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Time Paradox is a memetic catchphrase used on images depicicting things that would otherwise be impossible without time-travel, most frequently pictures with 2 or more of the same character in them. It is also a popular phrase used to comment on such occurences on sites such as Youtube and Tumblr.
The phrase originates from the PS2 video game Metal Gear Solid 3, a prequel to the previous games set 40 years in the past. If the player is to kill Major Ocelot, a major character who shows up in the other games, the game ends, with the game over screen having the character of Colonel Campbell saying "Snake, you can't do that! You've changed history. You've created a Time Paradox!".
However, An overblown version of the line is used in some youtube poops Like this one here: Usually involving an implosion or explosion of some sort.
Quite similar to the division of zero meme, just not as popular.