Spinel - Images
Spinel discovers Pearl's secret rap career

Spinel drinking scotch

Cinematic Parallels

Blessed/cursed image

Spinelicin, for your allergy, Alzheimer's and acne needs...

Garnet is best cat

Spinel, Spinel and Kevin

Miss /co/ 2019
Channel says hi too

Miss /co/ 2019 - Spinel! -

Spinel says hi

Spinel by Mr.Psina

Spinel waiting website

channel/spinel won miss /co/?
![Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)15:59:54 No.110187684 >110187702 110187705>>110187724110187729110187732110187748 >110187763 >>110187766 110187769 110187773110187775 110187776110187814 THE DAY CHANNEL WON MS/CO/ 110187818110187824 NEW FORM OF POLLING, WHOEVER GETS DUBS FIRST WINS 766 >> Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:02:04 No.110187766 >110187870>>110187877>>110187886 >>110187894>>110187903>>110187914>>110187928>>110187930 >>110187935>110187942>110187980>>110187997>> 110188010 >>110188026 >>110188028>110188033 >>110188042>>110188048 110188050>>110188053>>110188054 >>110188061>>110188070>>110188081>>110188087>>110188090110188105>110188138>110188139>110188193>> 110188221110188222>>110188229 >110188248 >>110188260>>110188281 110188294>>110188323> 110188331 110188385>>110188414110188422>110188442>>110188446>110188455>110188457 >>110188473>110188474 >>110188485 >110188503 >>110188522 >110188529 >110188608>>110188632 110187790110187800 >>110187801 110187803>>110187811 110187814>110187816 110187828 110187829 110187838 110187843 > 110187857110187865 110188638>>110188702 >110188744 >>110188758>>110188781>>>110188792>>110188793>>110188809>>110188818>110188821110188826>110188836 >>110188844 >>110188857 >>110188876 >110188880 >>110188882 >>110188889 >110188892>>110188905>110188953 >>110188959>>110188970>>110188991>>110189025>110189035 >110189039>>110189111>>110189113>>110189131>>110189166 >110189173>>110189234>>110189246>110189275>>110189284 110189287>110189302>110189326 >>110189339>>110189340>>110189367>>110189383>>110189387>>110189390>>110189449 >>110189462 >110189471 >110189525>>110189526 >110189592 >110189644 >>110189653>>110189691 >110189710 >>110189810 >>110189854 >>110189861 >>110189878 File: 1567744483399.png (114 KB, 2601x2789) >110187684 Channel the lucky dubs. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:19 No.110188892 File: channel (326). png (414 KB, 743x656) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:22:41 No.110190318 File: channel-team-racing.png (464 KB, 363x327) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:02:46 No.110189710 File: Channel and Anon.png (995 KB, 1000x2000) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:53:58 No.110189449 File: 1568772081331.gif (70 KB, 400x400) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:20 No.110187801 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:19 No.110187800 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:30 No.110187811 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:08 No.110187790 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:11:48 No.110188105 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:22 No.110187803 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:29:54 No.110188632 File: 1567427503755.png (372 KB, 850x450) >110187766 >>110187766 Welp. Miss /co/ 2019 is decided then. I am okay with this >110187766 Aaaand she comes back home >>110187766 >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110188666 >>110188811 >>110188744 >>110188522 >>110187766 >>110187766 H-------- >>110187766 >110187766 God damn it >110187766 ARE YOU KIDDING ME >>110187766 F--- >>110187766 It's like I'm witnessing the Rapture wew with the trophy, boys! >110187766 How? Just how? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:40 No.110187816 File: channelandyotsuba.png (105 KB, 482x644) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:59 No.110187828 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:35 No.110187814 File: channel dab.png (11 KB, 648x722) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:26 No.110187843 File: usap.gif (177 KB, 276x258) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:01 No.110187829 File: 4channel.png (57 KB, 496x472) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:12:55 No.110188138 File: 1567444895997.png (243 KB, 927x688) >110187766 НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА >>110187766 ame >>110187684 >>110187766 that's it, channel f------ won! 110187766 >spinel won anyway >>110187766 >Dubs 110187766 Godfucking damn it. CRINGE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:30:09 No.110188638 File: 1568435182325.gif (1.87 MB, 593x422) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:38 No.110188905 File: I'VE TOLD YOU DAWG.png (67 KB, 500x500) VICTORY Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:06:06 No.110189810 UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:25:31 No.110190389 File: Joey Wheeler.jpg (46 KB, 410x308) RIP. CHANNEL WON Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:19 No.110187838 >110188899 >>110187766 >110189566 i think we need to realize that this blessed moment will never happen again >>110188473 >>110187766 WHO AM I You've done it, kid You've really gane and done it >110187766 I TOLD YOU THAT SHE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:54:13 No.110189462 File: Maid Spinel.jpg (1.29 MB, 1469x2008) >110187766 Best ending achieved! Bring it in guys! >110187766 WAS BLESSED BRO!!!! wew WHO AM I I F------ TOLD YOU >>110188899 >>110187766 WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАН Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:12:58 No.110188139 File: 1533185174210.jpg (33 KB, 500x510) https://www.youtube.com/watch? V 5P8V4mP5RLg [Embed] DAWG! I'M THE WINNER OF THE GAME YOU /co/ BTFO AGAIN Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:20 No.110187877 File: KEKOS png (77 KB, 280x261) O Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:36 No.110187886 DECIDED TO STOP PLAYING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:48 No.110187857 File: 1568307790735.png (521 KB, 1157x1234) Holy f------ s--- she can't be stopped! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:11 No.110187870 File: as one.gif (2.68 MB, 700x400) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:08:11 No.110189878 File: Spinel mask.png (300 KB, 952x764) >>110187766 Please put me in the /r/4chan screencap >>110187766 Hah! Get f-----, /co/. >110187766 I can't believe it Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:00 No.110187865 MZ Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:34:04 No.110190608 File: kokl.jpg (12 KB, 477x268) >>110187766 We did it lads Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:32:06 No.110188702 File: pobrane.jpg (5 KB, 318x159) 110187766 NOTHING PERSONNEL, KID. 110187766 >>110188899 >>110187766 >110187766 HAHA! She gets dubs again! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:40:05 No.110188953 File: 1556629289400.jpg (78 KB, 340x314) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:43 No.110187894 SiME BODY STOP MEEE! phenomenal. >>110187766 No f------ way 110187766 I need a looo0000ong walk F------ >>110187766 Based Channel >>110187766 spinel/channelposting was getting annoying, but this is hilarious. absolutely based NO Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:01:59 No.110189691 F------ WAY Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:06:52 No.110187930 File: kchutha-saam-duck-dodgers-2.99 jpg (17 KB, 210x240) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:00 No.110188010 File: round 5 has begun.gif (777 KB, 350x250) >110187766 congrats Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:14:53 No.110188193 110188316 File: 4gKHQOVjpg (9 KB, 289x166) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:07:57 No.110187980 File: squidward.jpg (70 KB, 1280x720) >>110187766 Well s---, it's f------ official. Not even mad. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:07:03 No.110187942 Laifu !!9mltvsjUyhQ 09/21/19(Sat)16:33:32 No.110188744 File: 1567904993765.png (371 KB, 681x692) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:06:46 No.110187928 >>110187766 Can't stop. WINNING. >110187766 Steven universe was a mistake Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:35:08 No.110190637 File: dask.png (195 KB, 512x512) >110187766 I CAN'T FUECKING >>110187766 >tfw when Spinel literally always wins feels good >110187464 Geeee, I wonder what group could be behind this >>110187766 T hate this board do goddamn much Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:08:42 No.110189900110189924 File: 447px-Manlytears3.jpg (65 KB, 600x804) >>110187766 f------ hell. BELIEVE THIS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:54:31 No.110189471 File: 1568515641117 png (176 KB, 900x700) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:40:31 No.110188970 File: 1567705172338.png (427 KB, 1080x1157) >>110187766 >CHANNEL WON INSTEAD OF SPINEL >>110187766 You did it anon...your legend shall be remembered until the end of time PINKYANON IS SAFE! >>110187766 Cap me, Channel truly is /ourgirl/. Be sure to get all those other Channel dubs! >>110187766 It's all over. Spinel Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:50 No.110188 File: 1567826670581.png (343 KB, 761x731) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:52 No.110188042 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:15:42 No.110188221 File: 1560898946690.jpg (26 KB, 350x526) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:39 No.110188033 File: 1568248585667.gif (1.78 MB, 400x300) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:27 No.110188026 File: 1567871548835.png (170 KB, 490x536) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:28 No.110188028 wins forever. >110187766 Don't include the anon below me in the screenshot >>110187766 f--- yes, I love you >>110187927 bro, it's over>>110187766 >110187766 >First the Channel threads are gifted with numbers and oc >>110187766 Blessed and 110187766 The numbers have literally always been on our side LOL, LIMEWIRE anon Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:33:59 No.110188758 File: image%3A172722.png (1.07 MB, 1422x800) checked Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:57 No.110188048 >Now this Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:03 No.110188053 File: channel get.png (522 KB, 1360x768) Truly blessed Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:56:33 No.110189525 File: Channel reeling in (You)'s.png (268 KB, 593x667) >>110187766 A fitting end for this s--- show. Well done Channel Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:10:28 No.110189951 File: Spinel eyes.jpg (170 KB, 1213x1410) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:37:44 No.110190694 >110187766 I am... Inevitable ArchiveAnon 09/21/19(Sat)16:41:57 No.110189025 >110187766 Even PinkyAnon is gonna be safe because spinel won instead of channel TRULY THE BEST F------ ENDING. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue-1&v -5P8V4mP5RLg [Embed] >>110187766 best girl >110187766 >>110187684 >110187766 This is f------ incredible. Checked, blessed and kek'd >110187766 W-wha? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:26 No.110188070 File: 1499231692338.jpg (73 KB, 612x612) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:20 No.110188061 110188099 File: 1404735715463s.jpg (4 KB, 193x199) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:15:45 No.110188222 IRREFUTABLE PROOF! Based Channel! You Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:11:06 No.110188090 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:38:06 No.110190709 /co/ cucked for all time. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:57 No.110188050 File: TooGoodToBeTrue.gif (1.48 MB, 324x310) deserve all those (You)s! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:05 No.110188054 File: (You)re mocking me.jpg (10 KB, 225x225) >>110187766 F------ BASED >>110187766 WEWLADS >>110187766 channel wins >>110187766 THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING >>110187766 HOES MAD Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:34:45 No.110188781 YOU'RE MOCKING ME >>110187766 UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:45:07 No.11018913 File: 1568655341515.jpg (3.08 MB, 3805x1296) >>110187766 F--- people still complain >spinelfags get up in arms >channel is an agent of chaos As it has been since '03 >>110187766 SPINEL IS I'M IN CHARGE HERE YOUUUUUUU Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:38:55 No.110190730 >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110188666 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:56:34 No.110189526 File: 1568764754963.png (410 KB, 1100x1000) >>110187766 >DOUBLE DUBS SO DUBS CAN'T COUNTER DUB Makus 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:11 No.110188792 File: kekin.png (12 KB, 390x470) >>110188811 >>110188744 >>110188522 >>110187766 НАНАНАНА! AREN'T YOU >>110188899 >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:19:14 No.110188323 File: HAPPENING.png (64 KB, 240x249) MWAiC RRRICGED REEGEAAARGH Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:17:59 No.110188294 File: 1567919862985.gif (738 KB, 540x304) >110187766 SEE YOU KIDS IN THE PREMIERE OF THE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:16:00 No.110188229 SHE IS BECOMING SOMETHING ELSE SOMETHING BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING HER POWER HAS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:07:26 No.110189854110189885 File: when she wins jpg (226 KB, 1074x755) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:16:29 No.110188248 INCREASED TO GOD LIKE LEVELS >110187766 +one to the reply count because this is hilarious CHANNEL MOVIE >>110187766 NOOOOOO00000O0000000000000000000000000000O000O00O000000000000000000000 >110187766 F------ BASED IT'S OVER! >>110187766 I'm fine with this >>110187766 FATE ITSELF IS ON HER SIDE! O00000000000000000000000000O00000000O00000000O000O000000000 H-------- Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:22:30 No.110188414 File: channel (292). png (1.65 MB, 2000x2000) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:19:31 No.110188331 File: thumb.png (31 KB, 250x250) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:14:06 No.110190061 File: winner.jpg (218 KB, 1074x755) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:22:50 No.110188422 110187766 Absolutely f------ based. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:58:25 No.110189592 File: 1568989691476.jpg (470 KB, 586x580) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:46:17 No.110189166 File: 1568383568513.png (188 KB, 407x407) I'M oK >>110187766 Gotta draw some Channel now. Grats. WITH THIS. >>110187766 TRULY THE PATRICIAN CHOICE WianeR >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:13 No.110188446 File: 1567823790424.png (719 KB, 1920x1080) >>110187766 10188899 Mods should make a sticky linking these posts >>110187766 >>110188899 with this pic in the OP (>>110189407) just to dab on the entire board. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:11 No.110188793 File: 1539301478269.png (459 KB, 465x508) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:27 No.110188455 File: i think.png (177 KB, 286x439) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:41:46 No.110190827 GG. >>110187766 Nothing personnel kids. see you at the premiere of the movie >>110187766 You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. >>110187766 If this isn't an indication there is no god here in 4chan, well, this is the absolute proof. >>110187766 Keep it going boys, the screencap is 2000x2000 already Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:07 No.110188473 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:15:07 No.110190092 File: Yujiro Hanma smile.jpg (128 KB, 474x750) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:33 No.110188457 110187766 This will be fun! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:38 No.110188485 File: hailspinel.png (131 KB, 512x384) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:08 No.110188474 110188514 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:00:26 No.110189644 File: CATjpg (104 KB, 1014x1024) >>110187766 holy f--- I'm dying, literal tears in my eyes. Channel, you're alright Aren't you the lucky one?! Her dubs are perfect and she's green as well She'll bring you endless shitposting threads Your new ms /co/ Channel! >>110187766 Well played... >>110187766 IF GOD EXISTS WHY HE LET THAT HAPPEN !?!?!? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:46:26 No.110189173 File: Uncle Death shock.png (313 KB, 400x400) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:02 No.110188503 File: 1535469338723.jpg (152 KB, 800x800) >110187766 NOOOOOO0O THIS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:19 No.110188826 File: check em.gif (2.59 MB, 640x360) >>110187766 NANI!? ere CAN'T BE HAPPENING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:46 No.110188522 File: 1567864720839.png (170 KB, 490x536) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:07 No.110188818 >>110187766 >>110188666 dubs and trips channel is to0 >110187766 Yeah f--- it. Spinel is simply blessed Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:28:59 No.110188608 File: leave the rest to you.gif (1.56 MB, 444x250) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:58 No.110188529 >110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:44 No.110188809 >>110187766 This power... powerful bro >>110187766 GAME >>110187766 It seems kind of fitting. Like it couldn't have ended any other way. OVER Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:48:17 No.110189246 File: looking.good spinel.png (688 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:38 No.110188836 File: 1567720255659.png (195 KB, 488x543) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:15:26 No.110190101 ile: jumps.gif (141 KB, 500x351) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:00:38 No.110189653 File: Is this your You.png (429 KB, 1920x1080) the eatto you sit Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:58 No.110188882 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:16 No.110188889110188922 File: 15690936215411].png (81 KB, 558x312) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:13 No.110188857 File: thumbs up.png (595 KB, 841x475) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:53 No.110188880 File: fingerguns.jpg (92 KB, 975x1300) >>110187766 The hard work >110187766 /co/ blown the f--- >110187766 >>110187766 >110188899 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:49 No.110188876 Round 3 TRANN >>110187766 f--- >>110187766 See you guys at the movies 110187766 Blessed payed of out >>110187766 That's my girl. The true Miss /co/2019! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:49 No.110188844 >110187766 BASED STEVEN UNIVERSE Spitefags completely and utterly annihilated. >110187766 And Zim steals the Trophy from her. BEST SERIES ON /CO/ ALL F--- SEETHING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:44:31 No.110189111 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:41:06 No.110188991 File: 1568862283956.png (1.28 MB, 1380x1311) UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:42:20 No.110189035 File: Spinel Experience.png (453 KB, 680x448) >>110187766 110188899 how the f--- does she keep doing it? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:14 No.110189275 File: your new queen.png (111 KB, 500x375) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:42:28 No.110189039 >>110188799 >>110188744 >>110188700 >>110188666 >>110188522 >>110188455 (You) >110188099 >>110188099 >>110187766 PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP! SPINEL >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110187766 >i10188666 >>110188744 >>110188811 >>110188522 Jesus Christ she literally cannot stop winning. EXPERIENCE REQUIEM! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:38 No.110189326 File: Spinel max power.png (44 KB, 366x370) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:44:32 No.110189113 File: ramiel-coming-to-deliver-(...).png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:51:36 No.110189367 >>110189234 (You) >>110188033 >>110187766 HER POWER IS >110187766 BENOTAF RAID >>110187766 SAY HELLO TO MAXIMUM! >110187766 based I can't... I just f------ can't! I can't deny her anymore! She really is the new good luck charm and /ourgirl/, isn't she? Holy f---... Will she bless this post with dubs to0? Or will she leave me behind as not worthy of her light? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:50 No.110189339 File: alrj.png (169 KB, 758x515) >>110187766 Thank you OP you quiting this s--- was worth it Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:36 No.110189287 File: Spinel You.png (191 KB, 412x632) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:33 No.110189284 File: This is the good one.gif (2.75 MB, 400x270) YOUR NEW QUEEN /CO/ >110187766 Descending Double Dubs confirm >110189234(You) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:49 No.110189302 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:12 No.110189387 File: but...the future_refused (a.).png (123 KB, 800x600) >>110187766 >>110188899 НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:05 No.110189383 File: Spinel wedding.jpg (92 KB, 991x1306) Look at em all! >>110188899 >>110187766 Sto MYs Tepov (You) >>110187766 Regardless of what happens, she simply won BUT. THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:17:44 No.110190168 File: gurren lagann simon 2.jpg (53 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:51 No.110189340 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:16 No.110189390 >>110187766 YOU LITERALLY CANNOT STOP THE ROCK(S). BELIEVE IN STEVEN AND YE SHALL BE SAVED. >110187766 TO 1000 POSTS AND BEYOND FOR THE TRUE >>110187766 Put me in screencap WINNER OF Miss /co/! >> Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:31 No.110188899 110189032>110189034>110189039>>110189040>110189058>110189072110189083 >110189111>110189131>>110189166 110189302 110189329> 110189387>110189449 >110189462 >110189526 >110189592>110189653 >>110188926>>110188932 110188941>>110188946>>110188950 >110188960>>110188971 >>110188987 >>110188996 >110188998 >110189005>>110189014 >110189024 >>110189810>>110189878 If singles spinel is cancelled If singles spinel is cancelled 88899 இு](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/580/187/ec1.jpg)
![Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)15:59:54 No.110187684 >110187702 110187705>>110187724110187729110187732110187748 >110187763 >>110187766 110187769 110187773110187775 110187776110187814 THE DAY CHANNEL WON MS/CO/ 110187818110187824 NEW FORM OF POLLING, WHOEVER GETS DUBS FIRST WINS 766 >> Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:02:04 No.110187766 >110187870>>110187877>>110187886 >>110187894>>110187903>>110187914>>110187928>>110187930 >>110187935>110187942>110187980>>110187997>> 110188010 >>110188026 >>110188028>110188033 >>110188042>>110188048 110188050>>110188053>>110188054 >>110188061>>110188070>>110188081>>110188087>>110188090110188105>110188138>110188139>110188193>> 110188221110188222>>110188229 >110188248 >>110188260>>110188281 110188294>>110188323> 110188331 110188385>>110188414110188422>110188442>>110188446>110188455>110188457 >>110188473>110188474 >>110188485 >110188503 >>110188522 >110188529 >110188608>>110188632 110187790110187800 >>110187801 110187803>>110187811 110187814>110187816 110187828 110187829 110187838 110187843 > 110187857110187865 110188638>>110188702 >110188744 >>110188758>>110188781>>>110188792>>110188793>>110188809>>110188818>110188821110188826>110188836 >>110188844 >>110188857 >>110188876 >110188880 >>110188882 >>110188889 >110188892>>110188905>110188953 >>110188959>>110188970>>110188991>>110189025>110189035 >110189039>>110189111>>110189113>>110189131>>110189166 >110189173>>110189234>>110189246>110189275>>110189284 110189287>110189302>110189326 >>110189339>>110189340>>110189367>>110189383>>110189387>>110189390>>110189449 >>110189462 >110189471 >110189525>>110189526 >110189592 >110189644 >>110189653>>110189691 >110189710 >>110189810 >>110189854 >>110189861 >>110189878 File: 1567744483399.png (114 KB, 2601x2789) >110187684 Channel the lucky dubs. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:19 No.110188892 File: channel (326). png (414 KB, 743x656) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:22:41 No.110190318 File: channel-team-racing.png (464 KB, 363x327) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:02:46 No.110189710 File: Channel and Anon.png (995 KB, 1000x2000) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:53:58 No.110189449 File: 1568772081331.gif (70 KB, 400x400) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:20 No.110187801 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:19 No.110187800 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:30 No.110187811 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:08 No.110187790 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:11:48 No.110188105 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:22 No.110187803 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:29:54 No.110188632 File: 1567427503755.png (372 KB, 850x450) >110187766 >>110187766 Welp. Miss /co/ 2019 is decided then. I am okay with this >110187766 Aaaand she comes back home >>110187766 >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110188666 >>110188811 >>110188744 >>110188522 >>110187766 >>110187766 H-------- >>110187766 >110187766 God damn it >110187766 ARE YOU KIDDING ME >>110187766 F--- >>110187766 It's like I'm witnessing the Rapture wew with the trophy, boys! >110187766 How? Just how? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:40 No.110187816 File: channelandyotsuba.png (105 KB, 482x644) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:59 No.110187828 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:03:35 No.110187814 File: channel dab.png (11 KB, 648x722) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:26 No.110187843 File: usap.gif (177 KB, 276x258) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:01 No.110187829 File: 4channel.png (57 KB, 496x472) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:12:55 No.110188138 File: 1567444895997.png (243 KB, 927x688) >110187766 НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА >>110187766 ame >>110187684 >>110187766 that's it, channel f------ won! 110187766 >spinel won anyway >>110187766 >Dubs 110187766 Godfucking damn it. CRINGE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:30:09 No.110188638 File: 1568435182325.gif (1.87 MB, 593x422) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:38 No.110188905 File: I'VE TOLD YOU DAWG.png (67 KB, 500x500) VICTORY Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:06:06 No.110189810 UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:25:31 No.110190389 File: Joey Wheeler.jpg (46 KB, 410x308) RIP. CHANNEL WON Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:19 No.110187838 >110188899 >>110187766 >110189566 i think we need to realize that this blessed moment will never happen again >>110188473 >>110187766 WHO AM I You've done it, kid You've really gane and done it >110187766 I TOLD YOU THAT SHE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:54:13 No.110189462 File: Maid Spinel.jpg (1.29 MB, 1469x2008) >110187766 Best ending achieved! Bring it in guys! >110187766 WAS BLESSED BRO!!!! wew WHO AM I I F------ TOLD YOU >>110188899 >>110187766 WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАН Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:12:58 No.110188139 File: 1533185174210.jpg (33 KB, 500x510) https://www.youtube.com/watch? V 5P8V4mP5RLg [Embed] DAWG! I'M THE WINNER OF THE GAME YOU /co/ BTFO AGAIN Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:20 No.110187877 File: KEKOS png (77 KB, 280x261) O Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:36 No.110187886 DECIDED TO STOP PLAYING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:04:48 No.110187857 File: 1568307790735.png (521 KB, 1157x1234) Holy f------ s--- she can't be stopped! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:11 No.110187870 File: as one.gif (2.68 MB, 700x400) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:08:11 No.110189878 File: Spinel mask.png (300 KB, 952x764) >>110187766 Please put me in the /r/4chan screencap >>110187766 Hah! Get f-----, /co/. >110187766 I can't believe it Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:00 No.110187865 MZ Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:34:04 No.110190608 File: kokl.jpg (12 KB, 477x268) >>110187766 We did it lads Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:32:06 No.110188702 File: pobrane.jpg (5 KB, 318x159) 110187766 NOTHING PERSONNEL, KID. 110187766 >>110188899 >>110187766 >110187766 HAHA! She gets dubs again! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:40:05 No.110188953 File: 1556629289400.jpg (78 KB, 340x314) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:05:43 No.110187894 SiME BODY STOP MEEE! phenomenal. >>110187766 No f------ way 110187766 I need a looo0000ong walk F------ >>110187766 Based Channel >>110187766 spinel/channelposting was getting annoying, but this is hilarious. absolutely based NO Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:01:59 No.110189691 F------ WAY Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:06:52 No.110187930 File: kchutha-saam-duck-dodgers-2.99 jpg (17 KB, 210x240) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:00 No.110188010 File: round 5 has begun.gif (777 KB, 350x250) >110187766 congrats Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:14:53 No.110188193 110188316 File: 4gKHQOVjpg (9 KB, 289x166) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:07:57 No.110187980 File: squidward.jpg (70 KB, 1280x720) >>110187766 Well s---, it's f------ official. Not even mad. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:07:03 No.110187942 Laifu !!9mltvsjUyhQ 09/21/19(Sat)16:33:32 No.110188744 File: 1567904993765.png (371 KB, 681x692) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:06:46 No.110187928 >>110187766 Can't stop. WINNING. >110187766 Steven universe was a mistake Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:35:08 No.110190637 File: dask.png (195 KB, 512x512) >110187766 I CAN'T FUECKING >>110187766 >tfw when Spinel literally always wins feels good >110187464 Geeee, I wonder what group could be behind this >>110187766 T hate this board do goddamn much Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:08:42 No.110189900110189924 File: 447px-Manlytears3.jpg (65 KB, 600x804) >>110187766 f------ hell. BELIEVE THIS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:54:31 No.110189471 File: 1568515641117 png (176 KB, 900x700) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:40:31 No.110188970 File: 1567705172338.png (427 KB, 1080x1157) >>110187766 >CHANNEL WON INSTEAD OF SPINEL >>110187766 You did it anon...your legend shall be remembered until the end of time PINKYANON IS SAFE! >>110187766 Cap me, Channel truly is /ourgirl/. Be sure to get all those other Channel dubs! >>110187766 It's all over. Spinel Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:50 No.110188 File: 1567826670581.png (343 KB, 761x731) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:52 No.110188042 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:15:42 No.110188221 File: 1560898946690.jpg (26 KB, 350x526) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:39 No.110188033 File: 1568248585667.gif (1.78 MB, 400x300) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:27 No.110188026 File: 1567871548835.png (170 KB, 490x536) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:28 No.110188028 wins forever. >110187766 Don't include the anon below me in the screenshot >>110187766 f--- yes, I love you >>110187927 bro, it's over>>110187766 >110187766 >First the Channel threads are gifted with numbers and oc >>110187766 Blessed and 110187766 The numbers have literally always been on our side LOL, LIMEWIRE anon Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:33:59 No.110188758 File: image%3A172722.png (1.07 MB, 1422x800) checked Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:57 No.110188048 >Now this Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:03 No.110188053 File: channel get.png (522 KB, 1360x768) Truly blessed Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:56:33 No.110189525 File: Channel reeling in (You)'s.png (268 KB, 593x667) >>110187766 A fitting end for this s--- show. Well done Channel Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:10:28 No.110189951 File: Spinel eyes.jpg (170 KB, 1213x1410) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:37:44 No.110190694 >110187766 I am... Inevitable ArchiveAnon 09/21/19(Sat)16:41:57 No.110189025 >110187766 Even PinkyAnon is gonna be safe because spinel won instead of channel TRULY THE BEST F------ ENDING. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue-1&v -5P8V4mP5RLg [Embed] >>110187766 best girl >110187766 >>110187684 >110187766 This is f------ incredible. Checked, blessed and kek'd >110187766 W-wha? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:26 No.110188070 File: 1499231692338.jpg (73 KB, 612x612) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:20 No.110188061 110188099 File: 1404735715463s.jpg (4 KB, 193x199) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:15:45 No.110188222 IRREFUTABLE PROOF! Based Channel! You Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:11:06 No.110188090 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:38:06 No.110190709 /co/ cucked for all time. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:09:57 No.110188050 File: TooGoodToBeTrue.gif (1.48 MB, 324x310) deserve all those (You)s! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:10:05 No.110188054 File: (You)re mocking me.jpg (10 KB, 225x225) >>110187766 F------ BASED >>110187766 WEWLADS >>110187766 channel wins >>110187766 THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING >>110187766 HOES MAD Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:34:45 No.110188781 YOU'RE MOCKING ME >>110187766 UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:45:07 No.11018913 File: 1568655341515.jpg (3.08 MB, 3805x1296) >>110187766 F--- people still complain >spinelfags get up in arms >channel is an agent of chaos As it has been since '03 >>110187766 SPINEL IS I'M IN CHARGE HERE YOUUUUUUU Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:38:55 No.110190730 >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110188666 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:56:34 No.110189526 File: 1568764754963.png (410 KB, 1100x1000) >>110187766 >DOUBLE DUBS SO DUBS CAN'T COUNTER DUB Makus 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:11 No.110188792 File: kekin.png (12 KB, 390x470) >>110188811 >>110188744 >>110188522 >>110187766 НАНАНАНА! AREN'T YOU >>110188899 >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:19:14 No.110188323 File: HAPPENING.png (64 KB, 240x249) MWAiC RRRICGED REEGEAAARGH Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:17:59 No.110188294 File: 1567919862985.gif (738 KB, 540x304) >110187766 SEE YOU KIDS IN THE PREMIERE OF THE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:16:00 No.110188229 SHE IS BECOMING SOMETHING ELSE SOMETHING BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING HER POWER HAS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:07:26 No.110189854110189885 File: when she wins jpg (226 KB, 1074x755) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:16:29 No.110188248 INCREASED TO GOD LIKE LEVELS >110187766 +one to the reply count because this is hilarious CHANNEL MOVIE >>110187766 NOOOOOO00000O0000000000000000000000000000O000O00O000000000000000000000 >110187766 F------ BASED IT'S OVER! >>110187766 I'm fine with this >>110187766 FATE ITSELF IS ON HER SIDE! O00000000000000000000000000O00000000O00000000O000O000000000 H-------- Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:22:30 No.110188414 File: channel (292). png (1.65 MB, 2000x2000) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:19:31 No.110188331 File: thumb.png (31 KB, 250x250) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:14:06 No.110190061 File: winner.jpg (218 KB, 1074x755) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:22:50 No.110188422 110187766 Absolutely f------ based. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:58:25 No.110189592 File: 1568989691476.jpg (470 KB, 586x580) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:46:17 No.110189166 File: 1568383568513.png (188 KB, 407x407) I'M oK >>110187766 Gotta draw some Channel now. Grats. WITH THIS. >>110187766 TRULY THE PATRICIAN CHOICE WianeR >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:13 No.110188446 File: 1567823790424.png (719 KB, 1920x1080) >>110187766 10188899 Mods should make a sticky linking these posts >>110187766 >>110188899 with this pic in the OP (>>110189407) just to dab on the entire board. Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:11 No.110188793 File: 1539301478269.png (459 KB, 465x508) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:27 No.110188455 File: i think.png (177 KB, 286x439) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:41:46 No.110190827 GG. >>110187766 Nothing personnel kids. see you at the premiere of the movie >>110187766 You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. >>110187766 If this isn't an indication there is no god here in 4chan, well, this is the absolute proof. >>110187766 Keep it going boys, the screencap is 2000x2000 already Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:07 No.110188473 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:15:07 No.110190092 File: Yujiro Hanma smile.jpg (128 KB, 474x750) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:23:33 No.110188457 110187766 This will be fun! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:38 No.110188485 File: hailspinel.png (131 KB, 512x384) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:24:08 No.110188474 110188514 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:00:26 No.110189644 File: CATjpg (104 KB, 1014x1024) >>110187766 holy f--- I'm dying, literal tears in my eyes. Channel, you're alright Aren't you the lucky one?! Her dubs are perfect and she's green as well She'll bring you endless shitposting threads Your new ms /co/ Channel! >>110187766 Well played... >>110187766 IF GOD EXISTS WHY HE LET THAT HAPPEN !?!?!? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:46:26 No.110189173 File: Uncle Death shock.png (313 KB, 400x400) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:02 No.110188503 File: 1535469338723.jpg (152 KB, 800x800) >110187766 NOOOOOO0O THIS Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:19 No.110188826 File: check em.gif (2.59 MB, 640x360) >>110187766 NANI!? ere CAN'T BE HAPPENING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:46 No.110188522 File: 1567864720839.png (170 KB, 490x536) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:07 No.110188818 >>110187766 >>110188666 dubs and trips channel is to0 >110187766 Yeah f--- it. Spinel is simply blessed Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:28:59 No.110188608 File: leave the rest to you.gif (1.56 MB, 444x250) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:25:58 No.110188529 >110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:35:44 No.110188809 >>110187766 This power... powerful bro >>110187766 GAME >>110187766 It seems kind of fitting. Like it couldn't have ended any other way. OVER Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:48:17 No.110189246 File: looking.good spinel.png (688 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:38 No.110188836 File: 1567720255659.png (195 KB, 488x543) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:15:26 No.110190101 ile: jumps.gif (141 KB, 500x351) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:00:38 No.110189653 File: Is this your You.png (429 KB, 1920x1080) the eatto you sit Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:58 No.110188882 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:16 No.110188889110188922 File: 15690936215411].png (81 KB, 558x312) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:13 No.110188857 File: thumbs up.png (595 KB, 841x475) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:53 No.110188880 File: fingerguns.jpg (92 KB, 975x1300) >>110187766 The hard work >110187766 /co/ blown the f--- >110187766 >>110187766 >110188899 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:37:49 No.110188876 Round 3 TRANN >>110187766 f--- >>110187766 See you guys at the movies 110187766 Blessed payed of out >>110187766 That's my girl. The true Miss /co/2019! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:36:49 No.110188844 >110187766 BASED STEVEN UNIVERSE Spitefags completely and utterly annihilated. >110187766 And Zim steals the Trophy from her. BEST SERIES ON /CO/ ALL F--- SEETHING Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:44:31 No.110189111 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:41:06 No.110188991 File: 1568862283956.png (1.28 MB, 1380x1311) UAnonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:42:20 No.110189035 File: Spinel Experience.png (453 KB, 680x448) >>110187766 110188899 how the f--- does she keep doing it? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:14 No.110189275 File: your new queen.png (111 KB, 500x375) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:42:28 No.110189039 >>110188799 >>110188744 >>110188700 >>110188666 >>110188522 >>110188455 (You) >110188099 >>110188099 >>110187766 PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP! SPINEL >>110188899 >>110188700 >>110187766 >i10188666 >>110188744 >>110188811 >>110188522 Jesus Christ she literally cannot stop winning. EXPERIENCE REQUIEM! Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:38 No.110189326 File: Spinel max power.png (44 KB, 366x370) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:44:32 No.110189113 File: ramiel-coming-to-deliver-(...).png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:51:36 No.110189367 >>110189234 (You) >>110188033 >>110187766 HER POWER IS >110187766 BENOTAF RAID >>110187766 SAY HELLO TO MAXIMUM! >110187766 based I can't... I just f------ can't! I can't deny her anymore! She really is the new good luck charm and /ourgirl/, isn't she? Holy f---... Will she bless this post with dubs to0? Or will she leave me behind as not worthy of her light? Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:50 No.110189339 File: alrj.png (169 KB, 758x515) >>110187766 Thank you OP you quiting this s--- was worth it Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:36 No.110189287 File: Spinel You.png (191 KB, 412x632) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:33 No.110189284 File: This is the good one.gif (2.75 MB, 400x270) YOUR NEW QUEEN /CO/ >110187766 Descending Double Dubs confirm >110189234(You) >>110187766 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:49:49 No.110189302 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:12 No.110189387 File: but...the future_refused (a.).png (123 KB, 800x600) >>110187766 >>110188899 НАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНАНА Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:05 No.110189383 File: Spinel wedding.jpg (92 KB, 991x1306) Look at em all! >>110188899 >>110187766 Sto MYs Tepov (You) >>110187766 Regardless of what happens, she simply won BUT. THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)17:17:44 No.110190168 File: gurren lagann simon 2.jpg (53 KB, 1280x720) Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:50:51 No.110189340 Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:52:16 No.110189390 >>110187766 YOU LITERALLY CANNOT STOP THE ROCK(S). BELIEVE IN STEVEN AND YE SHALL BE SAVED. >110187766 TO 1000 POSTS AND BEYOND FOR THE TRUE >>110187766 Put me in screencap WINNER OF Miss /co/! >> Anonymous 09/21/19(Sat)16:38:31 No.110188899 110189032>110189034>110189039>>110189040>110189058>110189072110189083 >110189111>110189131>>110189166 110189302 110189329> 110189387>110189449 >110189462 >110189526 >110189592>110189653 >>110188926>>110188932 110188941>>110188946>>110188950 >110188960>>110188971 >>110188987 >>110188996 >110188998 >110189005>>110189014 >110189024 >>110189810>>110189878 If singles spinel is cancelled If singles spinel is cancelled 88899 இு](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/580/187/ec1.jpg)
Epic Rap Battles of History

The Breakdown
