When I worked at a movie theater this is how i read the nutrition facts on a box of junior mints when customers tried to talk to me

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
mox be like

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
Men loving showing you a YouTube video. It feels so good for them

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
Me watching American Dad intro seeing what funny outfit Roger will appear in

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
Sometimes you have to be high to understand the most-high

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
me reading the tweets of a person live tweeting their manic episode

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
checking the groupchat after a nap

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt
adam silver cooking a lebron coming back from 3-0 script for his last dance documentary

Man Reading the Bible and Smoking a Blunt