Sweet Apple Massacre (My Little Pony Fanfiction)
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Sweet Apple Massacre is a grimdark fanfiction set in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (MLP: FiM), in which the colt Big Macintosh rapes and murders the juvenile Cutie Mark Crusader ponies. The story bears many similarities to another infamous MLP:FiM fanfiction Cupcakes, in which the pony Rainbow Dash is viciously murdered by her friend Pinkie Pie.
On June 28th, 2011, the story "Sweet Apple Massacre" was submitted to the fanfiction archive site Fanfiction.net[2] by user bigmacintosh20111. In the story, the MLP:FiM colt Big Macintosh kidnaps the ponies Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and proceeds to torture, rape and disembowel them. The story was subsequently removed from Fanfiction.net for violating the terms of service, but has since been reposted on several other websites.

On July 1st, 2011, the Pony Fiction Archive forums[9] member De Magics claimed to be the author of "Sweet Apple Massacre" in a thread about sexual MLP: FiC fanfictions called "clopfics." On July 5th, the fanfiction review blog Harpseal2[6] posted a review of the story, claiming that it had "sucessfully overturned Cupcakes in the worst fanfiction section." On September 5th, a Facebook[10] page for "Sweet Apple Massacre (Fanfic)" was created, which received 190 likes within nine months.

On September 21st, an entry for "Sweet Apple Massacre" was created on the database TVTropes[5], which listed elements of the story as an example of the "High Octane Nightmare Fuel", "Complete Monster" and "EyeScream" tropes. On October 16th, YouTuber MicTheMicrophoneZero uploaded a dramatic reading of the fanfiction in two parts (shown below). The same day, the reading was submitted to the MLP: FiM grimdark subreddit /r/MyLittleNoSleep[4] in a post titled "Oh… God… Dramatic reading of 'Sweet Apple Massacre'." On February 7th, 2012, DeviantArt user Bleedingraptorclaw submitted a poll titled "Which grimdark My Little Pony FIM fanfic is the worst?"[7], which listed "Sweet Apple Massacre" as the top answer.
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External References
[1] TVTropes – Sweet Apple Massacre
[2] Fanfiction.net – Sweet Apple Massacre (removed)
[3] Pony Fiction Archive – bigmacintosh20111
[4] Reddit – Oh… God… Dramatic reading of "Sweet Apple Massacre" [NSFW AS HELL]
[5] TV Tropes – Fanfic – Sweet Apple Massacre
[6] HarpSeal2 Blog – Sweet Apple Massacre
[7] DeviantArt – Which grimdark MY Little Pony FIM fanfic is the worst?
[8] DeviantArt – Sweet Apple Massacre#
[9] Pony Fiction Archive – Oh god, WHY
[10] Facebook – Sweet Apple Massacre
Top Comments
Mr. Mediocre
Jun 03, 2012 at 01:17AM EDT
Sep 22, 2011 at 05:45AM EDT