#ILeftTheGOP - Images
#ILeftTheGOP when they nominated Trump. He’s like a combination of Tony Clifton, Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Joe Six-Pack with a lot of money. I will...
Trump comes into office. Rips down every clean air, water, financial regulation. Blows up global agreements. Starts trade wars with allies. Passes bud...
Love that this trending. I was a college republican, local committee member, & worked on local, state & national campaigns for republicans. I made a p...
#ILeftTheGOP because of Trump....this isn't the party I voted for anymore....idk if I will ever go back.
#ILeftTheGOP in December 2016 when the Republican Party became more of a rural, white pseudo-religious party anchored far away from the needs and con...
. #ILeftTheGOP because they consistently want to benefit the rich while leaving everyone else behind. They also sold out all of their morals to suppor...
#ILeftTheGOP we're all proud of y'all
I love to see folks saying #ILeftTheGOP for Bernie Sanders!! We welcome you to #Bernie2020 with open arms!!
#ILeftTheGOP after 30 years when I saw the GOP’response to Trump’s Helsinki performance. I did NOT vote for Trump, and will never vote Republican agai...
#ILeftTheGOP mentally in July 2016 when it became unbelievably clear that Trump was going to get the nomination. I voted for @HillaryClinton and off...
#ILeftTheGOP because they cyber bullied a sitting president to show his birth certificate on live tv just because he was a black man. Now they have a ...
#ILeftTheGOP in July, 2016 as they nominated Trump. When did you? Use the hashtag and give us your date! Tag those you know cut the cord:)
#ILeftTheGOP @reince @Senate_GOPs Obstruction, War on women, Racist #OpTrump #Drumpf #ImWithHer #SCOTUSnominee