Sweet Jesus Face
Part of a series on Rage Comics. [View Related Entries]

Sweet Jesus Face is a rage comic face that is often used to express overwhelming yearning or enjoyment. It bears many similarities with the rage comic Me Gusta face.
The face originally appeared in a comic titled Nobody is Right[3] that was shared on deviantArt on September 16th, 2008 by the user 3-Angled-Blue.

It was used in an exploitable comic titled Troll Bait made by user "Strongside" of the Facepunch studio boards on March 5th, 2009.[1]

The smile was flipped upside down, and the left eye pupil was moved to the far side of the eye to make the "sweet jesus" version. This version was first posted to Reddit by user "Volco" titled "Sweet Jesus Have Mercy!"[2] on February 5th, 2011. It was a multi-pane rage comic about the feeling of being really hungry, and finally having pizza arrive.

Due to the similarity to Me Gusta, the use of the Sweet Jesus face has been a matter of contention within the Reddit f7u12 community. A common argument is that Me Gusta should be reserved for enjoyment in something perverted, dirty or just strange, while Sweet Jesus should be used to express a more general sense of intense pleasure.

Search queries for "sweet jesus face" and "sweet jesus have mercy" picked up in March 2011, one month after the face first appeared on Reddit.
External References
[1] Facepunch Studios Forum – Photoshop Troll-Bait Fight
[2] Reddit – Sweet Jesus Have Mercy! / 2/5/2011
[3] deviantArt – Nobody is Right
Top Comment
Necro910: That Krieger Dude
Feb 17, 2012 at 04:15PM EST