If Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing Geese
If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Being Based, Taking Care of the Homies

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
What the Fuck Is a Bodega

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Wash Your Butt in the Shower

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
The Zyzz Philosophy

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
The Dogecoin Standard
If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Warcrimes, Bladerunner 2049, Bench Lifting

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Post-Apocalyptic Cottagecore Goals

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Purchasing a Yurt

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Unionizing Your Workplaces, Economic Democracy

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Immanentizing the Eschaton

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
If you're 5-10 years old and your main circle isn't frequently discussing:

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
mutual aid, community defense, stomping fascism

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Accumulating capital, Excess leverage, Savage memes

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
blood sacrifices, how to appease the nether gods

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing
Javascript frameworks, Which CDN to use, The evils of facial recognition

If You're 20-30 and Your Main Circle Isn't Discussing