Sweetie Belle Derelle
Part of a series on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. [View Related Entries]

Sweetie Belle Derelle is an exploitable reaction image featuring the character Sweetie Belle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with her eyes pointed in opposite directions and her mouth opened wide. The image is usually used to derail a forum or image board thread, also known as thread jacking, by spamming the thread full of pictures of Sweetie Derelle, often including repetitive capitalized "A"s.
On June 19th, 2011, an image of Sweetie Derelle was posted to Ponychan's /oat/ board[1] as a reaction face. Other users began commenting on it, and the entire thread was filled with reposts and variations of the original image.

Sweetie Belle
The Sweetie Belle[2] character in MLP is a young school-aged unicorn that has no cutie mark or magical powers yet due to her age. She is the younger sister of main character Rarity, is portrayed as somewhat dimwitted and often stares blankly. Her first major role was in the episode "Call of the Cutie"[3] which aired on January 7th, 2011.

The image is widely used on Ponychan's boards where it has been given the name "Sweetie Derelle", a name given in its origin thread by user Ghosties. The name is a play on how it is used to derail threads.

The Sweetie Derelle exploitable has been used as the logo graphic for the RainbowDash Network.[4]

Original Image
The image of Sweetie Belle comes from a drawing created by deviantART user thedarklordkeisha[5] titled "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP". The drawing shows Sweetie Belle annoying Rarity while she is working on a dress.
Notable Derivatives

External Links
[1] Ponychan – Ponies!? / 6/19/2011
[2] MLP Wiki – Sweetie Belle
[3] MLP Wiki – Call of the Cutie
[5] deviantART – "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" / 6-17-2011
Top Comments
Sep 30, 2011 at 11:20PM EDT
Jul 26, 2013 at 09:45PM EDT