like this force holding us apart, even though i've never wanted anything more in my life >we stay there for what felt like an eternity, my d--- just touching her p---- in the lightest way >finally someone moved and we really rub against each other >and then it's all over >nobody could resist that feeling, i asked her if she was ready, and she just squeaked and nodded, and i went in Report Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:21:23 No.62301285 Quoted By: >>62301297 >>62301367 >>62301722 >>62301905 >>62302529 >>62302701 >>>62303565 >>62303810 >>62304033 >>62305046 >>62305451 >>62305926 >>62305984 >>62306189 >>62312353 >>62300563 6/6 i won't bore you with the details of our s----- virginal sex, was pretty quick, honestly it was over in an instant, probably only lasted a minute, but it was incredible, and we had sex again almost immediately after i came, the second time lasted a bit longer and that was that, this was probably october 2020 the next day we woke up together and could barely look each other in the eye so we spooned for a bit instead i got hard while we were spooning, but she said she was worn out and sore lel the second time we f----- we barely hesitated in the slightest, in fact when we got into bed together to watch a movie we barely even let it play and just immediately got to f------ it still felt very wrong, but i couldn't resist her, and she wanted me so much, it was like our bodies were talking to each other and after the second time, honestly it stopped feeling wrong, or maybe i just stopped thinking about it it's late, so i probably won't be in the thread to answer any questions but to head some obvious ones off early we're rich and weird, try not to judge we still f--- like rabbits i don't know if we have real plans for the future, but at least for my part i just want to be with her, and i think she just wants to be with me neither of us wants children, i had a vasectomy a few years ago, which is excellent because she doesn't really like c-- and prefers me to just c-- inside her, she says it's easier to deal with it that way my favourite gun is my cz 600 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:24:20 No.62301297 Report Quoted By: >>62301311 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301272 >>62301279 >>62301285 This has no bussiness being posted here Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:39:42 No.62301367 Report >>62301285 >my favourite gun is my cz 600 This explains everything have a nice day View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 42837F3E-96B3-45B1-8EA1-45205360 (...).jpg, 73KiB, 600x515 Report Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 01:54:17 No.62301454 >>62301272 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 02:42:27 No.62301722 Report >>62301285 >my favourite gun is my cz 600 Excellent weapons story Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 07:21:11 No.62303565 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62301285 Good luck to both of you, if you move away no one needs to know you are related and you can be more public. Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 04:52:43 No.62302529 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62301285 good story. thanks for typing that all out anon View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO W--.jpg, 35KiB, 1000x563 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 05:21:47 No.62302701 Report >>62301272 >>62301257 >>62301261 >>62301267 >>62301279 >>62301285 >mfw this is like The Cement Garden if it were written by a Zoomer instead of a Boomer Dude, what the f---, man?! View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1707372621089947.jpg, 200KiB, 1327x1062 Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 08:30:17 No.62304033 Report Quoted By: >>62304173 >>62305046 >>62292540 >Here's another video of a guy getting his face blown off by a drone, writhing around on the ground in pain, before finally killing himself >>62301285 >Alright, anyway, here's the story of how I f----- my sister. Never change, /k/. Anonymous Sat 17 Aug 2024 08:50:01 No.62304173 Report >>62302529 >>62303565 many thanks we're already pretty public and kind of have always been oddly enough, it's just us on our own, and the world is big enough to disappear into, i guess people just think we're some couple that bears some resemblance to each other now that we are at university and have jobs we just live like anyone else, we even go to the occasional social engagement together a few people have asked how we met and we just say we went to school together lel it's not like anyone actually knows us, i don't think our parents know, or if they suspect anything they don't care to find out >>62304033 we played through parts one and two together a few months back lel](
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