Incel Tech - Images
HeidiBriones face
![Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface slightly too 1.05 ratio compact 1 to 1.05 midface Facial slightly too 1.97 more width to narrow face height than 2 ratio Chin to perfect 2.03 2 to philtrum 2.25 ratio Canthal perfect left 7°, right 6° more tilt than 4 Mouth to perfect 1.54 1.5 nose ratio to 1.62](
![Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface slightly too 1.05 ratio compact 1 to 1.05 midface Facial slightly too 1.97 more width to narrow face height than 2 ratio Chin to perfect 2.03 2 to philtrum 2.25 ratio Canthal perfect left 7°, right 6° more tilt than 4 Mouth to perfect 1.54 1.5 nose ratio to 1.62](
Incel Tech
incel tech shark rating
![Midface ratio perfect Facial width to height ratio perfect Chin to philtrum ratio extremely short philtrum noticeably downwards eyes 1.01 2.36 2.72 left 6°, right -2° 1 to 1.05 more than 2 2 to 2.25 more than 4 1.5 to 1.62 Canthal tilt Mouth to nose ratio Bigonial width Lip ratio Eye separation ratio Eye to mouth angle Lower third height Palpebral fissure length perfect significantly too narrow jaw 1.5 1.23 1.1 to 1.15 horribly uneven lips 1.3 1.55 to 1.65 significantly too close together eyes 0.4 0.45 to 0.49 perfect noticeably short lower third slightly too exposed eyes 48° 1.16 left 3.3, right 3.06 45° to 49° more than 1.25 more than 3.5](
![Midface ratio perfect Facial width to height ratio perfect Chin to philtrum ratio extremely short philtrum noticeably downwards eyes 1.01 2.36 2.72 left 6°, right -2° 1 to 1.05 more than 2 2 to 2.25 more than 4 1.5 to 1.62 Canthal tilt Mouth to nose ratio Bigonial width Lip ratio Eye separation ratio Eye to mouth angle Lower third height Palpebral fissure length perfect significantly too narrow jaw 1.5 1.23 1.1 to 1.15 horribly uneven lips 1.3 1.55 to 1.65 significantly too close together eyes 0.4 0.45 to 0.49 perfect noticeably short lower third slightly too exposed eyes 48° 1.16 left 3.3, right 3.06 45° to 49° more than 1.25 more than 3.5](
Incel Tech
Dog Facial Analysis
![Feature Midface ratio Facial width to height ratio Chin to philtrum ratio Rating extremely compact midface perfect Canthal tilt Mouth to nose ratio significantly too long philtrum perfect noticeably narrow mouth Bigonial width horribly narrow jaw Lip ratio perfect Eye separation ratio perfect Eye to mouth angle horribly wide apart eyes Lower third height Palpebral fissure length extremely short lower third significantly too exposed eyes](
![Feature Midface ratio Facial width to height ratio Chin to philtrum ratio Rating extremely compact midface perfect Canthal tilt Mouth to nose ratio significantly too long philtrum perfect noticeably narrow mouth Bigonial width horribly narrow jaw Lip ratio perfect Eye separation ratio perfect Eye to mouth angle horribly wide apart eyes Lower third height Palpebral fissure length extremely short lower third significantly too exposed eyes](
Incel Tech
Lord Farquad Facial Analysis
![3:23 ฟล Eye to perfect 45° 45° mouth to 49° angle Lower perfect 1.41 more third than height 1.25 Palpebral perfect left 3.76, right more fissure 3.27 than length 3.5](
![3:23 ฟล Eye to perfect 45° 45° mouth to 49° angle Lower perfect 1.41 more third than height 1.25 Palpebral perfect left 3.76, right more fissure 3.27 than length 3.5](
Incel Tech
red headed libertarian facial analysis
![ Bigonial horribly 1.3 1.1 to RIGHT Feature Rating Measurement Ideal width narrow 1.15 jaw Midface perfect 1.05 1 to KIM KLACIK ratio 1.05 Lip ratio perfect 1.58 1.55 to Facial perfect 2.13 more 1.65 width to than Eye perfect 0.47 0.45 height 2 separation to ratio ratio 0.49 Chin to perfect 2.21 2 to Eye to perfect 48° 45° philtrum 2.25 mouth to angle 49° ratio Lower extremely 0.94 more Canthal tilt perfect left 9°, right 9° more third short than than height lower 1.25 4 third Mouth to perfect 1.52 1.5 Palpebral noticeably left 2.52, right more fissure nose ratio to www.incel.lech (powered by SINCERCOIN) length exposed eyes 2.9 than 3.5 1.62](
![ Bigonial horribly 1.3 1.1 to RIGHT Feature Rating Measurement Ideal width narrow 1.15 jaw Midface perfect 1.05 1 to KIM KLACIK ratio 1.05 Lip ratio perfect 1.58 1.55 to Facial perfect 2.13 more 1.65 width to than Eye perfect 0.47 0.45 height 2 separation to ratio ratio 0.49 Chin to perfect 2.21 2 to Eye to perfect 48° 45° philtrum 2.25 mouth to angle 49° ratio Lower extremely 0.94 more Canthal tilt perfect left 9°, right 9° more third short than than height lower 1.25 4 third Mouth to perfect 1.52 1.5 Palpebral noticeably left 2.52, right more fissure nose ratio to www.incel.lech (powered by SINCERCOIN) length exposed eyes 2.9 than 3.5 1.62](
Incel Tech
Justin Whang Facial Analysis (
![Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface ratio noticeably long 0.97 1 to 1.05 midface Facial width to perfect 2.1 height ratio more than 2 Chin to philtrum ratio slightly too short philtrum 2.27 2 to 2.25 Canthal tilt perfect left 7°, right 7° more than 4 Mouth to nose ratio slightly too narrow mouth 1.47 1.5 to 1.62 Bigonial width significantly too narrow jaw 1.24 1.1 to 1.15 Lip ratio noticeably uneven lips 1.41 1.55 to 1.65 Eye separation ratio slightly too close together eyes 0.44 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth angle perfect 47° 45° to 49° Lower third height noticeably short lower third 1.19 more than 1.25 Palpebral fissure .. length slightly too exposed eyes left 3.04, right more 3.17 than 3.5](
![Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface ratio noticeably long 0.97 1 to 1.05 midface Facial width to perfect 2.1 height ratio more than 2 Chin to philtrum ratio slightly too short philtrum 2.27 2 to 2.25 Canthal tilt perfect left 7°, right 7° more than 4 Mouth to nose ratio slightly too narrow mouth 1.47 1.5 to 1.62 Bigonial width significantly too narrow jaw 1.24 1.1 to 1.15 Lip ratio noticeably uneven lips 1.41 1.55 to 1.65 Eye separation ratio slightly too close together eyes 0.44 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth angle perfect 47° 45° to 49° Lower third height noticeably short lower third 1.19 more than 1.25 Palpebral fissure .. length slightly too exposed eyes left 3.04, right more 3.17 than 3.5](
Incel Tech
Sydney Sweeney Facial Analysis (
![red by $INCEL COIN) Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface ratio horribly compact 1.17 1 to 1.05 midface Facial perfect 2.55 more width to than height 2 ratio Chin to philtrum extremely short 2.73 2 to 2.25 ratio philtrum Canthal tilt perfect left 7%, right 7 more than 4 Mouth to slightly too 1.63 1.5 nose ratio wide mouth to 18 1.62 Bigonial horribly 1.28 1.1 to width narrow jaw 1.15 Lip ratio extremely 3.2 1.55 uneven lips to 1.65 Eye separation ratio slightly too 0.43 close together eyes 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth significantly 55° too wide 45° to angle apart eyes 49° Lower perfect 1.32 more third height than 1.25 Palpebral slightly too fissure exposed left 3.26, right more 3.54 than length eyes 3.5](
![red by $INCEL COIN) Feature Rating Measurement Ideal Midface ratio horribly compact 1.17 1 to 1.05 midface Facial perfect 2.55 more width to than height 2 ratio Chin to philtrum extremely short 2.73 2 to 2.25 ratio philtrum Canthal tilt perfect left 7%, right 7 more than 4 Mouth to slightly too 1.63 1.5 nose ratio wide mouth to 18 1.62 Bigonial horribly 1.28 1.1 to width narrow jaw 1.15 Lip ratio extremely 3.2 1.55 uneven lips to 1.65 Eye separation ratio slightly too 0.43 close together eyes 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth significantly 55° too wide 45° to angle apart eyes 49° Lower perfect 1.32 more third height than 1.25 Palpebral slightly too fissure exposed left 3.26, right more 3.54 than length eyes 3.5](
Incel Tech
Joe Biden Facial Analysis (
![Feature Midface ratio Rating Measurement Ideal noticeably compact midface 1.11 1 to 1.05 Facial width to height ratio perfect 2.39 more than 2 Chin to philtrum ratio Canthal tilt extremely short philtrum slightly too downwards eyes 2.76 2 to 2.25 left 5°, right 3° more than 4 Mouth to nose ratio Bigonial width Lip ratio Eye separation ratio significantly too wide mouth noticeably narrow jaw extremely uneven lips slightly too close together eyes 1.75 1.5 to 1.62 1.21 1.1 to 1.15 4.22 1.55 to 1.65 0.45 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth angle significantly too wide apart 54° 4 45° to 49° eyes Lower third height perfect 1.51 more than 1.25 Palpebral fissure length perfect left 4.98, right 5.74 more than 3.5](
![Feature Midface ratio Rating Measurement Ideal noticeably compact midface 1.11 1 to 1.05 Facial width to height ratio perfect 2.39 more than 2 Chin to philtrum ratio Canthal tilt extremely short philtrum slightly too downwards eyes 2.76 2 to 2.25 left 5°, right 3° more than 4 Mouth to nose ratio Bigonial width Lip ratio Eye separation ratio significantly too wide mouth noticeably narrow jaw extremely uneven lips slightly too close together eyes 1.75 1.5 to 1.62 1.21 1.1 to 1.15 4.22 1.55 to 1.65 0.45 0.45 to 0.49 Eye to mouth angle significantly too wide apart 54° 4 45° to 49° eyes Lower third height perfect 1.51 more than 1.25 Palpebral fissure length perfect left 4.98, right 5.74 more than 3.5](
Incel Tech