Sentence Mixing / Word Mixing
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Sentence Mixing or Word Splicing are a part of audio editing technique involving taking a word or a sentence and put it into a different order to make it's current sense more different or more weirdly funny. This technique implied mostly within the parody-creating community named YouTube Poop and also in MAD movies.
The origin of this audio editing technique is difficult to find. (This will be changed. Feel free to request editorship)
MAD movies
The earliest use of this technique was back in 1978, when two japanese members of the "Osaka University of Arts and Music (大阪芸術大学)" named "Shimagawa" and "Y" created MAD videos, a parody/remix editing culture made by dojins, by making a medley covering Anime and Sentai show's background songs with their guitars and replace the songs to their original video sources.
A student named Imai, when wasn't in "Osaka University of Arts and Music" yet, discovered this creation and made his own MAD movie by taking background songs and dialogue audio individually from the Anime "Space Battleship Yamato" and put them into another order to make it sound funny. Imai enjoyed playing with words and so his friends favoured his works. In his high school years, he officially made a "MAD Yamato" club, when his friends and other also parodied the creation or the Anime, too. After he entered the university, a teacher of him created an OtoMAD (音MAD) (pitching and matching the audios to song's beat), which is until today one of the most used type of MAD movies, and so Imai created his NEW MAD SERIES.
YouTube Poop
These MADs including the technique didn't spread to the western's culture. However, the user named "SuperYoshi" created a video named "The Adventures of Super Mario 3 Remixed" by taking cut out clips including sentences from the 24th episode named "Recycled Koopa" of the 1990 TV show The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and putting them into a different order by also making it funny. It was uploaded to SheezyArt on December 22, 2004.
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