Judge Holden - Images
thinking about the guy who gifted a girl a copy of Blood Meridian
!["paula" @paularambles thinking about the guy who gifted a girl a copy of Blood Meridian Anonymous 05/12/24(Sun)04:35:13 No.23376911 Cormac McCarthy author of The Road BLOOD MERIDIAN Laura, I give to you this book. 95 token of my admiration and to Say thanks. It's been quick year: I'm stashed by how much I've learned due in I cannot thanks the attention large part t you. you enough for the wisdom conferred. Your you've given and dedication to find inspiring. pedagogy I Please to authors. this book by 314 lan I hope we my stay with love, M touch. PRAISE FOR CORMA "McCarthy is a writer to be read honestly-envied." "McCarthy is a born narrator, and the stab of actuality. He is here "Mr. McCarthy has the best kin fuses risky eloquence, intricate accuracy." "Cormac McCarthy is a Sout writer of natural, impeccable Faulkner... capable of blac heart of his tragedy." McCarthy's] lyrical prose n omies (and his] sense of the -Times THE EVENING REDNESS IN THE WEST 25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION "A classic American novel of regeneration through violence. McCarthy can only be compared with our greatest writers, with Melville and Faulkner, and this is his masterpiece." -Michael Herr P.S. If you Peter read the book, do let me know your theories reg. the "Judge". 67289357304614.jpg 949 KB JPG Found this in a thrift store in perfect / unread condition. Which one of you miserable simps gave this to a girl? • 3:48 PM May 13, 2024 1.1M Views](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/817/947/708.png)
!["paula" @paularambles thinking about the guy who gifted a girl a copy of Blood Meridian Anonymous 05/12/24(Sun)04:35:13 No.23376911 Cormac McCarthy author of The Road BLOOD MERIDIAN Laura, I give to you this book. 95 token of my admiration and to Say thanks. It's been quick year: I'm stashed by how much I've learned due in I cannot thanks the attention large part t you. you enough for the wisdom conferred. Your you've given and dedication to find inspiring. pedagogy I Please to authors. this book by 314 lan I hope we my stay with love, M touch. PRAISE FOR CORMA "McCarthy is a writer to be read honestly-envied." "McCarthy is a born narrator, and the stab of actuality. He is here "Mr. McCarthy has the best kin fuses risky eloquence, intricate accuracy." "Cormac McCarthy is a Sout writer of natural, impeccable Faulkner... capable of blac heart of his tragedy." McCarthy's] lyrical prose n omies (and his] sense of the -Times THE EVENING REDNESS IN THE WEST 25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION "A classic American novel of regeneration through violence. McCarthy can only be compared with our greatest writers, with Melville and Faulkner, and this is his masterpiece." -Michael Herr P.S. If you Peter read the book, do let me know your theories reg. the "Judge". 67289357304614.jpg 949 KB JPG Found this in a thrift store in perfect / unread condition. Which one of you miserable simps gave this to a girl? • 3:48 PM May 13, 2024 1.1M Views](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/817/947/708.png)
Judge Holden
Judge Holden meme

Judge Holden
Judge Holden meme

Judge Holden
Judge Holden "I'm like hey what's up hello"

Judge Holden
War is the natural state of things

Judge Holden
Judge Holden in Samuel Chamberlain's My Confession

Judge Holden
Judge Holden Artwork

Judge Holden