Guy Tries to Impress Girl - Images
I'm good in bed and I have this amazing big dick / I have a dick too
![Guy: I'm good in bed and I have this amazing big d---... Girl: [tries to think of something to impress him] I have a d--- too 1C](
![Guy: I'm good in bed and I have this amazing big d---... Girl: [tries to think of something to impress him] I have a d--- too 1C](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere...

Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I'm kind of a messy person lol / Me too, I don't even wipe my ass after I shit lol

Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I'm non binary gender fluid pansexual / I'm mentally ill too
![Girl: I identify as non binary gender fluid pan sexual Guy: [tries to think of something to impress her] I'm mentally ill too](
![Girl: I identify as non binary gender fluid pan sexual Guy: [tries to think of something to impress her] I'm mentally ill too](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
My grandpa died in a concentration camp / mine too, he fell out a guard tower
![Girl: My grandpa died in a concentration camp. Guy: [thinks of something to impress her] Mine too, he fell out a guard tower](
![Girl: My grandpa died in a concentration camp. Guy: [thinks of something to impress her] Mine too, he fell out a guard tower](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
Eminem is my favorite rapper / vomits on sweater

Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I really like dogs / I'm castrated
![Her i really like dogs Me: [thinking of something to impress her] im castrated 8](
![Her i really like dogs Me: [thinking of something to impress her] im castrated 8](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I really like animals / I was born a koala
![Her: i really like animals Me: [thinking of something to impress her] i was born as a koala @spicymemepls](
![Her: i really like animals Me: [thinking of something to impress her] i was born as a koala @spicymemepls](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
im really bond to my brother / im your brother

Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I'm really into memes / I have crippling depression
![Her: I'm really into memes Him: [Trying to think of something to impress her] I have crippling depression](
![Her: I'm really into memes Him: [Trying to think of something to impress her] I have crippling depression](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I love dogs / my dad is a dog
![date: i love dogs me: [trying to think of something to impress her] my dad is a dog gettyimage 18771 5320](
![date: i love dogs me: [trying to think of something to impress her] my dad is a dog gettyimage 18771 5320](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
Im really into horror movies / my dad is a serial killer
![Her: im really into horror movies Me: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a serial killer picymemepls](
![Her: im really into horror movies Me: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a serial killer picymemepls](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I study agriculture / my dad is a watermelon,
![DATE: I study agriculture ME: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a watermelon](
![DATE: I study agriculture ME: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a watermelon](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
@JamesNielssen Tweet
![james nielssen @jamesnielssern Date: I love traveling Me: [trying to think of something to impress her] Th at is my favorite basketball rule violation RETWEETS LIKES 1,825 4,200 9:09 PM-7 Jul 2016](
![james nielssen @jamesnielssern Date: I love traveling Me: [trying to think of something to impress her] Th at is my favorite basketball rule violation RETWEETS LIKES 1,825 4,200 9:09 PM-7 Jul 2016](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I love mexican food / My father is a crunch wrap supreme

Guy Tries to Impress Girl
I learn psychiatry / My dad is a psychopath
![Her: i learn psychiatry Me: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a psychopath 8 6](
![Her: i learn psychiatry Me: [thinking of something to impress her] my dad is a psychopath 8 6](
Guy Tries to Impress Girl