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That one cartoon character everybody loves.
But today I am talking about Qisti Faiqal.
The world's most dangerous human.
He is the son of the richest person on the earth, Zairin Faiqal. He uses his daddy's money to buy games, Consoles, girls and anime studios.
And he was a normal kid at first.
After he spent lavishly he bought a new phone and started using WhatsApp.
Here he was alone for a lotta time, he then met Tabureto4ka17. ( )
And they both spoke to each other like a newlywed couple.
Tabu had a big crush on Faiqal, Faiqal accepted him and they both had many many good mechanical nights.
Eventually bot started tutoring Faiqal and they both had a sensei-student-lover relationship that they maintain to this day.
But Faiqal now likes Ami, a Detective Conan fangirl. May Faiqal succ.
But besides all the slice and life stories..
He is known as jerry cause he is the child of a mouse!
And his nicknames..
He popped cherries.
He chopped pussies.
He munched curries.
He fucked goats.
He bopped anime.
He flopped his tests.
He cocked Tabu.
He succed Kaori.
And many other things that I can't describe.
His true hidden self lies in his dark depressed persona
A Karoi fag!
Yes he is in deep inexpressible love with Kaori, a corpse from Your necrophilia in April.
He found out I am exposing him to the world and is about to murder me… I'll try hiding from him for a while and then try to esc--
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