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Swedish People Don't Feed Their Guests refers to a viral debate surrounding the cultural custom of Swedish people not necessarily sharing their meals with their guests, especially unexpected visitors. Spawned by a Reddit comment that was later retweeted, the debate went viral on Twitter as it spawned jokes and memes, later developing into a larger discussion around the hashtag #SwedenGate.


On May 26th, 2022, Redditor[1] sebastian25525 created a thread in the /r/askreddit subreddit in which they asked others to share the weirdest things they had to do at someone else's house because of their culture or religion. In the thread, Redditor[2] Wowimatard replied with a story about how he, as a child, was not invited to eat with the others at his Swedish friend's house, but instead left to wait in the room. In the same thread, Redditor[3] TeaRaveler shared a similar story about not being invited to breakfast at his friend's house. The replies received over 30,700 and 13,800 upvotes in five days, respectively.

Later on May 26th, 2022, Twitter[4] user @SamQari posted a screenshot of Wowimatard and TeaRaveler's replies, with the tweet gaining over 21,200 retweets, 27,600 quote tweets and 127,300 likes in five days (screenshot and tweet shown below, left and right).

r/AskReddit u/sebastian25525 • 12h 1 1 1 2 1 1532 18 NSFW What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else's house because of their culture/religion? 10.6k 5274 ↑ Share Award BEST COMMENTS V Wowimatard . 8h 3 Awards I remember going to my swedish friends house. And while we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to WAIT in his room while they ate. That s--- was f------ wild. ... Reply 10.4k Tea Raveler.2h I slept over at a friends house. When we woke up, he said hes going downstairs for a few minutes. After about 15 minutes I go on the stairs to see w-- is happening and they're eating breakfast. They see me and tell me hes almost done and will be up there soon. I still think about that s--- 25 years later. ... 548
Seeker @SamQari Not here to judge but I don't understand this. How're you going to eat without inviting your friend? r/AskReddit u/sebastian25525 • 12h 121 1 1 1 3 2 NSFW What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else's house because of their culture/religion? 10.6k 5274 ↑ Share Award BEST COMMENTS ✓ Wowimatard . 8h 3 Awards I remember going to my swedish friends house. And while we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to WAIT in his room while they ate. That s--- was f------ wild. Reply 10.4k TeaRaveler.2h I slept over at a friends house. When we woke up, he said hes going downstairs for a few minutes. After about 15 minutes I go on the stairs to see w-- is happenin and they eating breakfast. They see me and tell me hes almost done and will be up there soon. I still think about that s--- 25 years later. 548 12:54 PM . May 26, 2022 Twitter for iPhone


While posted on May 26th, 2022, the thread did not go viral until May 28th. On that day, several Swedish users on Twitter replied to the post, describing the phenomenon as a normal occurrence in Sweden, particularly when the guests are unexpected. Other users proceeded to roast the replies[5][6][7] (several humorous exchanges are shown below), further promoting awareness of the custom.

Elliot 8 days till summer @ranbitties. May 28 As a Swede I wouldn't say this is really a culture thing. It has more to do with when guests come unsuspected and there isn't enough food for everyone. We only make enough food we think we will eat. Otherwise they eat with the family. (At least in my experience) 665 12,566 2,967 ↑ Istredd109 @Dave G80010705 Replying to @ranbitties and @SamQari How the f--- do people in poor countries have enough food for guests but Swedes don't? Lmao. 10:32 AM May 28, 2022. Twitter for iPhone
Cecilia Dahlsjö @CDahlsjo. May 28 This was the way we did it when I grew up. I thought it was super normal until I came to the UK and they were appalled! One of my friends didn't have a lot of money so if there were leftovers we let her have some AFTER we had finished 234 2,790 2,019 Vinylshark @vinylshark Replying to @CDahlsjo and @SamQari "Yeah, we're done eating. You can scramble together the bits left on the dishes and eat them" so generous of you. 10:04 PM · May 28, 2022. Twitter for Android
Carl william @carlwilliamkul1 . May 28 As a Swede i can confirm this, i would say the second case with no breakfast is very weird but the first one is very normal and i would find it weird to feed someone elses kid if they just over to play. Sleepover for sure they get food. 135 1764 877 La Gonsadera @Lgoncontre Replying to @carlwilliamkul1 and @SamQari what zero sun does to a mf 6:00 AM - May 29, 2022 Twitter for iPhone

On May 28th, Twitter[8] user @sighyam posted the earliest found viral meme based on the post, a video caption meme that gained over 6,900 retweets and 45,400 likes in three days (shown below).

On May 29th, 2022, Twitter[9] user @lovettejallow created a thread about the custom, sharing her personal experience growing up as a kid in Sweden (shown below). The first tweet received over 5,000 retweets and 58,800 likes prior to the account being set to private.

Lovette @lovettejallow Laughing at twitter finding out that Swedish people will not feed strangers as a kid growing up here we knew to just go home around dinner time. On the flipside my mom would feed Swedish kids though. 3:53 PM . May 29, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 5,077 Retweets 2,522 Quote Tweets 58.8K Likes Lovette @lovettejallow 21h Replying to @lovettejallow Swedes are an antisocial and weird lot. Alot of foul things are just accepted as "normal". Not feeding your kids friends is one of those things. 37 710 10.9K Lovette @lovettejallow 21h I found out the hard way when I came to sweden at age 11. Went to a friends house for the first time playing and their mom calls them for dinner. Mind you when this friend was at my house my mom would dish out some Gambian food for them as well. Which they ate gladly. 23 510 9,510 Lovette @lovettejallow. 21h As I trailed behind my friend heading for the dinner table, the mom sternly told me I was allowed to wait and play with the toys in my friends room until dinner was done let me just say The swedes are not well at all.

In late May 2022, the phenomenon became a subject of jokes and memes as users shared them online, primarily on Twitter. Additionally, the discussion developed into a larger #SwedenGate discussion pertaining to Sweden's historic role in colonialism.[10][11]

Various Examples

flglmn @flglmn swedish people don't feed their guests IGN @IGN May 27 Hayden Christensen said 6 words at Star Wars Celebration and sent the crowd wild. bit.ly/3yZ6YNN 10:16 AM · May 29, 2022 Twitter for iPhone .
joel @JoelESvensson This is what we in Sweden call the "waiting chamber" where friends of kids wait during dinner while visiting. Just wanted to clear some things up as news of this phenomenon has gone global shutterstock.com 1048910609 4:53 PM - May 29, 2022. Twitter for Android :
kesh @12bitbunny Swedish ppl don't feed their guests? Explain this then sweetie!!! 11:08 AM - May 30, 2022 Twitter for iPhone

Rothnik @wahid182 Me on my way to my Swedish friend's house: landing

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Swedish People Don't Feed Their Guests / #SwedenGate meme and trend depicting a nordic family eating dinner.

Swedish People Don't Feed Their Guests / #SwedenGate

Updated May 31, 2022 at 12:22PM EDT by Zach.

Added May 31, 2022 at 08:18AM EDT by Philipp.

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Swedish People Don't Feed Their Guests refers to a viral debate surrounding the cultural custom of Swedish people not necessarily sharing their meals with their guests, especially unexpected visitors. Spawned by a Reddit comment that was later retweeted, the debate went viral on Twitter as it spawned jokes and memes, later developing into a larger discussion around the hashtag #SwedenGate.


On May 26th, 2022, Redditor[1] sebastian25525 created a thread in the /r/askreddit subreddit in which they asked others to share the weirdest things they had to do at someone else's house because of their culture or religion. In the thread, Redditor[2] Wowimatard replied with a story about how he, as a child, was not invited to eat with the others at his Swedish friend's house, but instead left to wait in the room. In the same thread, Redditor[3] TeaRaveler shared a similar story about not being invited to breakfast at his friend's house. The replies received over 30,700 and 13,800 upvotes in five days, respectively.

Later on May 26th, 2022, Twitter[4] user @SamQari posted a screenshot of Wowimatard and TeaRaveler's replies, with the tweet gaining over 21,200 retweets, 27,600 quote tweets and 127,300 likes in five days (screenshot and tweet shown below, left and right).

r/AskReddit u/sebastian25525 • 12h 1 1 1 2 1 1532 18 NSFW What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else's house because of their culture/religion? 10.6k 5274 ↑ Share Award BEST COMMENTS V Wowimatard . 8h 3 Awards I remember going to my swedish friends house. And while we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to WAIT in his room while they ate. That s--- was f------ wild. ... Reply 10.4k Tea Raveler.2h I slept over at a friends house. When we woke up, he said hes going downstairs for a few minutes. After about 15 minutes I go on the stairs to see w-- is happening and they're eating breakfast. They see me and tell me hes almost done and will be up there soon. I still think about that s--- 25 years later. ... 548 Seeker @SamQari Not here to judge but I don't understand this. How're you going to eat without inviting your friend? r/AskReddit u/sebastian25525 • 12h 121 1 1 1 3 2 NSFW What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else's house because of their culture/religion? 10.6k 5274 ↑ Share Award BEST COMMENTS ✓ Wowimatard . 8h 3 Awards I remember going to my swedish friends house. And while we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to WAIT in his room while they ate. That s--- was f------ wild. Reply 10.4k TeaRaveler.2h I slept over at a friends house. When we woke up, he said hes going downstairs for a few minutes. After about 15 minutes I go on the stairs to see w-- is happenin and they eating breakfast. They see me and tell me hes almost done and will be up there soon. I still think about that s--- 25 years later. 548 12:54 PM . May 26, 2022 Twitter for iPhone


While posted on May 26th, 2022, the thread did not go viral until May 28th. On that day, several Swedish users on Twitter replied to the post, describing the phenomenon as a normal occurrence in Sweden, particularly when the guests are unexpected. Other users proceeded to roast the replies[5][6][7] (several humorous exchanges are shown below), further promoting awareness of the custom.

Elliot 8 days till summer @ranbitties. May 28 As a Swede I wouldn't say this is really a culture thing. It has more to do with when guests come unsuspected and there isn't enough food for everyone. We only make enough food we think we will eat. Otherwise they eat with the family. (At least in my experience) 665 12,566 2,967 ↑ Istredd109 @Dave G80010705 Replying to @ranbitties and @SamQari How the f--- do people in poor countries have enough food for guests but Swedes don't? Lmao. 10:32 AM May 28, 2022. Twitter for iPhone Cecilia Dahlsjö @CDahlsjo. May 28 This was the way we did it when I grew up. I thought it was super normal until I came to the UK and they were appalled! One of my friends didn't have a lot of money so if there were leftovers we let her have some AFTER we had finished 234 2,790 2,019 Vinylshark @vinylshark Replying to @CDahlsjo and @SamQari "Yeah, we're done eating. You can scramble together the bits left on the dishes and eat them" so generous of you. 10:04 PM · May 28, 2022. Twitter for Android Carl william @carlwilliamkul1 . May 28 As a Swede i can confirm this, i would say the second case with no breakfast is very weird but the first one is very normal and i would find it weird to feed someone elses kid if they just over to play. Sleepover for sure they get food. 135 1764 877 La Gonsadera @Lgoncontre Replying to @carlwilliamkul1 and @SamQari what zero sun does to a mf 6:00 AM - May 29, 2022 Twitter for iPhone

On May 28th, Twitter[8] user @sighyam posted the earliest found viral meme based on the post, a video caption meme that gained over 6,900 retweets and 45,400 likes in three days (shown below).

On May 29th, 2022, Twitter[9] user @lovettejallow created a thread about the custom, sharing her personal experience growing up as a kid in Sweden (shown below). The first tweet received over 5,000 retweets and 58,800 likes prior to the account being set to private.

Lovette @lovettejallow Laughing at twitter finding out that Swedish people will not feed strangers as a kid growing up here we knew to just go home around dinner time. On the flipside my mom would feed Swedish kids though. 3:53 PM . May 29, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 5,077 Retweets 2,522 Quote Tweets 58.8K Likes Lovette @lovettejallow 21h Replying to @lovettejallow Swedes are an antisocial and weird lot. Alot of foul things are just accepted as "normal". Not feeding your kids friends is one of those things. 37 710 10.9K Lovette @lovettejallow 21h I found out the hard way when I came to sweden at age 11. Went to a friends house for the first time playing and their mom calls them for dinner. Mind you when this friend was at my house my mom would dish out some Gambian food for them as well. Which they ate gladly. 23 510 9,510 Lovette @lovettejallow. 21h As I trailed behind my friend heading for the dinner table, the mom sternly told me I was allowed to wait and play with the toys in my friends room until dinner was done let me just say The swedes are not well at all.

In late May 2022, the phenomenon became a subject of jokes and memes as users shared them online, primarily on Twitter. Additionally, the discussion developed into a larger #SwedenGate discussion pertaining to Sweden's historic role in colonialism.[10][11]

Various Examples

flglmn @flglmn swedish people don't feed their guests IGN @IGN May 27 Hayden Christensen said 6 words at Star Wars Celebration and sent the crowd wild. bit.ly/3yZ6YNN 10:16 AM · May 29, 2022 Twitter for iPhone . joel @JoelESvensson This is what we in Sweden call the "waiting chamber" where friends of kids wait during dinner while visiting. Just wanted to clear some things up as news of this phenomenon has gone global shutterstock.com 1048910609 4:53 PM - May 29, 2022. Twitter for Android : kesh @12bitbunny Swedish ppl don't feed their guests? Explain this then sweetie!!! 11:08 AM - May 30, 2022 Twitter for iPhone
Rothnik @wahid182 Me on my way to my Swedish friend's house: landing

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El Lugubre
El Lugubre

Up until now, questioning cultural norms was seen as a form of racism/colonialism/whathaveyouism
"You cannot say that eating living monkey brain is disgusting!"
"You cannot judge how they punish their children!"
"You cannot say their customs are weird!"

Screw that. Culture should be questioned, no matter the origin, and what practices mean to their people. Not every ritual and custom is made equal. I hope this helps normalize being more critical of such matters.


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