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Mr Blobby is a character which originated on the British tv show Noel's house party. portrayed by Barry Killerby. Mr Blobby was the brainchild of the late British comedy writer Charlie Adams who was a writer for the show. Mr Blobby was a bulbous pink figure covered with yellow spots he sported a permanent toothy grin and jiggling eyes. The character communicated only by saying the word "blobby" in an electronically altered voice, expressing his moods through tone of voice and repetition.

Mr Blobby first appeared in the 'Gotcha' segment of the second series of Noel's House Party, in which celebrities were caught out in a Candid Camera style prank. Mr Blobby was presented to the celebrities as if he were a real and established children's television character, in order to record an episode centred around the guests' profession. In truth, there was no "Mr. Blobby" TV series, and he was created purely for the prank. Mr Blobby would clumsily take part in the activity, knocking over the set, causing mayhem, and saying "blobby blobby blobby." His childish and unprofessional behaviour was calculated to irritate the celebrities taking part. When the prank was finally revealed the Blobby costume would be opened, revealing Noel Edmonds inside.

Once the first 'Gotcha' segments had aired, Mr Blobby was no longer usable as part of the 'Gotcha' sequences. He continued to make appearances on Noel's House Party with various members of the production team donning the costume created by artist Joshua Snow.

    Original Concept

The original concept behind Mr Blobby has routes in an early Gotcha sketch which involved Eamonn Holmes. This sketch has Noel portraying a large fury monster which couldn't talk and would cause mayhem and disruption to an unaware Eamonn Holmes.

    UK Number one

Mr Blobby released a spoof theme song "Mr Blobby" as a single in 1993. The song became an instant hit reaching the number 1 position of the UK top 40 charts on the 11th December.

    Crinkley Bottom (Mr Blobby Land theme park)

Due to the mass appeal of Mr Blobby within the UK public an agreement was made with UNIQUE, Noel Edmonds' merchandising company, to use the "Crinkley Bottom" theme at Happy Mount Park, Morecambe. The park was not a massive success and led to large losses, a local scandal toppling councillors and finally an auditor's investigation, which reported in 2004 that "the Council's decision to proceed with the Theme Park was, on the basis of information available to Members and officers in March 1994, imprudent and failed to give due regard to the interests of local taxpayers."
This event has been jokingly noted as "blobgate" after the famous watergate scandal.

    The Mr Blobby Legacy

Since Mr Blobby officially ended his spree upon the BBC he has since come back in a variety of cameo performances, often used as a way of satirising the 90's and Noel Edmonds. Notable examples of this include:

The Big Fat Quiz Of The 90s : Mr Blobby by digivoka

[This video has been removed]

    Mr Blobby Remembrance

Mr Blobby still lives in the hearts of every true englishman, for the population of the UK who were bought up in the 90s it was impossible for them not to know the existence of this phenomenon, therefore Mr Blobby fancy dress can often be seen in the UK with people honouring him by dressing up as him.

    Mr Blobby YTP's

Mr Blobby has also made his way onto the Pooping youtube scene with notable examples including

[This video has been removed]

    Mr Blobby Video Game

Mr Blobby (self titled) was a Amiga game realiased in 1994 by Guerrilla Cambridge. It was basically a remake of the SNES game Super Troll Islands but with Mr Blobby as the main character. It's essentially a platform game, but the 60 levels are reliant on you colouring in enough of the screen, by walking over it. Power ups are on offer, and the levels include some interesting design features, including ladders, spikes and springs to bounce off.

You can switch between the 3 characters (Mr Blobby, Mrs Blobby and Baby Blobby) at any point, and only lose once all 3 are out of lives. There are plenty of bad guys around, all looking identical and following pre-programmed attack paths.

    Home Videos

Three Mr Blobby videos were realised by the BBC staring Noel Edmonds and Mr Blobby. The three videos are as follows:
Mr Blobby (Self Titled) 1993

Blobby Vision 1994

[This video has been removed]

The all new adventures of Mr Blobby 1996
[This video has been removed]

    Further reading and supporting evidence

Mr Blobby WIki
Mr Blobby Song WIki
Mr Blobby Theme Park Abandoned
Mr Blobby Toys
Mr Blobby IMDB
Noels House Party Wiki
Mr Blobby TVtropes
10 forgotten things at Crinkley Bottom theme park
Unoffical Mr Blobby Website
Mr Blobby Amiga Game

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Mr Blobby

Mr Blobby

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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Mr Blobby is a character which originated on the British tv show Noel's house party. portrayed by Barry Killerby. Mr Blobby was the brainchild of the late British comedy writer Charlie Adams who was a writer for the show. Mr Blobby was a bulbous pink figure covered with yellow spots he sported a permanent toothy grin and jiggling eyes. The character communicated only by saying the word "blobby" in an electronically altered voice, expressing his moods through tone of voice and repetition.

Mr Blobby first appeared in the 'Gotcha' segment of the second series of Noel's House Party, in which celebrities were caught out in a Candid Camera style prank. Mr Blobby was presented to the celebrities as if he were a real and established children's television character, in order to record an episode centred around the guests' profession. In truth, there was no "Mr. Blobby" TV series, and he was created purely for the prank. Mr Blobby would clumsily take part in the activity, knocking over the set, causing mayhem, and saying "blobby blobby blobby." His childish and unprofessional behaviour was calculated to irritate the celebrities taking part. When the prank was finally revealed the Blobby costume would be opened, revealing Noel Edmonds inside.

Once the first 'Gotcha' segments had aired, Mr Blobby was no longer usable as part of the 'Gotcha' sequences. He continued to make appearances on Noel's House Party with various members of the production team donning the costume created by artist Joshua Snow.

    Original Concept

The original concept behind Mr Blobby has routes in an early Gotcha sketch which involved Eamonn Holmes. This sketch has Noel portraying a large fury monster which couldn't talk and would cause mayhem and disruption to an unaware Eamonn Holmes.

    UK Number one

Mr Blobby released a spoof theme song "Mr Blobby" as a single in 1993. The song became an instant hit reaching the number 1 position of the UK top 40 charts on the 11th December.

    Crinkley Bottom (Mr Blobby Land theme park)

Due to the mass appeal of Mr Blobby within the UK public an agreement was made with UNIQUE, Noel Edmonds' merchandising company, to use the "Crinkley Bottom" theme at Happy Mount Park, Morecambe. The park was not a massive success and led to large losses, a local scandal toppling councillors and finally an auditor's investigation, which reported in 2004 that "the Council's decision to proceed with the Theme Park was, on the basis of information available to Members and officers in March 1994, imprudent and failed to give due regard to the interests of local taxpayers."

This event has been jokingly noted as "blobgate" after the famous watergate scandal.

    The Mr Blobby Legacy

Since Mr Blobby officially ended his spree upon the BBC he has since come back in a variety of cameo performances, often used as a way of satirising the 90's and Noel Edmonds. Notable examples of this include:

The Big Fat Quiz Of The 90s : Mr Blobby by digivoka

[This video has been removed]

    Mr Blobby Remembrance

Mr Blobby still lives in the hearts of every true englishman, for the population of the UK who were bought up in the 90s it was impossible for them not to know the existence of this phenomenon, therefore Mr Blobby fancy dress can often be seen in the UK with people honouring him by dressing up as him.

    Mr Blobby YTP's

Mr Blobby has also made his way onto the Pooping youtube scene with notable examples including

[This video has been removed]

    Mr Blobby Video Game

Mr Blobby (self titled) was a Amiga game realiased in 1994 by Guerrilla Cambridge. It was basically a remake of the SNES game Super Troll Islands but with Mr Blobby as the main character. It's essentially a platform game, but the 60 levels are reliant on you colouring in enough of the screen, by walking over it. Power ups are on offer, and the levels include some interesting design features, including ladders, spikes and springs to bounce off.

You can switch between the 3 characters (Mr Blobby, Mrs Blobby and Baby Blobby) at any point, and only lose once all 3 are out of lives. There are plenty of bad guys around, all looking identical and following pre-programmed attack paths.

    Home Videos

Three Mr Blobby videos were realised by the BBC staring Noel Edmonds and Mr Blobby. The three videos are as follows:

Mr Blobby (Self Titled) 1993

Blobby Vision 1994

[This video has been removed]

The all new adventures of Mr Blobby 1996
[This video has been removed]

    Further reading and supporting evidence

Mr Blobby WIki
Mr Blobby Song WIki
Mr Blobby Theme Park Abandoned
Mr Blobby Toys
Mr Blobby IMDB
Noels House Party Wiki
Mr Blobby TVtropes
10 forgotten things at Crinkley Bottom theme park
Unoffical Mr Blobby Website
Mr Blobby Amiga Game

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