The Wisdom Juice Is Kicking In
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The Wisdom Juice Is Kicking In is a memorable quote uttered by YouTuber Jaiden Animations in her video "What my trip to Japan was like". Online, the scene is used as a reaction image to express feelings of intelligence.
On December 23rd, 2018, Jaiden Animations uploaded the video "What my trip to Japan was like" in which she details her trip to Japan in October of that year. At one point, she tells about a shrine where people collect water from three waterfalls representing "long life", "wisdom" or "love" and drink from the waterfall of their choosing. The water they choose, according to beliefs, grants them that particular power, but they may only drink from one. Later in the video, after drinking from the "wisdom" waterfall, Jaiden says that she nearly got on the wrong subway in Japan, remarking, "Heh heh. The wisdom juice is kicking in," accompanied by an scene of her with a third eye on her forehead. Within two years, the video received over 22 million views (shown below).
Redditors soon began sharing a screenshot of the scene on various subreddits. On December 24th, 2018, Redditor Zee_Arr_Tee shared a version in the /r/dankmemes [1] subreddit with the caption, "When you snort a pound of cocaine and finally understand what the big chungus memes actually mean." The post received more than 16,000 points (95% upvoted) and 150 comments in less than two years (shown below, left). That day, Redditor bankstaX shared a variation in /r/dankmemes[2] with the caption, "When you drink the magic 8 ball liquid to predict the future and predict that you will die." The post received more than 10,000 points (96% upvoted) and 110 comments in less than two years (shown below, center).
Over the next year, the people continued to share the meme in various contexts. On January 8th, 2019, Redditor duglas2948 shared a variation in the /r/PewdiepieSubmissions[3] with the caption, "When you realize that this meme format is highly exploitable and can get thousands of upvotes" (example below, right). The post received more than 4,200 points (93% upvoted) in less than two years.
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Oct 26, 2020 at 12:06PM EDT
Princeso Bubblegum
Oct 27, 2020 at 02:28PM EDT