#Orcposting - Images
New Gondorians

16 year old from Mordor

Average elf in 3050

Uruk-Hai suicide bomber

Shire will not survive

Monument protest

14 Heartbreaking photos

Geoffery Miller tweet

/pol/ thread

"Orcs have to commute long distances to access the resources that privileged men and elves enjoy."

"Hungarians man the walls of their national redoubt after hearing word of an approaching migrant legion bearing the white hand of Merkel."

"Reminder that it's a small minority of Orcs that are responsible for the attacks on Gondor"

"4 heartbreaking photographs of poor orc refugees"

"Gondor calls for aid!" / "My thoughts and prayers are with Gondor. Sending positive energy their way."

"You may just see a few orcs, but I see a doctor, an engineer and a scientist."

Fake Vox Tweet
