If You Watch X Backwards, It's About Y - Videos + If You Play This Game Backwards EP 5: Bomberman (NES) - Bomberman sees things that aren't there video game funny parody konami humor spoof webshow bomberman if you play this game backwards If You Play This Game Backwards EP 5: Bomberman (NES) - Bomberman sees things that aren't there If you play this game backwards EP 3 & 4: Diablo 2 LoD - hero gets punished for arrogance video game funny humor comedy rpg blizzard webshow let's play playthrough diablo 2 lord of destruction if you play x backwards If you play this game backwards EP 3 & 4: Diablo 2 LoD - hero gets punished for arrogance If you play this game backwards EP. 2: Castlevania (NES) - Belmont is a spoiled brat games video game konami nes monster play castlevania simon belmont horror game difficult game platforming game 2d game If you play this game backwards EP. 2: Castlevania (NES) - Belmont is a spoiled brat If you play this game backwards EP. 1: Super Mario Bros (NES) - Mario is perverted but broken. video game funny nintendo mario luigi comedy humour webshow princess peach if you play it backwards watch in reverse If you play this game backwards EP. 1: Super Mario Bros (NES) - Mario is perverted but broken. Today's Top Video Galleries Ankha Zone Rachel Chaleff Gondola BRODYQUEST