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Handmaid's Tale Wedding is a viral wedding photo in which the bride and groom kiss in front of the "hanging wall" and surrounded by handmaids featured in the Hulu series "Handmaid's Tale." The photo was posted to Facebook in October 2019 by the Canadian Wedding Photography company Van Daele & Russell and met with criticism as the television series centers around rape and oppression.


On October 2nd, 2019, wedding photographers Van Daele & Russell[1] posted an edited photo of a married couple in front of the "hanging wall" featured on the TV series "Handmaid's Tale" complete with added handmaids surrounding them (shown below). The caption reads: "Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are married! If there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'll know most of it is filmed in Cambridge! So, as fans of the show, it only seemed fitting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mill Race Park!" (the post has since been deleted).

Van Daele & Russell 16 hrs Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are married! If there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'll know most of it is filmed in Cambridge! So, as fans of the show, it only seemed fitting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mill Race Park! VANDAELE&RUSSELL Cambridge Mill Ballett's Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Pearle Weddings & Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele & Russell Photography See more and get in touch to chat about your upcoming wedding photography & to check our availability at!at Cambridge Mill. 55 76 Comments 26 Shares לו Like Share Comment Most Relevant


On October 3rd, 2019, Twitter user @HelloCVH[2] reposted the Facebook post to Twitter and garnered over 33,500 likes and 4,900 retweets in a day (shown below, left). The same day, Twitter user @suzfiles[3] replied by saying, "You should read the FB comments – they're doubling down on the "well we got your attention and maybe you should be doing SOMETHING instead of reacting online" responses to every single comment people post. Not enough face palms in the world" (shown below, right).

Caitlin Van Horror @HelloCVH The straights are not okay Van Daele & Russell Praise bet Kendra & Torsten are maried there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'l know most of it is filmed in Cambridgat So, as fans of the show, it only seemed Siting for there to be seme Handmaids in K&T's wedding phonos along the hanging walr in Mil Race Park LEs Cambridge Mill Balers Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Peare Weddings&Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele& Russell Photography See mare and get in touch so chat about your upcoming wedding photography & to check our avalablity at VanDaseleAndRussel.comt-a Cambridge Mil 7 Comments 26 Shares Le Comment sare Most Relevant 9:46 AM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter Web App
Suzanne @suzfiles Replying to @HelloCVH and @ScottWamplerBMD You should read the FB comments - they're doubling down on the "well we got your attention and maybe you should be doing SOMETHING instead of reacting online" responses to every single comment people post. Not enough face palms in the world 11:52 AM Oct 3, 2019 - Twitter Web App

Twitter user @rafayagha[4] also responded with a screenshot of the photographer's response to comments (shown below). The lengthy comments urged the "keyboard warriors" to actually act instead of criticize their post which was intended to raise awareness. The photographer's Twitter account has since been removed.

New vandaeleandrussell replied to your comment on vandaeleandrussell's post: We actually totally agree! Mission: accomplished! Everyone is talking about this issue now, rather than binging on a television series and then not doing ANYTHING about what they're SO worked up over until the next season comes out in the spring. What's sad is that the oppression and hatred, the division, fear and breakdown of HUMANITY & COMPASSION is being perpetuated in every one of these comments. Take a step back and consider you may not actually know the facts, either- that this image was CREATED and put out by a pair of "Gender Traitors" who are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret's brilliant work. What's sad is that everyone is REACTING exactly as expected -just like in Gilead - and missing the opportunity to think for themselves, to educate themselves and become ENGAGED ACTIVISTS instead of simply keyboard warriors. We'd love to see you out in the streets participating in women's marches, supporting equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, and so many other important causes, instead of sitting here scrolling through Instagram, knee-jerking your way through comments. So you're correct - it's gross, disgusting, and a horrible reality that is rampantly becoming more "real" in the world day by day and comment by comment. There's no more "us" - only division and hatred, and no more curiosity to learn, to help, to actively become engaged in correcting humanity's breakdown instead of
comments. Take a step back and consider you may not actually know the facts, either that this image was CREATED and put out by a pair of "Gender Traitors" who are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret's brilliant work. What's sad is that everyone is REACTING exactly as expected -just like in Gilead - and missing the opportunity to think for themselves, to educate themselves and become ENGAGED ACTIVISTS instead of simply keyboard warriors. We'd love to see you out in the streets participating in women's marches, supporting equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, and so many other important causes, instead of sitting here scrolling through Instagram, knee-jerking your way through comments. So you're correct - it's gross, disgusting, and a horrible reality that is rampantly becoming more "real" in the world day by day - and comment by comment. There's no more "us" - only division and hatred, and no more curiosity to learn, to help, to actively become engaged in correcting humanity's breakdown instead of instantly ATTACKING. Congrats for adding to that today! WHY exactly are you offended? Have you asked yourself? And what are you actively doing about it IN THE REAL WORLD? We're thrilled that this is starting a conversation! THANK YOU for being moved by an issue that deserves much, much more attention. And don't forget - if this had been a happy couple surrounded by superheroes like Batman and Superman, you wouldn't have even stopped scrolling to comment. June along with every fighting Handmaid or human in the midst of struggle and oppression - is the ultimate superhero. Xo S&C@rafayfay 5m

Various Examples

mrs. oke @oketesea Replying to @HelloCVH and @collectdust A white woman cosplaying oppression on her wedding day..this is too much 12:25 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for Android
Blue @ThreeSixTeas Replying to @thebear2019 and @The_SummerMan It's literally like a couple getting married on a plantation with people dressed as slaves because they liked 'Roots' and then pretending they did it on purpose to force people to talk about racism and reparations. It's in poor taste, its s-----, and was thought up for attention. 3:44 AM Oct 4, 2019 Twitter Web App
rose @beep_boopD2 when you definitely understood what the handmaid's tale is about Van Daele &Russel Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are manied I there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, youl know most of it is fimed in Cambridget So, as fans of the shew, it anly seamad Sting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mil Race Park Cambridge Mil Balerr's Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Pearle Weddings& Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele & Russel Photography See more and get in touch to chat about your upcoming wedding phatography & to check our availablity at VanDseleAndtussell.comt-a Cambridge Mil ov@s 7 Camments 26 shares OCommento share Lke Most Relevart 11:16 AM Oct 3, 2019 - Twitter for iPhone
Mara "Get Rid of the Nazis" Wilson @MaraWilson Replying to @HelloCVH They are responding to every comment on the post saying that it was to get people more engaged in politics and activism?! 11:56 AM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Liza, Princess of Whales @liza_not_lisa Replying to @HelloCVH PHOTOS ALONG THE WHAT NOW as fans of the show, it only seemed there to be some Handmaids in K&T hotos along the 'hanging wall' in M ome Handmaids in K&T the 'hanging wall' in M hanging wall' 12:55 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone
Emmerbetic @Emmerbetic Replying to @HelloCVH So does this guy... try to impregnate all the handmaids? How can he afford so many? Does he have that much space on his estate? And his new wife is just cool with it? 12:14 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for Android

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External References

[1] Facebook – vandaeleweddings

[2] Twitter – HelloCVH

[3] Twitter – suzfiles

[4] Twitter – rafayagha

[5] Vandaeleandrussell – About

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Handmaid's Tale Wedding

Handmaid's Tale Wedding

Updated Oct 04, 2019 at 03:15PM EDT by Sophie.

Added Oct 04, 2019 at 01:02PM EDT by Sophie.

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Handmaid's Tale Wedding is a viral wedding photo in which the bride and groom kiss in front of the "hanging wall" and surrounded by handmaids featured in the Hulu series "Handmaid's Tale." The photo was posted to Facebook in October 2019 by the Canadian Wedding Photography company Van Daele & Russell and met with criticism as the television series centers around rape and oppression.


On October 2nd, 2019, wedding photographers Van Daele & Russell[1] posted an edited photo of a married couple in front of the "hanging wall" featured on the TV series "Handmaid's Tale" complete with added handmaids surrounding them (shown below). The caption reads: "Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are married! If there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'll know most of it is filmed in Cambridge! So, as fans of the show, it only seemed fitting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mill Race Park!" (the post has since been deleted).

Van Daele & Russell 16 hrs Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are married! If there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'll know most of it is filmed in Cambridge! So, as fans of the show, it only seemed fitting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mill Race Park! VANDAELE&RUSSELL Cambridge Mill Ballett's Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Pearle Weddings & Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele & Russell Photography See more and get in touch to chat about your upcoming wedding photography & to check our availability at!at Cambridge Mill. 55 76 Comments 26 Shares לו Like Share Comment Most Relevant


On October 3rd, 2019, Twitter user @HelloCVH[2] reposted the Facebook post to Twitter and garnered over 33,500 likes and 4,900 retweets in a day (shown below, left). The same day, Twitter user @suzfiles[3] replied by saying, "You should read the FB comments – they're doubling down on the "well we got your attention and maybe you should be doing SOMETHING instead of reacting online" responses to every single comment people post. Not enough face palms in the world" (shown below, right).

Caitlin Van Horror @HelloCVH The straights are not okay Van Daele & Russell Praise bet Kendra & Torsten are maried there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, you'l know most of it is filmed in Cambridgat So, as fans of the show, it only seemed Siting for there to be seme Handmaids in K&T's wedding phonos along the hanging walr in Mil Race Park LEs Cambridge Mill Balers Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Peare Weddings&Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele& Russell Photography See mare and get in touch so chat about your upcoming wedding photography & to check our avalablity at VanDaseleAndRussel.comt-a Cambridge Mil 7 Comments 26 Shares Le Comment sare Most Relevant 9:46 AM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter Web App Suzanne @suzfiles Replying to @HelloCVH and @ScottWamplerBMD You should read the FB comments - they're doubling down on the "well we got your attention and maybe you should be doing SOMETHING instead of reacting online" responses to every single comment people post. Not enough face palms in the world 11:52 AM Oct 3, 2019 - Twitter Web App

Twitter user @rafayagha[4] also responded with a screenshot of the photographer's response to comments (shown below). The lengthy comments urged the "keyboard warriors" to actually act instead of criticize their post which was intended to raise awareness. The photographer's Twitter account has since been removed.

New vandaeleandrussell replied to your comment on vandaeleandrussell's post: We actually totally agree! Mission: accomplished! Everyone is talking about this issue now, rather than binging on a television series and then not doing ANYTHING about what they're SO worked up over until the next season comes out in the spring. What's sad is that the oppression and hatred, the division, fear and breakdown of HUMANITY & COMPASSION is being perpetuated in every one of these comments. Take a step back and consider you may not actually know the facts, either- that this image was CREATED and put out by a pair of "Gender Traitors" who are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret's brilliant work. What's sad is that everyone is REACTING exactly as expected -just like in Gilead - and missing the opportunity to think for themselves, to educate themselves and become ENGAGED ACTIVISTS instead of simply keyboard warriors. We'd love to see you out in the streets participating in women's marches, supporting equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, and so many other important causes, instead of sitting here scrolling through Instagram, knee-jerking your way through comments. So you're correct - it's gross, disgusting, and a horrible reality that is rampantly becoming more "real" in the world day by day and comment by comment. There's no more "us" - only division and hatred, and no more curiosity to learn, to help, to actively become engaged in correcting humanity's breakdown instead of comments. Take a step back and consider you may not actually know the facts, either that this image was CREATED and put out by a pair of "Gender Traitors" who are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret's brilliant work. What's sad is that everyone is REACTING exactly as expected -just like in Gilead - and missing the opportunity to think for themselves, to educate themselves and become ENGAGED ACTIVISTS instead of simply keyboard warriors. We'd love to see you out in the streets participating in women's marches, supporting equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, and so many other important causes, instead of sitting here scrolling through Instagram, knee-jerking your way through comments. So you're correct - it's gross, disgusting, and a horrible reality that is rampantly becoming more "real" in the world day by day - and comment by comment. There's no more "us" - only division and hatred, and no more curiosity to learn, to help, to actively become engaged in correcting humanity's breakdown instead of instantly ATTACKING. Congrats for adding to that today! WHY exactly are you offended? Have you asked yourself? And what are you actively doing about it IN THE REAL WORLD? We're thrilled that this is starting a conversation! THANK YOU for being moved by an issue that deserves much, much more attention. And don't forget - if this had been a happy couple surrounded by superheroes like Batman and Superman, you wouldn't have even stopped scrolling to comment. June along with every fighting Handmaid or human in the midst of struggle and oppression - is the ultimate superhero. Xo S&C@rafayfay 5m

Various Examples

mrs. oke @oketesea Replying to @HelloCVH and @collectdust A white woman cosplaying oppression on her wedding day..this is too much 12:25 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for Android Blue @ThreeSixTeas Replying to @thebear2019 and @The_SummerMan It's literally like a couple getting married on a plantation with people dressed as slaves because they liked 'Roots' and then pretending they did it on purpose to force people to talk about racism and reparations. It's in poor taste, its s-----, and was thought up for attention. 3:44 AM Oct 4, 2019 Twitter Web App rose @beep_boopD2 when you definitely understood what the handmaid's tale is about Van Daele &Russel Praise be! Kendra & Torsten are manied I there's any The Handmaid's Tale fans out there, youl know most of it is fimed in Cambridget So, as fans of the shew, it anly seamad Sting for there to be some Handmaids in K&T's wedding photos along the 'hanging wall' in Mil Race Park Cambridge Mil Balerr's Bridal Moores Clothing The Handmaid's Tale NITRO MUSIC Pearle Weddings& Events From The Potting Shed Van Daele & Russel Photography See more and get in touch to chat about your upcoming wedding phatography & to check our availablity at VanDseleAndtussell.comt-a Cambridge Mil ov@s 7 Camments 26 shares OCommento share Lke Most Relevart 11:16 AM Oct 3, 2019 - Twitter for iPhone Mara "Get Rid of the Nazis" Wilson @MaraWilson Replying to @HelloCVH They are responding to every comment on the post saying that it was to get people more engaged in politics and activism?! 11:56 AM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Liza, Princess of Whales @liza_not_lisa Replying to @HelloCVH PHOTOS ALONG THE WHAT NOW as fans of the show, it only seemed there to be some Handmaids in K&T hotos along the 'hanging wall' in M ome Handmaids in K&T the 'hanging wall' in M hanging wall' 12:55 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for iPhone Emmerbetic @Emmerbetic Replying to @HelloCVH So does this guy... try to impregnate all the handmaids? How can he afford so many? Does he have that much space on his estate? And his new wife is just cool with it? 12:14 PM Oct 3, 2019 Twitter for Android

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External References

[1] Facebook – vandaeleweddings

[2] Twitter – HelloCVH

[3] Twitter – suzfiles

[4] Twitter – rafayagha

[5] Vandaeleandrussell – About

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