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Killer fish (Also known as Killer Fish From San Diego) is a YouTube video in which a man points a camera at a fish while holding it and humorously puppeteering it as a joke while saying the following:

Killer fish.
Killer fish from San Diego!
I don't know what I am, but I taste Really Good!
I'll Be your killer fish for the evening.
Thank you.

The video itself is 16 seconds long with a maximum of a 240p resolution, and the description of the original video is "Caught this sucker on the beach".
The original video was posted on August 2nd 2006 by a user named 'Joanjettsrabbit",
but a reupload called "Killer fish from San Diego FULL" from 2021 has gained over 1 Million views,
Many believe that the 2021 reupload is the original video but it isn't, and the original video only has ~10k Views as of this being written.

The man who presumably made the video and created the channel Joanjettsrabbit is named Eric Finch. Looking at his other videos, it's mostly just outdoor videos, guitar covers with some original guitar pieces, and He has also coded one or more games on His Apple IIe Computer.

In the comments one of his guitar videos, he responded to a comment asking if he was the guy who made the killer fish video.


Dude it's one long laugh fest around here. I mean I just wrote three serious songs . . but for every serious song there are a million joke songs about flatulence . . butts in general and just goofy stuff. It gets worse when I'm doing the REAL job of a guitarist – partying with family types and buggin' their kids. Kids I babysat before – I was like, "Guys I know you call me a butt - but am I a WHOLE butt or a BUTT HOLE?" and the boys were like, "Both!!" and it was hilarious. Right now it's kinda serious but there are jokes behind the scenes all the time. As quick as I can I'm going to be playing guitar around a campfire with young people cracking jokes. You know . . back then when one of the boys had to take a dumb I was like, "Push M'aam!! We believe in you!! Make that baby!!" or I would slip a sign under the door that says, "You can do it!!" – incredibly silly times.

End of Transcript

If any moderators take this meme entry down because I didn't format or write it correctly, please make a meme entry in it's place, because this is an epic video with some lore and I want more people to know the most well known video is not the original..

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Killer Fish From San Diego

Killer Fish From San Diego

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

To dispute this DEADPOOL flagging, please provide suggestions for how this entry can be improved, or request editorship to help maintain this entry.

Killer fish (Also known as Killer Fish From San Diego) is a YouTube video in which a man points a camera at a fish while holding it and humorously puppeteering it as a joke while saying the following:

Killer fish.
Killer fish from San Diego!
I don't know what I am, but I taste Really Good!
I'll Be your killer fish for the evening.
Thank you.

The video itself is 16 seconds long with a maximum of a 240p resolution, and the description of the original video is "Caught this sucker on the beach".
The original video was posted on August 2nd 2006 by a user named 'Joanjettsrabbit",
but a reupload called "Killer fish from San Diego FULL" from 2021 has gained over 1 Million views,
Many believe that the 2021 reupload is the original video but it isn't, and the original video only has ~10k Views as of this being written.

The man who presumably made the video and created the channel Joanjettsrabbit is named Eric Finch. Looking at his other videos, it's mostly just outdoor videos, guitar covers with some original guitar pieces, and He has also coded one or more games on His Apple IIe Computer.

In the comments one of his guitar videos, he responded to a comment asking if he was the guy who made the killer fish video.


Dude it's one long laugh fest around here. I mean I just wrote three serious songs . . but for every serious song there are a million joke songs about flatulence . . butts in general and just goofy stuff. It gets worse when I'm doing the REAL job of a guitarist – partying with family types and buggin' their kids. Kids I babysat before – I was like, "Guys I know you call me a butt - but am I a WHOLE butt or a BUTT HOLE?" and the boys were like, "Both!!" and it was hilarious. Right now it's kinda serious but there are jokes behind the scenes all the time. As quick as I can I'm going to be playing guitar around a campfire with young people cracking jokes. You know . . back then when one of the boys had to take a dumb I was like, "Push M'aam!! We believe in you!! Make that baby!!" or I would slip a sign under the door that says, "You can do it!!" – incredibly silly times.

End of Transcript

If any moderators take this meme entry down because I didn't format or write it correctly, please make a meme entry in it's place, because this is an epic video with some lore and I want more people to know the most well known video is not the original..

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