Part of a series on QAnon. [View Related Entries]
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Qoomer is a nickname similar to the 30-Year-Old Boomer but can include those of any age who believe in QAnon to the point of practically worshiping it, as if "Q" were a god who is here to save the day and bring hope to those who follow.
Anonymous users had been mocking those who follow QAnon for a quite some time on 4chan's /pol/ board during 2019.
The use of the word "Qoomer" to refer to QAnon believers has been around since the start of 2018[1]. However the next use of the word wasn't until months later in July[2] which from then on the word began to be used more but it was still obscure, most people probably didn't even know what it was referring to, especially since there wasn't a great awareness of what "QAnon" actually was.
Qoomer really gained traction in 2019 , it was being used more frequently, however the first illustration didn't come until later.
On September 15th, 2019, an anonymous 4chan user submitted an MS Paint illustration of a person wearing a yellow Q hat titled "The 30 year old Qoomer" in a thread titled "How do we solve the Qoomer problem?" on /pol/[3] (shown below).
Eventually more images were made showing Qoomers, the same year in November a thread was posted on /pol/ called "INTRODUCING: THE 41 YEAR OLD QOOMER"[4] (shown below) with the image showing an older wojak holding a giant "Q" letter with his head in the center looking through it. This depiction closer resembles the boomer with a more wojak-based depiction wielding particularly boomer-oriented thoughts such as "loves israel" and "still believes indictments are coming".
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External References
[1] 4chan β First use of Qoomer
[2] 4chan β Next use of the word Qoomer
[3] 4plebs β How do we solve the Qoomer problem?
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Sep 15, 2019 at 04:34AM EDT
Sep 14, 2019 at 09:59PM EDT