Dungeons and Dragons - Images
It's crazy how I don't use 90% of what I write. | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
My players have no healer | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Okay, technically they smite first and hug later, but it's still funny | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Glaives have the Reach property | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Better safe than sorry... | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Remember, saying thank you is a free action, but hugs should always be preceeded with a decent insig...
Dungeons and Dragons
I'm not crazy; YOU'RE CRAZY | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
I made this | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
You color them, right? | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
If I’m playing a Ranger in D&D, I’m always casting Good Berry | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
You just know what's coming | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
They're just so cool | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
My experience trying to bring my 3.5 playgroup into a new system. | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
It's for her own good, I swear! | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Hexagons | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
A deal is a deal. | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
That didn't last long | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Woohoo backflip | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Did not work the way he was hoping it wound | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons
Happens way too much | /r/dndmemes
Dungeons and Dragons